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Everything posted by Numerikuu

  1. 10/10, 100/10, best update, bestest update 💖
  2. Been using him since he released in 2014. Needless to say, it's another fine rework from Pablo 💯👌
  3. Thank you, Pablo. His rework is amazing 💖 (and thanks to the audio team for touching up his ability sounds too! 🥰)
  4. That should be fine. The only kinds of 'account interaction' that is typically a no no in online games are ones involving currency or item exchanges, though usually the former. Anything that can potentially upset DE's bottom line basically.
  5. While I didn't say my piece on the forums, I did say my piece over on Pablo's Twitter thread when he asked for our feedback. Personally I feel like he more than listened to the feedback provided, and did the best he could with the time constraints. Hydroid was lacking in survivability (sure, he has brief moments of invincibility, if you have the energy for it) and Undertow had many issues with it, despite its uniqueness. I feel Pablo recognised this and went with the best option which was to remove Undertow and replace it with not only a survivability skill, but also a damage buff as well. Couldn't have asked for more personally. Also the added manoeuvrability for Tidal Surge? I could smooch you Pablo 🥰 really looking forward to trying out his rework tomorrow!
  6. I'll both miss and not miss Undertow. Miss it because of its uniqueness, not miss it because it did not match Warframe's core gameplay speed and style at all. There was too much wrong with it and too much that needed to be fixed and changed. The damage ramp-up took too long. The energy cost was painful. It didn't vacuum, so your screen would end up cluttered with loot thus preventing you from being able to properly aim to drag things in with your tentacle grab. Last but not least, Surging from it would release all enemies (when it wasn't supposed to) meaning all that time spent ramping up tick damage from water pressure was wasted. Personally, after seeing what it has been replaced with? I won't be missing it. Same for his passive ability (which was imo one of the worst in game next to Frosty boi.) I'm really looking forward to trying out his new 3/augment in the coming days, along with everything else. P.S: I wished when we crouched we'd turn into the Undertow puddle instead, just as a little visual keepsake of the old ability :')
  7. Bumping for Pablo, since he's requesting people's feedback via Twitter 👀
  8. This really. Elude is always the ability I replace. Currently I'm using Coil Horizon (used to use Pull before the range nerf) which procs Archon Stretch, and gathers enemies up for Lull. Speaking of, I find it funny that Lull is Baruuk's ability yet imo I find that Ash has more use for it than the frame it was originally meant for. The only thing it's good for on Baruuk is Restraint degradation.
  9. High brightness levels would do that. He looked like his usual self on my end.
  10. 100% this. It's honestly getting just a tad too much now imo. Time to flesh out and marry together the content that's already in game. God knows it's needed it for years now.
  11. Me, a Hydroid main: In all seriousness though, I get you. I'd feel the same way if I had Inaros as a pick. As for a terrible prediction: Dominus Thrax is another version of Rell.
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