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Posts posted by ixidron92

  1. hace 13 minutos, Armadillidium_vulgare dijo:

    What is this formatting.

    More constructively, how does your proposed solution really change how Nightwave works? We already get rewarded for playing normally with the new Weeklies, and boosting rewards for old content for a week is simply another way of accomplishing the "get people to do old content" tasks.

    Right now, the Nighwave only rewards players for doing something random and specific, something someone might like but someone else might hate or might have already finished, so it offers no reward beyond the reputation.

    With my idea, no matter how you play, what your warframe is, or what you like or dislike, you'll always be rewarded for doing what you'd normally do. You can always finish the Nightwave your own way. it might be slower, but it'll be your way and your decision, investing the time you want in the activities you want. 

    Like I said, I didn't bother with Nora's mixes. That doesn't mean I didn't play the game. I simply didn't bother doing any task on purpose. Yeah, sometimes I passively finished one, but at the end of the season, I barely got past level 10. I couldn't care less, mind you. Playing my way and having fun was more important than random cosmetics.

    In contrast, with the thematic Nightwaves, I played every day because I wanted the new content. I wanted the story. I wanted to fight the bosses. All of that is absent from Nora's Mixes, and I doubt the Nightwaves will ever revert to bringing new content. it was simply too work-intensive for them, and now they have fewer people. 

    So, I offer a way to keep players playing more and revisiting old content without resorting to these brief spikes every Monday when the new Weeklies arrive. Rather than having players crunch it on a single day, you can keep them interested every single day.

  2. hace 2 minutos, Armadillidium_vulgare dijo:

    What is this formatting.

    I think the formatting broke for some reason. I'm fixing it

    hace 3 minutos, Armadillidium_vulgare dijo:

    What is this formatting.

    Ok, it's fixed now. I dunno what happened to the forum. I literally just copy&pasted the text again and it fixed itself. 

    • Like 1
  3. The Original Idea

    Nightwave is DE's version of a battle pass. The idea behind a battle-pass is to keep players logging in regularly and replaying old content. This is what most games with battle passes do (plus the cash-grab part which DE isn't doing, so kudos to them). It's not a bad idea. It keeps the community alive and populated, with more regular players than games not having a battle pass.

    However, the concept was implemented poorly in Warframe

    Warframe vs...

    Warframe is not like other games. Most games that implement this type of mechanic have a set and narrow gameplay, such as match-based PvP games, or have a well-defined set of daily tasks and/or regular content that players should normally be doing anyway or the entire battle pass is thematic and based on seasonally-released content. So, normally, battle passes incentivize normal gameplay by adding time-limited rewards, and this is normally aimed at casual/lazy people to either:

    • a)Get them to pay money so they can still play the game at their pace; or
    • b) Get them to play more

    In any case, it's a win-win. If you get money, that's a plus. If people play more, your game is alive, so you get more money eventually.

    What went wrong

    The problem is that Nightwave doesn't fit any of those archetypes and neither does Warframe. Releasing seasonal content failed because it was too much work and took resources away from normal scheduled warframe releases and expansion packs, and trying to link a Nightwave to one of those regular releases means increasing the workload even further. So, we got the bargain bin version of a battle pass.

    The first thematic Nightwaves were really nice, but as usual, they suffered from the classic Warframe issue of being islands of content decoupled from everything else. So you ended up having to grind unrelated regular content to advance the thematic plot.

    Eventually, people get tired. I participated in the thematic Nightwave, but I've skipped every single one of the Nora's Mix Nightwaves because the rewards weren't worth the time investment in my opinion. The thematic Nightwaves added lore, stories, game modes, and boss fights, which is hard, real playable content. I love the mechanics of the emissary game mode and its lantern, but honestly, random cosmetics are not enough to tempt me into investing hours and hours or repetitive grinding of old content I've already finished.

    How to fix it

    Again, Warframe is not like other games. The concept of having this pseudo-battle pass in its current form is a misguided idea in the first place, but the idea of getting people to play more and replay old content isn't. Simply put, the current Nightwaves fail to achieve this objective. There's an easy and simple way to achieve this and keep everyone happy at the same time. Don't try to keep it as 1 single objective, split it into two. 

    Currently, weekly and daily tasks might guide players toward old content, but that's only temporary. Once you do 4 bounties or the few missions the Nightwave asks of you, you'll simply never bother coming back until the next time the task pops up.

    So, split it.

    • Reward players for playing normally.
    • Reward players for revisiting old content.

    Get rid of tasks entirely. Make everything award Nightwave reputation, and I mean everything. Crafting, subsuming, killing, mining, fishing, finishing missions, beating sortie, killing an archon, beating a lich, doing Khal's missions, earning Duviri decrees, downing an Eidolon, earning intrinsics, leveling up a weapon, using a forma, etc. This is how you reward players for playing normally.

    And to get them to replay old content?

    Daily and weekly bonuses: Each week, select a random piece of content to get a weekly bonus that will award double reputation and will have boosters enabled (credit, affinity, drops, resources), and each day, do the same with another piece of content. This way, players will be incentivized to play the content because they'll have extra rewards.

    Overall players will be able to play normally and earn rewards simply by playing and playing more and they'll be rewarded for replaying old content if they choose to. This will also help new players get stuff they have missed from content nobody plays anymore.

  4. hace 4 horas, quxier dijo:

    It's not too complicated but it's about space/transfer. Now every config has to have "current rank value". So you have 10 mods. You can save that information about one mod in probably 1 byte. So per config you have 10 bytes. You have 3 configs per frame/weapon. That's 30 bytes per each. We can have ~50 frames and hundreds of weapons. Let's say 100 per each + 50 frames. That's 350 items. 350 x 30 bytes = ~10kB. That's not a lot, right? Sure, for one user. As for steam it's around 30-50k average users. On peak it might be around 100k. Let's assume that all platforms has average 100k users (not sure how to calculate it so... yeah). 100 000 x 10kB = ~1GB.


    As fair I remember, according to another user they pre-load lot of stuffs when you access. So they send all data like configs to you at once. So that simple change may yield GBs of wasted transfer per day.

    Ok, that sounds like speculation. Why would it have to be any different in p2p connections? If anything, it'd different clientside while on the mod editing screen. The game wouldn't need to care about the mod being editable unless you're editing the mod. Otherwise, it still shows to other players at the level it is at that point in time. It's as simple as keeping two registries. One is for p2p connections and shows the mods equipped and at which level, and the other is for mod editing and shows which mods are max level.

    Your assumption is the same as saying that the more songs we have saved in Octavia, the more data is transferred in p2p connections. It's simply not true, or if it is, it's bad game developing and bad efficiency.

  5. hace 11 horas, (XBOX)sinamanthediva dijo:

    What exactly do you mean? You want a Vitality that auto-adjusts for the amount of capacity you have to use on a build?  I think that's never going to happen but if you want to rub a rabbits foot and throw some more Eye of Newt into the potion of wishful thinking then no one will stop you.  I think it's NOT a priority at the moment since Duviri is plagued with bugs galore so I'll go out on a limb and say it won't be happening anytime soon.  Might want to lower your expectations just a wee bit else be chronically disappointed with your desired game changes.

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    I want to increase or decrease mode levels once I've maxed a mod. I not asking for a convoluted automated system. All I want is a - button next to the + button.


    hace 10 horas, Leqesai dijo:

    Out of curiosity, why would you want/need to adjust mod rank? Is it a capacity thing?

    There are plenty of reasons. There are mods with negatives that you might want to adjust depending on the build. The efficiency mod, for example. Efficiency is capped at 175%, but you have 3 efficiency mods, a 15%, a 30%, and a 60% (with -60% duration), and there are some mods that reduce efficiency, so depending on the build and frame, I use different ranks and numbers of efficiency mods.

    Another reason is capacity, yes. I would like to prepare the final build of a weapon/frame from the get-go and increase the mod levels as I forma them. 

    Another reason is mod set bonuses. Sometimes you want the bonus gained from a mod, and sometimes you want the fully leveled mod. For example, the umbral set. I have not leveled one of my umbral mods simply because I use it for the set bonus. 

    hace 10 horas, SpicyDinosaur dijo:

    But think of the injustice of two people having differently ranked vitalities! I mean that's like literal communism, wouldn't you agree? I don't understand how all the issues you've dragged through the mud and back are somehow more relevant.


    On topic, OP, was this ever mentioned as a feature? If not, they probably don't have plans for it. I don't remember hearing about it but I don't keep track anymore.


    I suspect mods that you could change the ranking of at will would require a lot more space than the way it is now, though to be sure you'd have to actually be a dev for DE. I am always fearful when they put in a new feature because it comes fully equipped with many game breaking bugs, as well. Which is a sad thing.

    If they can add a + button to increase mod level, I believe a - button to decrease the level is not too complex to add.

    hace 7 horas, BroDutt dijo:

    If it's capacity thing, Forma is DE bread & butter. Endo on the other hand. Wait why DE still require us to grind for Endo? Did anyone actually bought Endo from the Market (it's 50p per 1000 endo)

    More of a min-maxing and QoL thing. 

    hace 3 horas, quxier dijo:

    While nice feature, would it be necessary? I don't think so. As mentioned we have Forma & Poteatoes already.

    I mean, I want to drill a hole in the wall, so I'm asking for a drill. Would a hammer and a chisel work? Eventually. Is it the best or most efficient way? No. That's why I'm asking for a drill. 

  6. 1- Companions may die randomly when leaving Razorwing mode with no possibility of revival and, in the case of sentinels, bypassing Regen.

    2- Using her tribute ability sends souls flying upwards and off the map at Mach 5. This happens like 75% of the time.

    3- Entering Railjack Turrets replaces the turrets with Dex Pixia, causing numerous visual and UI bugs, as well as damage bugs, as you're using Dex Pixia instead of the turret.

    4- Entering the Railjack's main cannon replaces the cannon with Dex Pixia. This change is permanent and even affects teammates, locking missions that require the use of the cannon.

  7. Imagine you have been going to a sandwich shop for the past 10 years. You've ordered most sandwiches, even if just to try them once. You have your favorites and your choice of sauce. One day they say they are randomizing the sandwiches they give to their clients. So you can get one you like or one you dislike. It's random. It could be your favorite sandwich or the one you hate and have only tried once. 

    Randomizing loadouts also randomizes fun and progress. You could be lucky and have a good team and good gear and do 10 rounds in a row and have a great experience with big rewards, or have bad luck and have an unbearable first round and quit with a bad experience and minor rewards.

    Liking or disliking random occurrences is something that's almost built into our DNA. It's what affects gambling and compulsion. To some, it's very enjoyable; to others, it's a nightmare. There's usually no middle ground. Of course, this applies to large, influential randomness, not a heads or tails coinflip for something inconsequential.

    • Like 4
  8. Game's so busted all of my Duviri playthroughs today have resulted in a mission lock and abandoning the playthrough. Same with the circuit, to the point I just simply never continue past the first round anymore just to avoid glitches, and you can still get locked mid-circuit progress if an enemy falls into the void. I've been playing on day 1 every single open-world release, but this is by far the worst and buggiest release of them all.

    • Like 1
  9. hace 2 minutos, macobus dijo:

    i hate how high the endo cost is. i used twice as much endo as i got from the dirac conversion, and i'm still only finished about 6 mods. This is ridiculous, i had a fully maxed out railjack before this, and now i cant even upgrade my mods anymore

    Heh, welcome to the club. I was like, oh, well I had everything maxed. Free endo, I guess, but DE played us like goddamn fiddles. You thought you'd have everything maxed out? Ha! I double the levels of most mods and nerf them! Welcome to the new grind. The funniest S#&$ is that the endo I got back is only enough to level up a single mod of the ones I used to have maxed. 

    • Like 2
  10. I only wish public dojos were an opt-in feature and not a periodic contest. There's so much potential if only we could list dojos as our default spawn location instead of the orbiter, or if we could make our dojos public for other players to spawn in, making them the true player hubs we're missing, rather than the place you visit for a quick trade. I wish we had player quarters, our private area in the dojo which we can decorate to our liking. 

    • Like 4
  11. -Protea's blaze artillery cannot properly target Grineer Dargyns and fires above them. They also fire against friendly/unoccupied Dargyns (also above them), meaning that, if they focus on one, it'll be a wasted ability.

    -Protea can seemingly stack unlimited shield grenades on allied npcs, and those grenades don't disappear once the timer runs out, making them a walking VFX nightmare with hundreds of grenades orbiting them. They also do not provide overshield (and probably no shield gating bonus either)

    -The new nightwave syandana glitches out when using wisp's idle animation (see pic)

    -Host migrations causes specters to become stuck inside objectives, and the Nidus specter in particular to decrease its 28% power strength boost to 10%



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  12. hace 1 minuto, Loza03 dijo:

    You're accusing them of making an anti-consumer practices, so yes, that's malice. Even if it's not mustache-twirling villainy, you're suggesting they are intentionally creating a problem purely to seem better when they solve it - rather than their stated intention for this practice which, IIRC, is because they are well aware of their limitations, and that the community reacts very negatively to nerfs. Instead of 'pre-nerfing' them, which I do not believe there is any evidence for them doing so in the way described, they instead over-compensate using the logic of 'we're very unlikely to get it right, so lets make sure we get it wrong in the least harmful way'.


    And nevertheless - you might not accuse them of that, and I never said you did. But plenty, plenty of people do. Almost every nerf thread has 'and here comes the fun police' in it, or 'DE just wanted the riven money' somewhere in there. That's going to provide bad press no matter who says it.

    Ok, I'm gonna stop you right there. I said and explained what I meant. Stop saying that's I'm accusing them of X or Y when I perfectly explained the situation. So, we're gonna drop that here and now. Self-harmful villainy in game companies is not a thing, because everyone wants to make money, and I've never accused anyone of that. 

  13. hace 9 minutos, Loza03 dijo:

    Well, consider this: There's an equally large chunk of people who complain whenever DE releases something broken in the other direction and fix it via nerfing. And many people suggest that's a scam too, and it happens just as much. Simply put, taking this philosophy that it's all a scam is basically putting DE in a no-win scenario, because let's be honest with ourselves here: Hanlons Razor exists. People are accusing them of malice on both sides - which means it's significantly more likely that DE just can't make something that's 100% where they want it at launch - and, well, when stuff like this exists, what are they to do? If they release something that's not where they want it, what do they do?

    If they buff it because they overestimated it, they're frauds who pretend to listen.

    If they nerf it because they underestimated it, they're hacks who nerf all the fun things.

    When was the last time they actually nerfed something that wasn't glaringly obvious it was op and game-breaking? I think it was the Archwing blink. Most of the time I see DE nerfing something, I have to admit it's deserved. Saryn? Deserved. Catchmoon? Deserved. Bramma? F*cking hell, it sure was deserved.

    I'm not accusing them of malice, I'm accusing them of overusing a strategy that should be used sparsely. I already explained why it isn't necessarily a bad idea to use it, why it has its logic and virtues, its pros and cons, and why most companies use it successfully. You simply can't do it every single time.

    • Like 2
  14. You might have noticed DE's trend of constantly releasing stuffs that's too grindy or too underpowered only to fix the numbers later on (if they remember). It's always the same pattern, and the fixes typically come 1 week later (if there's a massive outcry) or 2 weeks later. This is basically why I never invest resources in anything recently released until 2 weeks have passed. Also literally the reason why I played scarlet spear the first day to check it out, then 2 weeks later once they made the grind easier. 

    This isn't new, and I'm not the only one noticing it, and it's not necessarily an stupid strategy, and in fact can have very positive results if done sparsely. Of course, if you release things pre-nerfed, then you can claim you listen to feedback when you buff them a week or two later. This tends to work like a charm and fool people into thinking you're listening to them, when in reality it was part of the roadmap all along. This also has a solid logic behind. It's best to err on the side of caution so you don't have to bring the nerf bat later - which everyone hates. The problem comes when you do it every single update. At some point, people catch up - even the dumbest ones - and they get angry; rightfully so. 

    Believe it or not, at some point, those who are too dumb to notice this farce, will start to believe that you only release broken things because you are a bad developer and not because - in reality - you release broken things on purpose to pretend to listen when you fix them later. That sh*t, not only sticks, but spreads like wildfire. 

    First impressions count, and they count a lot. DE keeps gaining this infamy of being unable to release anything serviceable. Sure, sometimes it's because it's buggy as hell, like PoE and Railjack releases, but most of the time is due to the abuse of this strategy. Speaking of first impressions, if something gains the infamy of being an utter, piece of cr*p, once you fix or buff it later on, people might not even bother to try it again.

    • Like 4
  15. hace 5 minutos, anfuerudo dijo:

    And furthermore casting this ability prevents you from shooting, so you sacrificing a lot of damage for sub par ability.

    This, indeed. There are abilities that replace weapons and abilities that compliment weapons. If it's meant to replace weapons, it needs to be worth using, but raw destructive power alone doesn't make an ability worth using if it's too annoying to use. 

    • Like 3
  16. Still, the turret's duration seems completely underwhelming. DE, I'd like to keep the 2 key on my keyboard intact, thankyouverymuch.

    Simply put, even if the ability is good - which it'll probably be with the damage boost - having an ability that you need to constantly refresh every 4 seconds is bad game designing. Worst if you have to do it 3 times every 4 seconds. Hell, even if it's a godlike ability, the constant button mashing is not worth it.

    Player comfort is a a thing that influences ability usage whether you like it or not. Many times I found myself not using an ability of certain frames simply because it's too clunky or too annoying to use. Take Wisps 4 for example. It's a good ability, deals decent damage, and I even have a dedicated cookie-cutter build for it, but I simply don't use it because it's too clunky. I love wisp. I main Wisp. I've used her for a lot of hours since her release, and I have shared my build over an over to any other Wisp player I meet... but I don't use her sol gate. The VFX is annoying, the sound is annoying, it obstructs vision, you can't jump, you can't use other abilities or weapons, and still, sol gate is not better than any of the weapons in my arsenal, specially if I can pair those weapons with my reservoir buffs and my 3. 

    A low-duration turret is just more of the same. Might have great numbers, might even devastate the enemy, but if it's not comfortable to use, it's not worth it. 

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  17. You cannot get rid of excals 4 because it's his signature ability, part of the lore, featured in trailers and images, has an augment for it, etc, etc. Sometimes people do't really think stuff through. 

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