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Posts posted by (XBOX)LurkyofAuir

  1. Hey All,


    After getting all of the parts for ash and starting to level him, I noticed something weird going on with his blade storm. Whenever I recast the ability, after targeting a bunch of enemies, the ash clones that spawn don't seem to play the proper animation. They still deal damage as they should be, but the animation widely varies. Sometimes they just stand in front of the enemies while the animation should be playing, sometimes they seem to be trying to pull out a melee weapon, and other times they are attacking the enemies with my melee, rather than Ash's blades. I don't know what could be causing this issue, and after a bunch of testing, it seems to happen regardless of the loadout I have equipped. I don't know what could be causing this issue, and I thought I would turn it in here to see if it can be fixed.



  2. After running a bunch of missions on Saturn, Nora night has popped up twice, saying the there is glass resonance nearby, and nothing spawns in or is way pointed. If the enemies are spawning in, we can't find them, and based on what I have seen, everyone else is experiencing this too.

  3. Here is my submission!

    This took an insanely long time to figure out the exact placement and angles for the portals (as arrows have rather small hitboxes) but I am happy with the results, and think the crossing portals look beautiful. Good luck to everyone else, I have seen some amazing submissions here!

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