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Posts posted by ZcudFury

  1. On 2018-08-13 at 1:36 AM, Pineapples_on_Pizza said:

    Same happened to me on the last door with 6 pods so i just jumped in to the bottomless pit to try and see if something happens. The door didn't open but quest somehow completed on its own without me actually destroying the pods so if anyone has this problem you can try this weird method.


    On 2018-08-14 at 5:48 AM, Hyundai_Driver said:

    I just did what you did and it worked to some degree, just being away from that area seemed to let them "kill" the enemies themselves.

    I did the same thing. I used rhino for this. 1st time for the pods. i did the stomp and jumped in the pit. and it was counted as done. For killing the enemies also same thing. Did like 2 stomps near the door, so they take some damage, then jumped again in a pit and the mission was done. I think you can take any frame that does aoe dmg and just jump in a pit.

    you can try this  😉

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