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Everything posted by lucky_simon

  1. https://imgur.com/a/wgRPq5t I just ran Effervo through Cavia Bounty. Bounty also rewards all the Gargoyle Operation items. At least it used to. As you can see, I got 2 identified melee arcanes which means I killed both Fragmented one and Whipser. And which means it was Effervo node. And I got a Curse which means I'm getting Gargoyle Operation rewards. But where's the Splinter? Why DE?
  2. https://imgur.com/a/4norlSk ***** *** ***** *** ******* 00:45 Tell me what this mean, what do I have to do, DE? Why do we have to experience this? Why just can you internationalize like every other modern games? Why DE? Why?
  3. 오래 플레이 해온 분들은 이미 아시겠지만, 해당국가에서는 어쩌구 하면서 한국에서는 수령할 수 없는 이벤트 아이템들이 이미 많이 있습니다. 소수 민족을 위해서 트위치를 버리는 일 까지 할리는 없고, 그냥 두면 딱히 뭔가를 해줄거라고 보기 어렵습니다. 드랍스 못받는 한국에는 얼럿이라도 띄워달라고 우리가 간청하는 수 밖에 없지 않을까요? 뭐 전부 다, 내년에 실제로 어떻게 되는가 보고 결정할 일입니다.
  4. Current problem of Excavation mission is the Power Carriers. Excavation mission itself and rewards are just fine but Power Carrier starvation makes the mission very very very undesirable. I don't know exact number but number of live Power Carriers are capped and they got stuck somewhere so frequently. When that happens, and it happens pretty much all the time, you just have to give up defending excavators and have to hunt down Power Carriers. That makes the mission takes unnecessary long time and hate the mission itself. That's all because of the Power Carriers. And that problem limits the choice of warframe for that mission. Especially when you play solo, must use looter frame to mitigate the starvation. And what is the Power Carriers? Why our enemies are carrying it for us? Aren't they supposed to prevent us from digging their stuff? I think that's pretty stupid mechanics. What if, the charge mechanism is changed like the Index or revival mechanism of Arbitration? Any enemies in excavation mission drops a token with specific rate and we carry the token to charge excavators. Drop rate and charge rate can be adjusted to change mission difficulty. And successfully eliminates the Power Carrier starvation problem and nonsense. Please DE, do something with the Power Carriers. They are stupid and does not make any sense.
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