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Everything posted by (PSN)SolarPhantom82

  1. They will never make trading more convenient, That would mean they would make less money, Believe it or not there’s a lot of players who don’t engage with the trading system but instead spend money, There’s just no business sense in improving it, DE are not the saints of video game development trust me. or we still wouldn’t be dealing with build time gates, They are a business. And as a free to play a game, their model is still okay, Even though literally everything in the game is monetised. It’s still mostly paid to skip, pay for convenience, And after looking at Diablo 4s cash shop I really can’t complain.
  2. Thank you. This is definitely my issue with it., People trying to undermine players frustration with claims of well it’s How the story worked out and lore this is that. Skipping so much of the war wasn’t a lore choice by DE. It was a development production choice. It was the easier option.. and by far the most unsatisfying for the player. We wanted to use all our cool weapons, our Warframes, And all that cool stuff we’ve been grinding for years, Instead, we got some grumpy Luke skywalker , ( drifter,) A character we hadn’t even met yet, A tiny bit of dead space and splinter cells, and a whole lot of renewed assets, the sentients became the lawnmower man. ( Narma )Because apparently throwing a facemask, on something makes it different. if you’re going to make us lose a War to some AI robots. Please make it like terminator one and two. 😀
  3. Maybe we should’ve spent four hours of the quest hiding in a cave, discussing war strategy, But that wouldn’t be fun now would it? Again, “all out war” is a little different to hide and seek.
  4. That’s the biggest thing that frustrates me about the new war, Quest. We were supposed to be at “war” against the sentient. Instead, we were playing hide and seek against the Narmer, Even the sentients being the main villain, were a blat and switch, was supposed to be fighting the lotus. They last big hype trailer has us pinned against her. Crying our faces off. The clipart has her leading the sentient attack, Some may claim artistic license, But this was just building up false expectations of what to expect in the update itself.
  5. Name of the post is How is that plot for you? For me since the new war and up to now the story is unfocused , too confusing, has plot contrivances that allows anything to be possible, and I am no longer interested in it, It is subjective .
  6. An epic war, where the tennio take on the dangerous threat. That was the sentence. . That’s what was built up, But 40 minutes into the quest. The sentence are an afterthought., The sentence should’ve been some reaper mass effect level threat that wiped out the galaxy, What we got was Nama. An uninterest sub enemies that even DE have moved on from, Great War ,
  7. I understand that the drifter was what we got instead, But this basically means that anything DE reveals or says they’re gonna do it subject to change. Everything about Duviri, changed from its reveal. And definitely not for the better. Obviously things change in development. But what we got was completely different. so my point stands, we never got adult operators. But then again, we never got a “war” in the new war either.
  8. When I say asset flip, I mean it literally, Duviri s assets will be used in Soul frame,
  9. Being that soul frame. Shares the same engine as war frame,. Duviri Was created, so the Devs could create assets for soul frame, the combat, animations, the coloured trees, etc Basically, Duvirir was an asset flip. For soul frame. It’s really disrespectful when you think about it. Even advertising soul frame during war frame 10 year anniversary. Antenna con , this ain’t Soulcoin Steve,.
  10. I remember that trailer now The Lotus in her sentient form And in the background, a huge amount of sentience. And you getting ready to face off against all of them. In an actual war. lol. They really doubled down with that years Tenniocoin , showing the three perspectives of the “war,” Which was only about 45 minutes of the quest. Then it was everything from hide and seek to prison break.
  11. If two events. With almost no story in them. And one being ridiculously broken when launched Scarlet spear. Which also gave us the fake squad link which was promoted at tenniocoin 2019. If that’s the year of new war. You must be easily pleased. They also said that , after they had failed to release it for Christmas 2019,. And it was delayed another two years by the way. I just don’t think the particularly good at managing their development schedule , As for the story goes , In the war with quest, I drank the Kuva, This was supposed to be a meaningful choice. Hasn’t been brought up since.
  12. If you think Scarlet Spear and Orphic venom. Were the war thats was advertised, you’re out of touch with what the average warframe player was expecting, Somewhere along the way the Dave realise they don’t have the resources. And the more linear path., there’s a reason half the player base left after the new Quest ,,,
  13. Don’t get me wrong. I completely checked out when they release Duviri, Took six months off the game, Although I don’t, particularly like the story direction, Getting back to Warframe gameplay with what is probably the best tile set have have ever released, And some nice quality of life improvements and I’m enjoying the game again. Rebecca took over after the new war, because so many players had left the game upper management, felt it was time to start working on a new project, For me personally I think so many players left because players were expecting a war. Not a love quarrel.
  14. And now we can throw in time travel, just a really Throw the plot out of whack. Since Rebecca has taken over. The plot is moving towards fantasy more than sci-fi..
  15. Yeah, the same. After the new war, supposed to be an actual war. Which turned out being a love drama, which would give us Nama. Which would turn out to be nothing burger., Then we get multiple dimensions , and now time travel, not addressing whatever the lotus did to the man in the wall, ( we think ) what happened to the sentence? The big, scary reaper styled enemy., that was so cool, The story has become some serious bad fanfic , just stringing players along to whatever DE want to do next, with no thought of consistency or coherency. Now every tile set has a new faction. With no connection to the overall world whatsoever.. remember how we’re supposed to be getting adult operators Remember how we’re supposed to be fighting the Lotus in the new war Remember the lotus,s mother, supposedly coming to play. what about the plot hole in the new wall where the Tenno ( singular ) gets vanished. Like there’s more than one, WTF. With them updating the story so little you would think they could at least keep it focused. Now we have extremely annoying talking animals, This is the definition of the writing style called, fly by the seat of pants.
  16. Yeah. Maybe because I’ve been watching a lot of Korean dramas lately , But the writing was pretty terrible Fanfic levels. I think people think it’s good because those well voice acted, But if they read it, they would be like WTF.
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