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Everything posted by RamoRua

  1. This problem is not only on the left side of the screen, my jump button is on the top right corner, and it is interrupting camera turning(looking around)whenever the button is pressed. It’s not caused by the location of customized buttons, it’s about holding inputs like movement and camera turning being interrupted by other actions like button press.
  2. Currently I’m using a 4 finger setup where attack buttons are located at top left and jump at top right corner of the screen. Every time attack button is pressed, the movement input is interrupted. And every time jump button is pressed, aim input is interrupted. This means that using auto attack is mandatory on ios platform, otherwise it is impossible to move, aim and shoot at the same time. Also, jumping always interrupts camera turning, this prevents players from looking around and jumping at the same time. Lastly, a few minor bugs: heavy melee attack button is missing right side attack button(the one that does not auto enter aim mode before attack) is not customizable gear wheel is not customizable, size and location is always fixed UI scale other than 100% will make scaled elements off-screen
  3. Not just the left side, right side buttons sometimes breaks aim and camera rotation as well. It seems like the mobile controls does not fully support multi touch
  4. Same here, cannot interact with the hack
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