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  1. Hi, maybe stupid question but it's been a while. Am i supposed to win standing from the bounties in whisper in the wall? I can see 5000 standings on the highest level bounties but my standing hasn't moved. I've done a dozen of them just tonight
  2. I appreciate the variety in the bundle, but personally, I'm more interested in the skins. While the platinum, regal aya, glyphs, and accolade are all nice additions, they don't align with what I'm looking for right now. Financially, things have changed for me over the past couple of years, making it more challenging to invest in $100 packs like I did half a decade ago. Additionally, at my current MR, I don't really have a need for more platinum, I've pretty mastered everything. It would be wonderful if there were an option to purchase only the skins.
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