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  1. the CC ends up being a tool in the game and even part of a way of playing or in some cases, a way to fix the inconsistencies of some warframes For example, I used Limbo with the wisp ability to avoid having serious problems with the eximus, now without that cc that you could put on it, Limbo becomes a warframe that once again has big problems The cc as it was was correct, really few things could affect eximus or enemies with sogreguard, removing everything does not make the game better but rather it takes away a tool, I think DE got confused with the change
  2. They really aren't just 2x25+50requires preparation 2x25+50 to have overguard 2x25+50 to get the book 2x25+50 for the birds After that it would be 2x25+50 to deal damage until you have to recast the cooldowns If it is true that with his book you can get a lot of energy, the bad thing is that if he focused the build on his skills, you don't want to have to use his book constantly because it would take away your time to continue using his skills Another different thing is that you make a build specifically for the damage with your book, these do not have as much energy demand We can use equilibrium or other things but that does not mean that the energy expenditure is very high.
  3. The change to enemies immune to crowd control seems bad to me, it destroys synergies that could be created with them, for example with Limbo I used Wisp's ability to blind the Eximus just before they entered the dome, why did you eliminate those? Things that players want to have? It doesn't break the game nor is it an abuse of power, it's just another tool and several of my warframes are going to be quite affected, you should make people want to play your game a little more not a little less Besides listening to the community is good, but nerfing a warframe a week after it comes out seems horrible to me, you should wait at least 3 or 4 months and see the usage parameters of that warframe, now it's something new, it just came out and it is easy to obtain but, in the long run it may not be used as much as you think, it is a very powerful and complete warframe but not the best, apart from having more skills and a rotation to perform can alienate some people from its use even if others loved it, listening to the part of the community that asks for it to be nerfed from day one seems dangerous to me, it is enough for something to become new or to be a trend or fashionable for there to be voices asking for nerfs, it is good that Listen to the community but there will always be all kinds of comments, you have to know which ones to pay attention to and which ones not to pay attention to. Warframe has always been a great game and DE has always been there listening and supporting the game but, specifically, this patch seems disastrous to me in many ways, a big mistake that makes the game worse not better.
  4. El cambio a los enemigos inmunes al control de masas me parece malo, destruye sinergias que se podían crear con ellas, por ejemplo con limbo usaba la habilidad de wisp para cegar a los eximus justo antes de que entraran en la cúpula, por que elimináis esas cosas que los jugadores quieren tener? no rompe el juego ni es un abuso de poder, solo es una herramienta más y, varios de mis warframes se van a ver bastante afectados, deberíais hacer que la gente quiera jugar un poco más a vuestro juego no un poco menos A parte, escuchar a la comunidad está bien pero, nerfear un warframe a la semana de salir me parece algo horrible, deberíais esperar al menos 3 o 4 meses y ver los parámetros de uso de ese warframe, ahora es algo nuevo, acaba de salir y es fácil de obtenerlo pero, puede que a la larga no sea tan utilizado como pensáis, es un warframe muy poderoso y completo pero no el mejor, a parte tener mas habilidades y una rotación que realizar puede llegar a alejar a algunas personas de su uso aunque otras lo amaran, hacer caso a la parte de la comunidad que pide nerfearlo desde el primer día me parece peligroso, basta con que algo se vuelva novedoso o sea tendencia o este de moda para que haya voces que pidan nerfeos, esta bien que escuchéis a la comunidad pero siempre va a haber todo tipo de comentarios, hay que saber a cuales hacer caso y a cuales no Warframe siempre ha sido un gran juego y DE siempre ha estado ahí escuchando y apoyando el juego pero, en concreto este parche me parece nefasto en muchos sentidos, un gran error que hace al juego peor no mejor
  5. Personally, I don't think a nerf is necessary, it is a very complete warframe but its difficulty of use may alienate some players and it may end up not being one of the most used. Other things to keep in mind is that even doing everything is not the best, let me explain it puts overguard but, at very high levels it cannot survive from it, for example styanax can create overguard all the time while dealing damage and with much higher energy management Dante has control with his birds but it is not the best control in the game, if you want to specialize in control you will probably go to other warframes It can do a lot of damage but, in the end, this feature is the easiest to emulate with other warframes and/or weapons, it can kill at quite high levels but its energy cost is excessive compared to other damage-specialist warframes apart from others. warframes whether they are damage specialists or they don't have much ease in gutting armor, dante has slashing damage which is great but he doesn't do it In any case
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