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Posts posted by Barcs

  1. I started the Vox Solaris quest earlier but decided to take a break ... when I returned I popped to the relay first to pick up my new sanctuary target ... but then when trying to re-enter Fortuna (directly from the navigation in the relay) to continue the quest it had a lock symbol over it and I couldn't enter Vallis as I'd not finished the quest ... I couldn't figure out what was going on, then it occured to me to leave the relay and try that on the offchance and it worked.


    Not sure if it's intended, can't imagine why, was certainly odd.

  2. I've not really doe bounties much before, but been doing them with the plague event ... I've been put in elidon hunts, standard bounties, the other plague bounty type I didn't queue for ... it just seems to throw me into any random group that's doing any bounty.

    I have notice there's the 'vote for mission' box at the top (without the option to vote) when you go to the guy and queue up for a bounty, so I think maybe that's related to whatever funky is going on.

  3. Yeah so I'm replying here as there's already at least 5 topics on this and I don't want to make another ... but in about 6 or 7 runs to get Atlas this happened to me 3-4 times ... it may have been the times I didn't skip the cutscene, I only started trying to figure it out towards the end and so didn't do enough runs, but yeah, I was the only one in the squad this happened to.

  4. Yeah, so I thought this happened to everyone ... all my chosen colours have gone back to the default, no favourited colours remembered, sigils weren't as they were, etc ... I spent a while getting my rhino prime and favourite 3 weapons back, played a fair bit, closed down the game for a bit, came back ... and it's all wiped again ... it's only because I started having a temper tantrum in clan chat did people point out that it's not a universal issue (hadn't happened to any of them) ... so much time wasted, haha.


    EDIT: This time I didn't bother re-fixing his look and just decided to play ugly ... after one mission I loaded back into my orbiter and my colour scheme was all restored...

  5. Yup just happened to me. I failed the thumper corridor (not sure how, was using Zhep to fly through it) ... did the ice one fine. Then every time I attempted to re-try the thumper room it'd immediately port me back out, despite the wiki saying you get multiple attempts, so +1 from me.

    There's also at least 2 other threads on here about this, but not sure if we're allowed to link on the forums (even to other forum bits) so I won't put it here but it's not an isolated case.

  6. I was in a T4I and I think Hysteria (Valk ability) was just ending at the time of extraction, we voted no, but then when my claws were put away (as hysteria ended) I no longer had a melee weapon.


    This definitely wasn't the case of one of those guys that has the disarm ability.


    Upon reactivating Hysteria then my melee weapons appeared in my hand for the duration of hysteria (when they shouldn't be present) but then disappeared again whenever it ended.


    Towards the end of the wave I wondered what would happen if I pressed my quick melee button (when holding a gun) and it made me uncontrollably walk forwards whilst the gun on my back was firing into the ground (from the animation I don't know where it was pointed) and this carried on for a little while until we extracted.

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