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  1. It's in accessibility, and not in video, for anyone who's looking. And toning VFX intensity down to the lowest (10) does in fact prevent these big black swaths of shadow from obscuring your vision. But you also lose seeing most other effects as well, so take that for what you will. I think DE should update their "reduced ally VFX" setting to include Sevagoth's potent new VFX spam. I love Sevagoth and am typically happy to see him on the team, but I can understand where the OP is coming from with their displeasure with the shadow spam.
  2. There's no guarantee that will even have any effect on the black swirl spam from Sevagoth. I would also argue that someone shouldn't have to reduce their VFX quality to avoid eyesores. Like the oppressive Ogris NN spam that was so prevalent a few years back. A player shouldn't have to hamstring the appearance of the entire game just to avoid that. I don't think Sevagoth spam is as bad as that, but it's a matter of taste. But to humor you, I'll ask which settings you think someone should adjust to avoid the VFX spam from Sevagoth. It's not immediately clear to me, but maybe you have a greater familiarity with granular graphics settings. Anyone in the legendary ranks at a relay of your choosing, I'd imagine.
  3. I like your interpretation of why Sonar is the way that it is, but I think another aspect of it is that Sonar just flat out doesn't work on a lot of the enemies that are tanky enough to justify its use. For the vast majority of content in this game, another frame could immediately clear out the enemies that Banshee does in the time it takes her to debuff them. To extend your TCG analogy, it's like if the instant kill effect you're describing would only work on Magic cards with 3 or fewer HP (or whatever they call that stat). Sonar is absolutely fantastic for helping players bridge a damage gap as they get their Steel Path legs under them, or snuff out liches quickly. And I imagine it's useful in endurance though I don't play that content so I'll defer to experts on that. But our current tankiest enemies, where you'd actually want to take the time to overlap some weakspots, can ignore it completely. I'm talking about the Murmur boss, eidolons, and certain other bosses like archons. DE might be allowing Sonar to remain as it is because it can't even speed up TTK in the areas where DE really wants to slow us down.
  4. Trinity has the same problem (among her other problems). I'd keep an eye on what they do with Trinity, as it might be a bellwether for eventual changes to Banshee.
  5. I googled "sevagoth nuke build" and this is the first video that pops up. I have zero opinions on any Warframe streamers, but if you watch about the first 10 seconds, you'll see the black effect the OP is mentioning.
  6. Bless your heart. This setting only works when DE remembers it's in there and makes changes accordingly. For the longest time, it had no effect on some of the most egregious VFX spam in the game. I've had it on for as long as I can remember, and it doesn't do anything to stop the black nexus that the OP is mentioning.
  7. I guess? For a lot of them, the secondary effect is just a boost to the normal effect that depends on kills or some other criteria. I wouldn't be surprised if each of these melee galvanized mods are the same- +some effect, +more of that effect for each kill for a certain amount of time. But of course I don't know for sure! I'm going off of the precedent that DE has set.
  8. That's kind of where we're headed with a roster as bloated as this. I like and enjoy playing each of our modern frames, but it's been a long time since we've had anything as gameplay defining as an older frame like Nova or Ivara. Most (all?) recent frames can be distilled down to "DPS generalist with some support." Like... Jade is a blast to play, but she doesn't really have a niche. I love Kullervo's gameplay more than basically any other frame, but he's just another melee generalist with decent mobility. Voruna is a blast to play, but she's just another hyper mobile nuker. I'm doing the design team a disservice here, but I think the point still stands. Maybe Koumei's RNG aspects will help set her apart.
  9. Don't you think this would make her the only frame people would take in void fissure missions? DE typically tries to avoid situations where one choice becomes the undisputed best and all other options feel like you're doing something wrong. So I don't think this suggestion is particularly realistic.
  10. I've said it before, and I'm certainly not the first or only one to say it, but Sonar's weak spots should count as headshots for all headshot related effects. If the weakspots need to be rebalanced to ignore range and remove overlap, then I think that would be worthwhile. But I will defer to people with more Banshee experience than me when it comes to this particular topic. I agree that it's already quite good. And I would certainly prioritize other abilities first, starting with her ult.
  11. Interesting. I wonder if DE is trying to give us more options for beefing up status beyond slapping a ton of 60/60s on our gear. Of all of the three, this one is the one I'm most interested in. I wonder if it will compete with Blood Rush. This one seems dead on arrival, at least until we know more about what its extra effects might be. I could be completely wrong, but currently I tend to treat Heavy Attack Efficiency as a dead stat / harmless negative due to TennoKai existing.
  12. Nothing will ever beat DE acknowledging that, yeah, Kahl doesn't have the chops for repeat engagement and then moving his weekly shard elsewhere. To me, that's always going to be the best update. Kahl was that bad.
  13. Limbo needs more than a few tweaks to be in a good state. I'm more curious about Nyx and Trinity. Weren't they supposed to be receiving changes with this update, or was that for 1999? I'm thinking it was for 1999, due to their protoframes existing in that update, but I'm not sure.
  14. Over all, I enjoy it. But I think it's right on the edge for me. And as someone who has invested in every single frame and almost every single weapon so that I can assuage the randomizer, that's maybe not a great sign for the average player. The RNG I can handle, but I hope that we don't get something even more focused on handicapping players, because that's getting really old. My biggest problems with EDA are: no self-revives = overly incentivizing tank frames constant chip damage and nukes = overly incentivizing tank frames vampiric liminus = overly incentivizing tank frames UI bloat and VFX spam combine to make some modes really awful the first phase of alchemy is boring and terrible assassinate boss is too spongey and has way too many VFX explosion spawning adds (luckily, assassinate seems to be removed for now *knocking on wood*) leech eximus Necramechs lack of mission/tileset variety. What I really like about EDA are: archon shard rewards challenge worthy of creating builds for the final reward tier being safely skippable gear is often allowed (unlike Netracells and Archon Hunts).
  15. He is a CC frame in a game where KPS is almost all that matters in the majority of game modes and where CC has been nerfed. He has access to unparalleled griefing ability, to the point where if he presses shift, 1, 2, 3, or 4, he runs the risk of inconveniencing whomever is unfortunate enough to match with him. When he functions, he completely and utterly prevents enemies from acting, which leads to gameplay so stale that DE interrupted a special event during the height of COVID to specifically nerf him. When he doesn't function, he does worse than nothing. He slows his team down. He's the least fine frame in the game. The real ignorance with Limbo is putting him on this false pedestal of expertise, acting like he has a high skill ceiling to truly make him shine. His real skill ceiling is getting enough experience with him and other frames to realize that nothing he brings to the table is worth the price of admission, so you swear off of him until DE does something about this flaccid grief disaster of a frame. Maybe in the lore, but in gameplay terms it's nonconsensual time out / invulnerability and energy regeneration with twice as many steps as a Mesmer Shield Revenant with Zenurik. Cataclysm is probably his most frustrating ability to deal with, and that's saying something for a frame that also has Rift Surge. I've complained about this at length, but it bears repeating. The shrinking nature of Cataclysm means that, when combined with stasis (ie, always), enemies on the edge will be in the rift one moment and out of it the next. Shots from within or without the rift aren't guaranteed to hit with enemies constantly flickering between rifted/unrifted status. This matters more for slower, single shot weapons as opposed to rapid fire ones, but it's annoying no matter what you're using. Except exalteds, I guess.
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