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Posts posted by Malice

  1. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I expect abilities to have some use somewhere, not be useless everywhere.

    What you expect isn't what it is. So if you want Vauban's entire kit to have usage, you're gonna have to wait until DE decides to universally buff or rework every first and second abilities of each Warframes, otherwise, it's a fact some are going to get left out in the dust. Until then, some frames are going to get the short end of the stick and players have to deal with it, be it using augments or any other way.

  2. 18 minutes ago, [DE]Helen said:


    We know you’ve been looking forward to the upcoming Beasts of Sanctuary Update! Don’t worry - we won’t keep you waiting much longer. The update won’t be released today, but you can still expect it later this week! There are just a few more things we want to whip into shape.

    Get ready for Sanctuary Onslaught and Khora… It’s going to be kavatastic! (couldn’t help myself)

    Thanks for your patience, Tenno!

    "There are just a few more things we want to whip into shape."

    Ahem, you guys into that stuff as well? Well then, continue your kinky fantasies.

  3. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    If the majority of people don’t find a Warframes ability worth their time building for or using. It is 100% the frames fault

    News flash. There are many other frames that have abilities majority of people don't build for nor use.

  4. If anything, I feel like her Molecular Prime deserves a unique augment that changes how it functions rather than affecting the ability itself. A few ideas that comes to mind.

    1) Augment changes Molecular Prime to be cast inwards instead of outwards and pulls enemies towards you. +Str would pull them slower and -Str would pull them faster as per current Slowva/Speedva builds.

    2) Augment causes Molecular Prime to be cast in a stagnated dome form instead of expanding and causes enemies to be slowed and take Blast damage when they come into contact with the dome.

    3) Augment causes any enemy to be killed whilst primed from Molecular Prime, returns a certain percentage of either energy / hp / shield / overshield / ammo to yourself and allies, similar to Volt's Capacitance or Trinity's Vampire Leech.

    4) Augment enables Molecular Prime to deal more damage the longer the enemy has been primed or remained primed, at the cost of speed modification (enemies don't get slowed or speeded up).

    5) Augment enables Molecular Prime to strip a % of armor from enemies (same old armor stripping augments)

    These are just some random ideas I cooked up on the spot, pardon the lack of details or thought put into it. Just a general gist of what came to mind.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Checht said:

    Wow, talk about an emotional response.

    It seems that you regard Dynasty Warriors as being closer to Warframe in terms of gameplay. Let me use it as an example then.

    Imagine Dynasty Warriors giving you permanently full Musou bar, and you have to consciously avoid using it if you still want to have fun with Normal and Heavy attack combos. Is it still a good game design then? Hacking-and-slashing hordes of enemies with button combos is Dynasty Warriors' main gameplay design, with the ability to unleash flashy Musou attacks occasionally. Giving you permanently full Musou bar completely replaces the need for Normal and Heavy attacks.

    Same thing with Warframe, killing hordes of enemies by gunning and slashing with acrobatics was the main gameplay design, until a large boost in energy economy which allows spamming CC or Invis (analogue to Musou) replaces the need for acrobatic movements. I just don't want a permanently full Musou bar.

    Warframe has been ever-changing from its inception, so I wouldn't take the authority to speak on behalf on DE on how they want Warframe to be. I'll just say I see this as a positive change as my feedback to DE. Nerfing these abilities wouldn't turn it into a hardcore survival game. It just nerfs the spammability in turning enemies into brain-dead targets (placing a limit on your Musou bar, if you will). Warframe started without the means to spam abilities when the energy economy was poor before Focus 1.0, and players were doing fine. Boosting the energy economy is good in the sense that it allows players more freedom to approach the enemies, but some abilities that were not meant to be spammed were made spammable too. Instead of nerfing the energy economy and thus nerfing all ability usage, I'm advocating for nerfing specifically on spammability of large AoE CC and invis/invin.

    For all the insults and rants on me being "selfish" and wanting the community to conform to me, I really need to ask you one question. Do you understand the concept of a feedback forum?

    Let me try a different approach and try to be civil here and see if everything I've said thus far still makes the same sense. Maybe you didn't catch my drift from all the sarcasm.

    I am so glad you mentioned "Giving you permanently full Musou bar completely replaces the need for Normal and Heavy attacks.". because if you actually played the game to an extent and knew the most common build, it essentially gave you a near infinite true musou as long as you hit an enemy. And guess what? That was the build everyone else aimed to achieve as soon as possible, for a very good reason too. Who wouldn't!?

    But all at the same as mentioned before, the true musou builds players used didn't affect anyone else who wanted to button mash with combos, they could play their style, we could play our style, no issues. You simply switch builds without affecting anyone else, not even in Co-op. Whatever you did with your own character was solely your responsibility and yours alone, it wouldn't change the game for anyone else.

    In Warframe on the other hand, representing a nerf from your point in case affects every other player universally be it casual, hardcore or veteran players, not you alone. 
    Hence why I mentioned, if DE could simply implement the nerfs you want on specifically only your account, that would be fantastic. But as far as I know, it has never happened nor do I believe it will ever happen.

    Let me put in even simpler terms, Warframe is a pve game, challenges can be found easily if you look hard enough. If you feel energy is in abundance now and it is affecting your quality of gameplay, then you do something about it. As it is, whatever is in the game is free to be made use of, hence players would play how they want to play, and according to what has been said by other players and in this forums thus far, representing a nerf on your end absolutely does not represent what THEY want. If you still think that your feedback is universally accepted, I suggest you to clean your eyes.

    Once again, if only DE could implement the nerfs you want on specifically only your account, that would solve everything right now. Because clearly in your feedback, a huge majority seems to be in the wrong taking "advantage" of spammability of large AoE CC and invis/invin, whereas you proposing your ideal nerfs and whatnot seems to be the righteous path everyone else has to kneel down, kowtow and account for.

    When DE makes any changes, including nerfs and buffs, be it fair or unfair, are based on recorded statistics and a prominent sore in the game. The changes implemented are then closely followed by the community roaring to provide either a positive or a negative feedback depending on the changes, and they usually unite enough to influence DE's mind in a certain direction. DE could go nerfing tons of stuff in the name of balance and game design, but despite all that, we can stand for.

    What we can't stand, however, is for a player who faces minuscule "issues" and then mentioning the nerfing of this and that to change the way the other players play as feedback.

    You don't simply join the military and begin complaining about how all the rules and regulations are too strict because the soldiers involved look too stressed out and you care about their welfare and would like to reduce their training regime do you?

    From this current feedback you have left behind, there is a vast towering popularity here that have given reasons after reasons, but you aren't having any of it because in your eyes, it is merely your feedback? Or is it because you have a few supporters? Well, simply put, almost every reply here, is the rest of OUR feedback to your feedback. And to put it in a direct way?
    We *kindly* think it sucks.

    Here's a suggestion, maybe contact DE through support and ask if they could implement the nerfs you want on specifically only your account?
    Then you'd be happy without affecting others as well as being the first ever to make it work.

  6. 12 hours ago, Checht said:


    Ahhh.... some more "quit Warframe" comments.

    I'll just take that as "I enjoy playing in easy-mode, DE please don't nerf" phrased in a more impolite way.

    As for "nerf yourself", I already am. I've stopped using frames that I consider overpowered. Plus, requiring the players to nerf themselves for the game to be fun is just bad game design. Funny that you're using Left for Dead 2 as an example. Let me give you this scenario then, let's say Left 4 Dead 2 has the option to become immune to knockdown from Jockey, Hunter, Charger etc., or have infinite HP, and you have to option to enable/disable it in Options for each individual player. Do you think it's still good game design?

    The rest of the comments regarding how you like to "dominate", feeling powerful etc is just a rehash of "I enjoy playing in easy-mode", phrased more nicely. It'll be easier for me to respect your opinion if you just be honest with me. I feel plenty powerful being a space ninja shooting down enemies while dodging bullets with acrobatics, but if what I'm doing is just shooting at brain dead targets, it just feels like stomping on ants. To quote Scott in the Devstream yesterday, I want to "play a game that is enjoyable", and not just "turn off your brain and do this, because it's a chore".

    As for "don't be selfish", you have to understand the concept of a feedback forum. This feedback forum is for players to give feedback to DE regarding what they like or dislike about Warframe, and how they'd like to see things changed. It has nothing to do with being selfish or not. Besides, there are others who also share my sentiments and would like some nerfs, aren't you being "selfish" to us by not wanting the nerfs then?

    For the immature insults on my personal life, I'm grown-up enough to just let it go.

    My premise is very very simple.

    1.There are easy-mode mechanics that makes the game too easy.

    2. I don't like that it makes the game too easy.

    You can either disagree with point number 1 or number 2. If you disagree with point 1, elaborate your reasons. If you agree with point 1 but disagree with point 2, just be honest and say "I enjoy having it easy", as others have in this thread, and it'll be easy for me to respect your opinion.

    You know, you are an absolute joke. But it's alright, at least you make me realize people like you do exist.

    Left 4 Dead 2 has the option to become immune to knockdown from Jockey, Hunter, Charger etc., or have infinite HP, and you have to option to enable/disable it in Options for each individual player. Do you think it's still good game design? 

    There are mutations, ever heard of Gib Fest? If you wanna play the game for it's survival, there are campaigns, if you wanna play the game for fun, there are mutations and community modding. Why? For players to enjoy the variety of game content the way they want it.

    "Requiring the players to nerf themselves for the game to be fun is just bad game design."

    It's called taking initiative to explore and change the way you play a game instead of changing the game to how you want to play it. Tell that to each and every other gamer who voluntarily place handicaps to challenge themselves, it is visibly prominent in every other game as well. 

    But you, you are a special snowflake aren't you?

    Your whole idea of "fun" is so skewed you are oblivious and ignorant of the fact that games have genres, multiple content and attracts different target audiences in the first place.

    Here, let me explain it in a straightforward way where even a 10 year old Call of Duty kid can understand so it's easier for you all right? Mr. mature and grown-up big guy.

    Left 4 Dead 2 is a horde survival campaign-orientated game, you are MEANT TO experience difficulties and obstacles to make it to the end of every campaign.
    You get from Point A, to B, to C and then finally D before evacuation, all the while trying to survive together, which is Left 4 Dead 2's main focus.

    Does Left 4 Dead 2's original concept of the game allow you to utilize abilities, use sci-fi weapons, have invisibility, teleportation, CC AoE denial abilities, a modding upgrade system for your character? Now, do YOU think it's still a good game design?

    Dynasty Warriors is a simple horde hack & slash, you are MEANT TO wipe out massive amounts of troops in a battlefield and wipe out a faction's boss to progress through the campaign, very similar to Warframe. (If you really want to go in-depth in Dynasty Warriors's difficulty, at Chaos stages, which is their end-game, you could literally use a common build setup and cheese the whole of it in seconds without the enemy even touching you. And you aren't even invisible! Talk about being overpowered?)
    Warframe is a horde space ninja shoot'em up hack & slash co-op focused action game with a huge variety of elements of different factions-based arena/tileset styles of content.

    I compared Warframe to all these games simply because all them are horde games BUT they have different elements revolving around the focus of each game.
    You on the other hand, flap your gums about the elements of the different games itself and then seek to change the fundamental system of Warframe, which in turn screws others as well who play Warframe simply for what it is.

    Was Warframe built upon and known for it's survival mechanics? Known for it's competitive multiplayer mechanics? For it's in-depth strategical planning? Or for it's complex combat system and heavy emphasized hardcore co-operation? Last I recall, no.

    After all the pointers I have mentioned and you come up with "I enjoy playing in easy-mode"? This line here shows your ignorance. 

    You mentioned "I don't like requiring minimal brain activity to be "strong". I like being strong when it requires good hand-eye coordination and brain activity."
    It seems to me, it's just a rehash of "My brain function is incapable of comprehending, processing and adapting to something different" or maybe a rehash of "I'm too damn smart for this game and it's community." phrased in a more impolite way. How bout you come clean as well and just admit you're trying to tell everyone you are way above this league of games?

    You want to change fundamental parts of Warframe that affects other players and you don't seem to mind nor care because to you it's
    "easy-mode", "not fun", "I'm overpowered", "I want to play a game that is enjoyable". at the expense of frying the game and community alive.
    How bout you let DE do the balancing of the game?

    "My premise is very very simple.

    1.There are easy-mode mechanics that makes the game too easy.

    2. I don't like that it makes the game too easy.

    You can either disagree with point number 1 or number 2. If you disagree with point 1, elaborate your reasons. If you agree with point 1 but disagree with point 2, just be honest and say "I enjoy having it easy", as others have in this thread, and it'll be easy for me to respect your opinion." 

    You need the game to conform to your needs, requiring everyone else to accept whatever you propose, at their expense.
    You know what it is? The fact is simply this, you cannot adapt. Your thinking is uncompromisingly one-dimensional and absolutely obstinate.

  7. 7 hours ago, Checht said:

    If you enjoy playing like a simple AI with pseudo codes of

    if (see unstunned enemy)

    press [insert CC button]



    if (not invisible)

    press [insert invisible button]


    Then all the best to you. Personally, I find this too boring. That's why I don't use these frames and I'm providing my feedback to DE.


    Also, thank you Scott and god bless you for acknowledging that we have broken meta on Devstream 109, all the best to you guys in addressing this problem


    "I don't like requiring minimal brain activity to be "strong". I like being strong when it requires good hand-eye coordination and brain activity. See below and my frame is still "strong" without having to resort to CC spam."

    Then please, by all means go play other tougher games that can offer you a "challenge" and "fun".

    Warframe, from the day of release, was meant to empower players, a one man space-ninja capable of taking down hordes of enemies, and to this day at it's core, it is STILL a "shoot'em up hack and slash horde game" with other elements added to it, just like Dynasty Warriors, Borderlands 2, Payday 2, Shadow Warrior 2, Bulletstorm, Dying Light, Left 4 Dead 2 and MANY other games that pits a player against an abundance of AI.

    You find it too "boring" or need a "challenge" because you feel you are too overpowered? Take a Banshee (non-primed and no mods), all MK-1 weapons (no mods), no companions/sentinels, go into Void, Mot and try to survive for 2 hours. You want a challenge? Don't be so lazy, look for one instead.

    Other players farm and grind to get stronger so that they can DOMINATE, some play to chill and pass time while having fun hack and slashing with bits of brain stimulation, some play for fashion frames. If you are looking for "fun" because the game is "too easy", then like many others before me have said, go play another game. Warframe's simply not for you.

    Stop trying to conform the game to your needs and lack of "brain activity", especially when whatever you're mentioning affects EVERYONE else. Don't be selfish.
    If Warframe cannot satisfy you in terms of  "fun" and "challenge", here's what I recommend: Go out, get some sun, try to make some friends, join and try to be #1 in The World Chess Championship every year, or go join the military or something. And if that's not enough for you, aim to be Special Ops or a Politician or something higher. Not enough? Aim for presidency. Not enough? Aim for world domination. Why? Because.. Hell, for all we know, maybe even that's not enough of a "challenge" for you.

  8. On 3/22/2018 at 10:13 AM, Checht said:

    I had a fruitful discussion on my thread regarding the lack of endgame difficulty recently.
    One of the ideas is to introduce level 80-100 missions outside of Sortie 3. The general consensus in the thread regarding introducing such levels or hiking up the endgame difficulty is that players would deviate towards frames with overpowered abilities that can still cheese through such content, reducing frame diversity. This is a sign that some frame rebalancing (nerfing) needs to be done as a good game design should have well-balanced playable characters.

    While I think that the priority for DE is to first introduce the level 80-100 endgame missions in order to collect warframe usage statistics and metrics to have objective evidence to buff/nerf frames, it could be an interesting topic to discuss first-hand in this thread. Listed below are some warframes and abilities that I think should be nerfed. Keep in mind that the frames included are frames that I have used enough to discuss with confidence. Those that are not included does not imply that they should not be nerfed. Without further ado, let me start with



    Ash was my main frame when I first started playing as he looks like a badass ninja with sick abs. However, once I got used to using him, I realised how mindless it can be to play as Ash due to his abilities. This is one of the frames where I stopped playing as due to him being overpowered.

    Smoke Screen

    Problem: This is obvious and probably discussed many times before. Currently, there is no enemy that I am aware of that can effectively damage you once you go invisible. Enemies just attack in the general direction where they last heard your sound, and you are likely already out of the way. With Zenurik’s Energizing Dash, this is a low-cost ability and you can turn practically permanently invisible with repeated casting. This makes Ash an immortal frame with no challenge.

    Nerf Suggestion: Reduce invisibility duration to slightly less than the time to revive a teammate and introduce a cooldown timer for this skill (much like abilities in MOBAs). In my opinion, 30 seconds would be an appropriate cooldown time for Ash. This would restrict this skill to mostly function as a means to get out of a sticky situation or staying undetected before launching an ambush on enemies up close. I believe this is what DE originally intended Smoke Screen to function, rather than being a permanently invisible frame that casually picks off enemies one-by-one.

    (Fatal) Teleport + Covert Lethality

    Problem: Makes Ash able to kill any enemy regardless of level. Paired with Smoke Screen and Fatal Teleport augment, you can get by most missions with just pressing 2 buttons – Smoke Screen -> Fatal Teleport.

    Nerf Suggestion: Have Covert Lethality only work for Stealth Finishers.

    Gameplay video here




    Volt is my favourite frame due to the versatility of his skillset. His ability to go melee reliably with Shocking Speed, function as a sniper with (Static) Electric Shield, go run and gun with (Current) Electric Shield, and some CC abilities with Shock and Discharge makes Volt an interesting frame to play for me. However, I find that this particular skill too easy to abuse to survive endgame content


    Problem: Discharge is a large AoE, long-duration stun. In addition, with the Capacitance augment mod, it regenerates your shield and provides overshield. Thus, you are basically free from threats for some time (easily ~8 seconds with a duration mod) after casting this skill. With maxed Energizing Dash, it grants you 150 energy in 30 seconds. With Streamline equipped, you can cast 2 Discharges within the period of 30 seconds and still have surplus energy, and that is assuming you do not get energy orbs from dead enemies. This makes it easy to survive endgame content just by spamming Discharge, and overshadows interesting playstyles that the other 3 skills provide.

    Nerf Suggestion: Introduce a cooldown time for Discharge of 30 seconds. It fits with this skill anyway, as you are supposed to need some time to restore your charge after “discharging”. This would require players to use Discharge smartly, to judge when to use it for maximum advantage, rather than just spamming it. If DE wants to be fancy they can introduce a “Discharged” debuff of 30 seconds after casting Discharge, which would only function to lock the Discharge skill (much like Phoenix Renewal).

    Gameplay video here




    I might be stepping over my boundary here as Excalibur is the least used frame out of the 3 presented here. However, I still find this skill to be obviously overpowered and can be spammed to easily get through endgame content

    Radial Blind

    Problem: From the description, Radial Blind is supposed to “blind all enemies in a small radius” and “for several seconds”. However, by “small radius” it is a range of 25 m, longer than most AoE skills, and by “several seconds” it is 15 seconds, which is even longer than Volt’s Discharge. With Energizing Dash, it is again a low-cost ability that can be spammed to immobilize enemies indefinitely.

     Nerf Suggestion: Make it fit with the description of the ability. Instead of 25 m, make it 8 m. Instead of 15 s, make it 6s. With this nerf, ranged units can still pose a threat to Excalibur. However, the survivability of Excalibur may take a great hit and maybe some buff to his health can be granted.

    Gameplay video here



    This concludes that list of frames and abilities that I feel qualified enough to comment on in this thread. For you to understand my perspective, I think Oberon is the perfectly balanced frame at the moment. He is level-80-100-viable, great abilities that synergizes well with team, and no spam-able skills that totally remove threats. I hope DE will balance frames with Oberon set as the standard.

    You might also realize that most skills presented above are spammable due to the current energy economy provided by Energizing Dash. One might argue that nerfing energy regen will mitigate this problem. However, I foresee the outcome upon nerfing energy regen to be undesirable. Players will just save up energy for the OP skills, and the non-OP skills (e.g. Volt’s first 3 skills) will just be overshadowed again. Thus, let’s keep the discussion in this thread in terms of nerfing the skills. I think adding cooldown timer to be a good way to prevent spamming of OP skills.

    Again, the list is not complete, as I feel that I am unqualified to comment on frames that may be OP but did not use extensively (I usually stop using such frames once I realize their abilities can be abused e.g. Wukong, Loki). Thus, I welcome everyone to contribute to the thread and update on the list. The context is that if endgame content with sufficient difficulty is introduced (e.g. level 80-100 missions other than Sortie 3), what frames will be over-represented, what abilities will be spammed for easy survivability? Give your reasons and nerf suggestions. Fire away!



    1. Posted gameplay videos to better illustrate my points.

    2. Highlighted important statements for lazy readers.


    Edit 2:

    From the discussions in this thread so far, it seems that I need to do better to get my point across before being bogged down by red herrings. So, please read these guiding questions before posting.

    1. Do you have any abilities that you can spam to survive level 150+ or 200+ content?

    If yes, go on to the next question. If not, good for you, you must be very skilled to be able to survive at such content without resorting to spamming those skills, and I can't prove otherwise. There's no need to go on.

    2. Do you think those abilities should be nerfed, so that level 80-100 is the appropriate endgame challenge?

    If yes, post your nerf suggetions. If no, we just fundamentally disagree, we can start another thread in the "General" section to discuss this. But first, let me just give a few reasons why I think they should be nerfed.

    i) If spamming those skills is the optimal "strategy" to survive level 150+, it is the optimal "strategy" to survive low level too to begin with. You just do not do so before you reach level 150+ because it is not fun. I want the optimal strategy and tactics in Warframe to be fun and engaging.

    ii) Difficulty at level 150+ comes purely from enemies being able to oneshot you with any stray bullets, which many players complain about. Enemy damage is required to scale up to this extent for any challenge precisely due to spammable hard CC/invisibility/invincibility skills. Imagine any PVE horde action games (Left 4 Dead, Borderlands, or even Dynasty Warriors) and give your character permanent invisibility or the ability to cast radial blind (or any hard CC in general) every 5 seconds. Where would difficulty come from in this case?

    iii) Balance between frames and abilities. If we were to buff other frames and abilities instead, see issues i) and ii).

    Extra question: Can you read enlarged, bolded texts?

    If yes, please read the enlarged, bolded texts in the original post. If not, please see an optometrist.

    I've got the PERFECT SOLUTION / A REALLY BOLD IDEA (Pun Intended).

    How about.. I know this sounds crazy but hear me out. How about, just maybe, the rest of us keep it the way it is, but YOU get all the nerfs you want? How bout that?

    Everyone's happy and you get what you want yeah? In fact, since you need nerfs to make the game enjoyable and "balanced" for you, how bout letting the whole Warframe community contribute and add extra nerfs to only your game/account to assist you in your passionate endeavors?

  9. Thank you everyone for your feedback and opinions, this is just a general open discussion so please don't take things to heart. Each of us have our own opinions and thoughts on this subject and either side provides enough and plausible reasons as to why they want or do not want the augment slot to be implemented. Either way, feel free to let your thoughts out on this subject, but I sure hope it doesn't turn ugly.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    That's not why they removed that feature.

    They removed syndicate mods affecting exalted weapons because they didn't want all players to be stuck using skana when playing a frame with an exalted weapon. (or that other weapon that has a +100% damage augment mod).

    That was a glitch/bug.

    That's stupid but simply because auras are stupid.

    They decided to make THAT one boss invulnerable to auras because otherwise it would totally change the boss' gameplay and make operators useless (which they want to avoid at all cost)

    That was ALSO a bug (or rather an oversight).


    Any other example ? Ember nerf maybe ?

    (just in case you dare to answer me with "ember nerf", they did that in order to prevent people being afk, which is funny since warframe is half an afk game)

    Now I ain't trying to start an argument.
    As mentioned prior. It was all under the radar until noticed.

    Syndicate mods affecting exalted weapons caused players to be forced to use certain melee? The whole original point was that it added the syndicate effects for viral procs and health recovery with the enhancement of specific weapon mods Skana/DualCleavers, removing it because they wanted weapon diversity, was what you think truly made them change it?

    Melee Stealth Damage Changes which affected Gas procs a bug? A bug that existed for so long? Until players could rack up 2 hour runs easily with Shadow Step? You think they "changed" it because it was a "bug"? Funny how the infamous partner-in-crime Shadow Step removal soon followed together with focus rework.

    "That's stupid but simply because auras are stupid." It was removed because removal of shields were speeding up the fight as unintended making the hyped Eidolon seem like a pushover, not changing the playstyle, just excessively nerfing the hell out of the Eidolon's shields, but funny how other auras still do work, just not Shield Disruption, because.. Auras are stupid I guess?

    Chroma's "nerf" was a fix due to the damage buff calculation registering damage being multiplicative incorrectly. "Back in April 2017, extreme damage boosting was not really a problem, so we left the ability as is. However, the Plains of Eidolon update marked a shift in community mindset by introducing Teralysts - featuring multiple large health pools on each weakpoint, damage boosting abilities became an important part of efficient hunting teams. While other damage boosting options require more team coordination, a single self-damaging Chroma could bypass the weakpoint damaging portion of the fight in an instant. At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted."

    Ember nerf? Lol, it was "changed" with the " because they wanted frame abilities to be more "active" and "player-involved" as well as giving other players in the starchart a chance to participate instead of an Ember burning everything. Basically as long as you had to move or spam your keyboard, you'd be considered active. Similar to Banshee's Augment Resonating Quake. Pressing 4 once? That's outrageous. But spam 4? Hey, at least you're doing work. Press 4, but you have to get closer to enemies because WoF range reduces? Sounds good enough to be active. That's how it is. Not to prevent afking players lol.


    You mentioned "Look at what they did to limbo. Do you really think devs consider being OP as an issue?"
    My answer? Yes I do. At a certain point and under certain circumstances they do. Most are under the radar/unnoticed until issues start arising from it.

    If DE didn't consider OP being an issue, they would've just given and maintained constant buffs, and absolutely never ever nerf nor adjusted them.
    And players wouldn't be constantly complaining about nerfs here and there.

    I rest my case. Good luck.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    Look at what they did to limbo. Do you really think being OP is an issue devs care about ?

    Look at Syndicate Mod Effects being removed from Exalted Blade, and then look at Melee Stealth Damage Changes which affected Gas procs. Then look at Shield Disruption affecting Eidolon's shields within the first week of Plains of Eidolon release being removed, as well as Chroma's buff essentially making runs completely easy before being changed. All those were minuscule compared to some incredibly OP stuff. Did they care about it? Sure did, but did they notice it before it became widespread? Nope. It all depends on what slips under the radar and for how long it does.

  12. Just now, Urlan said:

    Its possible, I know we have suggested it a few times after all and it was brought up in devstreams as something that they were not desiring on doing. However, I feel most augments do not convey power proportionate with removing a mod for them - a few exceptions of course - but if they were merely one option among many; it could represent another level of customization similar to class mods for Borderlands or ability runes in Diablo 3.

    My exact sentiments.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    As if DE ever tried to avoid powercreep....

    Well we never know, especially frame-involved buffs/nerfs. Even minuscule ones.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Urlan said:

    I agree, that augment slots would have been a useful mod management option, but unfortunately I no longer feel that is on the table - perhaps it never was - as Arcanes being converted to mods essentially removes the real-estate for such an option. Another option would be as Synpai hinted, making them akin to Diablo 3 runes; something that modifies the ability directly and thus moved from mods to a modifier option among many, to be used on the ability screen itself.

    I do have a hunch that DE might have considered it once, but due to balancing/power creep potential, they're holding off or not entertaining the idea.

  15. 1 minute ago, Synpai said:

    I want augment slots, but I also feel augments need to be more impactful. Similar to runes in Diablo. 

    The two changes kind of go hand in hand, there are SO many ways to change these abilities. Long term survival hinges on giving us flexibility and more playstyles.

    I feel the same way too. It would definitely help to refine augment-focused builds apart from regular ones and multiple-augment builds as well. Like having Ash's Fatal Teleport and Smoke Shadow would be a huge difference in terms of playstyle, enabling you to help allies with invisibility but at the same time taking out key targets, but due to Smoke Shadow being duration based, using Narrow Minded affects Fatal Teleport's range hence making it less effective, having an augment slot would free up an extra mod slot to fix that, just an example.

    There are so many other frames with augments that clashes with each other without any spare slot to compensate for in stats, so much potential limited it's kind of sad.

  16. In the recent Mesa's Waltz, the augment could be placed in the exilus slot which was different compared to past augments. But, does anyone else feel like an augment slot should be added in instead? With almost every frame having augments to enhance/change certain abilities, many players are using a wide variety of builds, some utilizing multiple augments at the cost of sacrificing a stat mod slot just so their multiple augments can be fitted in.

    By no means am I saying add multiple augment slots, but maybe, just maybe a single augment slot to fit in one? And if a player wants to add another augment in, then they have to sacrifice a mod slot by all means. Sure, power creep could then become an issue for certain frames that have incredible augments, but then even without an augment slot, the current builds are more or less near finalized anyway, just missing out a certain stat boost/mobility mod. Feedback/opinions would be definitely welcomed!

  17. I'd much rather have newer mods that give single stat boosts or more elaborated corrupted-like mods than frame rivens. RNG is too much of a gamble for little to excessive effort. Frame rivens may significantly interfere with a frame's performance be it positively or negatively. There was once a time where frame abilities were mods/cards as well and players could solely choose to use only one ability in the mod slot and have all the other slots filled with stat boosts, even that was scrapped eventually.

    As mentioned, what I would love to see more would be newer corrupted mods that has a different positive stat and a different negative.
    Or even augment mods that may enhance one ability at the cause of impacting another ability negatively.

  18. On 12/16/2017 at 3:20 AM, Schielle said:

    dude congratulations on your dreams come true!

    Thank you! Our dreams came true XD Though I would love to see more displays since right now we only get to see 1. Better than none though!

  19. 9 minutes ago, lexandritte said:

    And with the Transference ability you should be able to just point and warframe and jump into it.

    Wow, man that would be totally sick! New technology implemented in the Orbiter would be AWESOME. I really like that idea dude.

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