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  1. Ever since the Echos of Duviri update there has been this visual bug on PS5 (wish there was a tag for that platform). The little black square in the middle right of the screen. It's always there, in mission or otherwise.
  2. I've also been experiencing this for literal years, it'd be great to have such a minor issue patched up. Though it also took a few years to add commas to damage numbers
  3. Thanks 👍 Though I didn't realize commas on damage numbers and readable patch notes were mutually exclusive.
  4. I'm either gonna be really happy or really dissapointed when I check for commas after this update.
  5. You know, I couldn't even really tell that I was doing billions of damage with fortifying will. I think if there were commas on the damage numbers it would make large numbers like that easier to identify.
  6. Still no commas on damage numbers but this time I can feel it, it'll be in the next hotfix.
  7. Commas on damage numbers are for sure coming in the next hotfix right?
  8. Could we get commas added to the damage numbers on console too?
  9. Commas? On damage numbers even? I think they're supposed to be there but they aren't.
  10. Will commas be in damage numbers on console in the next cert build?
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