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Posts posted by CloakofShadows

  1. I don't know if this has been addressed yet but can we see how long we have before the new nightwave hits? I know if we complete all the challenges then we're more than likely to get all the rewards but some players don't have that time to grind it all out. Knowing how much time we have left before the Wolf of Saturn Six Nightwave rewards are gone would give players a better time frame to pace out the grind.

  2. This honestly just came off the top of my head during a mission but why does New Loka use Infested units when they're angry at you? It didn't make much sense to me lore wise and after thinking on it, I had an idea: What if the units that syndicates used were specially designed enemies that were a real threat? One of the thoughts I had were the Red Veil. Instead of them using Charger Eximus, what if they sent out Red Veil Assassins that could go invisible and would hunt you down during your mission? For Steel Meridian I thought what if they sent in a brigade of soldiers to shoot you down in cold blood for the atrocity of siding with the Perrin Sequence. So.. I thought I should put this out there since I don't know if anyone has provided any feedback in regards to the negatives of going against a syndicate and I think it would make syndicates more of a threat than just being an annoyance. Just a thought.

  3. So.. I just thought of this while skateboarding around on my K-drive but what if we had the option of making an area in our Dojo to practice K-driving? Not only could we practice but we would be able to make our own courses and possibly make a competition out of it. Just something I thought about, let me know what you all think.


    Another thing I just thought of is making your own tricks in the game. As it stands we are restricted to a certain amount of tricks. What if we made our own tricks and each given their own value for how coordinated or difficult it is to land? Could make for some interesting experiences for K-drives.

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