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Everything posted by Wookins

  1. Does anyone know what decides what kind of curse we get at the end of the assassination mission? Is it entirely random? Because I've gotten a dozen Curse of Knowing and half a dozen Curse of Hearing without a single Curse of Seeing drop, and it's getting a little worrying. Generally a fan of the update otherwise, though. Thanks DE.
  2. I've defeated the orowyrm in lone story, completed 8 cycles of the circuit, [EDIT: I meant 8 stages. Since posting, I have fully completed 1 reward tree before weekly reset] and the core duviri experience 3+ times all on normal. SP still hasn't unlocked for me. I've done all of this across multiple different moods, several times over. All to no avail. This is getting rather frustrating.
  3. Are y'all planning on compensating the people who have been getting the missing loot bug? Some of us (myself included) bought resource boosters at the launch but haven't been getting the loot we've actually worked to collect. I myself don't see most of what I gathered in Duviri show up in the forge's resource inventory, even after a successful run. It's very upsetting.
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