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Posts posted by --Aegis--MR9

  1. 1 hour ago, GruntBlender said:

    You don't get it. There is functionally no difference between reducing the cost of a mod by 7 and raising the capacity by 7. The only difference is if the cost reduction only works for certain polarities, i.e. the way forma works. Universal forma is exactly the same as increasing capacity. 

    Universal forma isnt increasing capacity anymore than regular forma, but its letting different polarity mods to be placed in same slot (except umbral ofc). I am not sure you get the idea behind universal forma, anyway whatever.

  2. Didn't my inaros revived your Octavia in Arbitration the other day? 

    Just kidding, but Inaros is fine. Best tank in the game. He is supposed to be a survivalist and his kit is designed that way.

    Let people play their frames however they choose to. If someone wants to be lazy that's his business. I join a public game with the preparation of a solo player, all I want is xp share. If a team member helps its very much appreciated otherwise all good. 

    Honestly I wouldn't mind with a weapon inaros who is still doing some dps. Way better than limbo, loki, rhino (when they are just leeching). Even so, I dont really care. 

    A health based inaros has some other perks than being lazy. He can be a really good primary weapon handler because he can equip some vigilante mods for set bonus. He is one of the best melee frames because he can stay on naramon for the lack of energy needed. He can clear a room or solo carry with just weapons. Isnt that more than enough? 

    Besides, the lazy inaros build isnt cheap, not many can afford/farm two sets of max graces. Without arcanes Inaros must rely on his abilities to stay alive. 

  3. You said ignore MR. Its a grinding game. 

    As far as difficulty goes, warframe is an extremely easy to play game. You dont need any skill or talent to be great at it. The main difficulty in this game is the grind. 

    IMHO, a veteran is someone who has almost everything in the game, has moderate knowledge of in-game mechanics, and experienced almost all content that the game has to offer. 

  4. 3 hours ago, GruntBlender said:

    ...he says, then goes on to explain that current capacity is not enough and he has to forma every slot to fit his build. 

    You know what, you're right, current capacity is just fine. You don't even need to forma that slot to vazarin, just throw your primed cryo rounds on without forma. Problem solved.

    You dont get it man. The capacity restriction is a form of forced difficulty. If you want to use more maxed mods and more primed mods you need to invest more time and resources, that makes min maxing a build more difficult, which is fine by me. When you become a veteran you dont have anything else to do other than min maxing builds by putting more forma. I have over 80 weapons with a forma on each slot. 

    Besides that, DE needs to sell forma and potatoes to make money. Forma is by far the most purchased in-game resource. 

    Increasing capacity reduces difficulty. It is not impossible to fit a build into a weapon including exilus slot so why would I ask for more capacity and kill the fun of end game grinding of min maxing builds? 

    On the other hand, an universal forma is quality of life, that lets us make different builds in a single frame/weapon. 

  5. Hey guys 😄 Hope you all doin' great! 

    Please help me out with my Acceltra build, I am trying to figure out the best possible config for this weapon (min-maxed). 

    I'll present you my current case. IMHO, here are mandatory mods

    4 slots: Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense. 

    2 slots: 1 Riven (I have cc cd fire-rate) and Hunter Munitions. HM works very well and I think its a must have. 
    Exilus: Vigi Supplies. This weapon is practically useless without it or carrier.

    That leaves me with 2 slots. My options are: 

    Viral + Slash: Primed Cryo Rounds with Malignant Force. Theoretically it should be fantastic, with hunter momo and high CC, slash proc is never a problem. Problem is, the 17% status chance. Usually one or two viral proc per round is normal but if your are unlucky, you can get no proc at all in an entire clip. Viral proc is very unreliable although its top on proc priority. Often, in my test, viral effect ran out before the enemy died (120 lvl CHG). 

    Corrosive/Gas: Also works fine. But also suffers from the proc problem same as viral. I know corrosive with hunter momo sounds weird but it works. I would say this is equal to the viral build if not inferior. 

    Raw Damage: With Bladed Rounds and Argon Scope. This, provided tons of DPS when used correctly. But I really dont like the conditions, 1- I need to get a headshot, 2- I need to kill an enemy, 3- I need to keep aiming. Arrgh .. horrible. I am a big fan of unconditional damage. Also, with this build, single target damage suffers seriously. Both mods are useless when you are fighting against a Boss. 

    So, how would you go? Any constructive advice will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance 😄 

    My Dream buff for Acceltra? 25% status chance with no self damage .. wouldnt that be wonderful? 


  6. 23 hours ago, GruntBlender said:

    That would just make all mods in that slot cost less capacity. You could argue for jsut upping capacity instead, it's effectively the same. So what you really want is a super potato that triples the capacity instead of doubling it.

    I dont want more capacity. Current capacity is fine, and when I am pushing for the end game, I am fine forma-ing every slot in my weapon. 

    Problem is, build diversity. For example, one of my viral-slash build needs primed cryo rounds, thats an odd D polarity. With forma on all slots to make room for weapon exilus mod, now its impossible to put a 90 mod on that D pol slot. An universal forma that could take a D pol and a Dash pol would solve my problem. And that would be a neat solution. 

    There are so many examples where we do need something like that. Think overextended, mandatory on a max range build. With 2 umbral mods, all slots are capped with forma. Now its impossible to do a medium range build with more strength. 

    All we need is 1 universal forma on a build so even its a bit expensive, its worth it. 

  7. DE needs to make money. Every essential item can be farmed in game, I think that's very fair. We got p2p trading and you can always find a better deal around the corner.

    After playing Black Desert Online for a while, I started appreciating DEs monetary policy from a whole new outlook. WF has the best possible free to play scene. Pay to get better against what? AI? The game is the definition of power creep, No AI is a match against someone whos playing the game for a while, so does it really matter?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Zyga21 said:

    I have tried it, and I hate it, it's not hard, it's just a grind. (the liches)


    Having something to do isn't automatically a good thing, then everything would always be fine. I just can't agree with you on that. 

    For me, the massive grind is what makes it hard. Warframe will never be that hard, we have way too much power already. But once your lich goes to Rank 5 and beyond, its somewhat challenging.

    Having something new to do is better than having nothing to do, I'll take that anyway. 

    Good luck for you, hope you find some fun out of it 🙂

  9. Just now, Zyga21 said:

    I would like to ignore kuva liches but, I'm a no life loser and I need that MR, so I'm gonna do this still. The grind is something to do, but I'm still going to complain about it because it's not fun and the RNG is really high on everything about it. Also I heard a rumor you're going to need to forma kuva weapons 5 times like the paracesis, sounds like even more grind on grind on grind.

    I am a no life too and from one no life to another, just give it a try mate 🙂

    Let me tell you how it is with me. I always hate higher difficulty and grind, in all games. But when the difficulty is low and grind is less, I burn through it very fast. It will be a while before I can kill my first lich and I think, it will bring a very satisfying feeling. 

    I am not gonna dive into the madness of grinding a specific weapon for specific stat, no way. Whatever I get I'll level it up and will passively forma with free formas in regular missions that I do anyway. 

    I was down to kuva farming and rolling rivens that I dont even need or gonna use. How pathetic is that? Atleast now there is something, and it will be there for a while! We needed sustainable content mate, now we got some. 

    Melee changes aren't final so let's wait for that. Warframes are warframes, we have plenty of frames for specific tasks, it's fine to have some without any speciality. Just for the fun of it.

  10. Thank You DE, for an incredibly fun and enjoying update. 

    I am probably one of your biggest complainers. I complain because I love the game. Well, I guess I'll be busy for quite some time now, so no time for complaining. 

    Please don't nerf the nemesis system or simplify it. Doing so will ruin everything. I believe this update is meant for veterans and hardcore players, please keep it that way. I love it and my clanmates love it. 

    Keep up the good work, I wish you all the best. I'll not forget to get some platinum as soon as my salary arrived this month, to express my gratitude and love for you.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Zyga21 said:

    no offense, but why not start your own thread then? Or like explain why you like it, just saying "it's good, good job" isn't discussion

    None taken. Just trying to counter some of the negative vibe, with some positive words. Because I really do love this update, and Everytime there is something good, people comes screaming n crying that they don't like this or that, and DE ends up nerfing or simplifying it. 

    If I had more time I would write a detail counter of your points, for example you think kuva liches arent rewarding enough, but I think, if you dont find them rewarding then they aren't for you. Me and plenty of my clanmates are super busy hunting liches. Its not only fun and enjoying, also delivers a breath of fresh air and rewards are plenty.

    Thats the thing, DE can not satisfy always all of their playerbase with every update. This one is meant for veterans and hardcore grinders. It is well received by veterans and hard core grinders! I am super happy to get an update thats gonna take me many months to go through. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, Samhel said:

    I hope one day they understand that we need quests and game modes and more weapons and not frames this frequently... Back in the days there was a huge hype around all warframe announcements, and today, well.... it's not that satisfying anymore...

    ^^ This exactly. 

    I played all day all night when I was a MR8, farming non stop so I can afford other frames. The excitement was through the sky. 

    Its gone long time ago. I didn't build most stuff that came after Revenant. Haven't touch Gauss or Atlas yet, didn't even farm Deathcube or Tekko. Some of them are good frames, no doubt. But the excitement is gone. I don't feel like playing another Warframe. Not one after another, not for a while. Some quest would be really refreshing. 

    For a game that have such deep chance of lore development, Warframe doesn't even try. 

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