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  1. You have some good suggestions. It would be hard for anyone to make decisions on these types of things without seeing the data as well that DE doesn't share, like player engagement numbers and plat sales, etc due to the RNG aspect, and how successful it was with Duviri. Initially when I heard the RNG was going to be a part of this mode on the devstream, I was not excited, but I have enjoyed it since release. To be fair, though, maybe not the actual gameplay, but the satisfaction of completion within DE's set parameters and the rewards. I also have enjoyed testing and problem solving though, mostly on weapons for the rogue mechs. I might not bother with that as much if I have a broader range of choices, or even bother putting exilus and adapters in certain melees until I get around to it. Most of my frustration from the mode was on the first few days of release, when I was still getting familiar with the challenge. I do notice that whenever they compromise or make things easier, they usually do something else to counter for the adjustment.
  2. All things must be modded to be in accordance with a standard DE circuit build or better! Problem solved!
  3. Please bring back the back out of mission key. I don't want to have to perfectly hit the tiny button in time when I need to change something. Also, why was the skip button removed from circuit rewards screen? I can see what I earned anytime I open circuit. It has a check mark...I don't need to go through each one. Please add option to skip showing the relics you just bought from packs. Please let me change my air support in sanctum and other similar areas. I don't see the purpose of highlighting polarity slots in green when I pick up a mod if it won't also show the polarity of a mod slot with an mod installed of a different polarity. I still cannot see what that polarity is without moving the installed mod or picking up one with the matching polarity.
  4. Not only that, but it throttles you if you go too fast.
  5. Oh, that's what voltage was talking about. I do wish they'd add global objectives for solo too. That would be cool. I don't see that happening though. Due to the nature of the game mode, it is harder to carry in groups though and there's a higher chance of people running with suboptimal things. That's the biggest drawback for this mode as far as coop play goes. The mechs will be that much tankier in squads and if you're only able to hold your own and not carry, then solo is more attractive. It's not a straight up "collaboration is needed" as intended by DE. The RNG system also affects your experience in group play, their individual RNG and your random pulls for teammates. I feel like just my RNG is enough and no I'd never use recruit for a mission like this. I'm not against carrying or getting carried, but the former can be an added challenge on top and while the latter could mask any individual issues you might be encountering.
  6. RNG definitely isn't the most optimal approach to difficulty, but its a lot easier than trying to create a qualify game mode which they have struggled with a lot. Also, Dante is just one example. If killing mechs was a priority for the mission, and it usually has a benefit in general, then pretty much laetum is all you need for the mission and some survivability. It would just greatly narrow what you would engage with and eliminate a lot of the challenge. There's just not enough modifiers to create a comparable variety and they still leave tools available with you to problem solve. They don't take away companion, gear, operator/mech every mission and give you all bad gear and except you to complete it. They could make the laetum not be available, and you'd just go down the line. It would take a lot of work to regularly get people to change up things as effectively as RNG is.
  7. Cats, forma, reactors, exilus adaptors, arcanes. Frame, weapon purchases for anything you don't own etc.
  8. I bet you could min max for verglas as well, as long as you were locking them down with cold procs or something so you could stay alive. Maybe even using vig set on your primary and building verglas for crit somehow. I assume this works. I've enjoyed trying to problem solve what's best for these things and definitely have room to improve. Oh, and there's probably some decent slam setups with the slam bonus set mods I'm guessing, and particularly for weapons that have low crit potential. And yeah, meathook ftw! :) It helps so much with just moving around, since its the only way they can move forward in the air I think. edit: since you were talking corrosive shards, then violet melee cd shards are worth trying also.
  9. I was just saying what worked for me vs those units. It took like a minute and half to kill or something solo, (although timer was at 8 mins I don't think I spawned immediately), probably more or less in squad depending on what people have access to. I wasn't really buffing either since the reduced duration. I haven't tried with guns yet. Deviations from my setup on melee made it nearly impossible to kill, so I'm sure a gun setup is a bit different as well. I use companion to slow them so I can run naramon. Felarx should out damage a bo incarnon though. I have read about these units and the sanguine ones, but maybe they don't drop zones if they are under cold procs. I haven't noticed these zones specifically although I am more focused on pounding away, and staying alive, its hard to even watch their HP. There's also the liminus guys and I was just testing, so I wasn't using specters, which all around make it way easier. I could try felarx I guess and report back. if using operator, you might as well just mow them down with voidrig 4. That should be an option, although I haven't tested that either since I prefer bonewidow (in general, need to test more specifically those units for iron bride as well). A lot of what you describe is why I prefer melee for them, or maybe there's a wider range of melee that can get it done than guns, but you are using a top gun, so I don't know without testing myself.
  10. Those eximus mechs are beasts. It seems like you have to go full rad, no status, pure damage and crit, taking advantage of tennoki and animosity. But maybe once you have a maxed crescendo you could do a pure heavy attack build and wipe them pretty fast, assuming you have a setup that could max it out quickly. If you have some lame crap, no buffs, pure status etc, I don't really see you being able to kill them. I'm sure a laetum could take them down quick too, but a lot of guns will struggle vs them I think.
  11. I would definitely try solo opening that room. I'm pretty sure just void slinging the gate will open it. The gate won't open a lot when I'm not host, so I have to run down then, but sometimes I can't smash the upper entry either. I should report that as a bug. I was trying to open it a lot when I wasn't host and just thought I was opening it by luck, but it does have an issue. haha now I remember I also tried hitting that switch a bunch because I was going crazy when I was in other people's games haha. It looks like it should be a switch. Sling into it solo and I bet it will open.
  12. haha yep, same here. They're giving us cheese options, so I take them. Why bother with mechs when they are so crazy slow and just get left behind and really aren't required to kill except to speed up some missions as an option. The eximus mechs are pretty tanky. It's good to know how to take them down if you need to and you can't really test without going into the mission. All the different combinations of things should keep the mode semi fresh for a while. Without RNG, I'm sure I would just take laetum every mission.
  13. If you're still talking sanctum, I'm not sure I've seen that one. That sounds like zariman. There is another huge reactive crystal room in sanctum too. Wait are you talking about the gate at the bottom of a long tunnel? I usually just void sling into it. I didn't know there was a switch. That one is often bugged too where I can't enter if I'm not host. There is a side gate sometimes at the end of a curved hallway that I'm not sure I've gone into. How do you open that one rock door room? I always just bounce around in there till it opens. This thread is making me think about cache hunting I used to do on old gas city going down holes in those hallways. I miss old gas city. New gas city is different, same with corpus ship. They aren't the same.
  14. haha that's funny, I wasn't quite sure what the mechanism is either. Pretty much just go down the hole, click buttons and go into operator and you'll get in. Someone actually showed me that room. I don't think I ever would have seen it. That's an evil room, completely out of bounds. I get there's a nice red lamp there, but still, lets just put a secret room at the bottom of a pit, so in this tiny section of the pit, you'll just into a hole that leads to a clear tube that you fall through way below the map...
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