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  1. Holy mother of recklessness, Batman. And I mean reckless... or at least very "knee-jerk". Warframe Line-Of-Sight (Derogatory). That's the big thing I'm seeing here yet again, this game's Line-of-Sight system(s) are almost non-functional, if not outright detrimental to even basic non-nuke abilities much of the time because of its code wonkiness. There's two (or more?) different types of LoS, but they're both a complete mess that is so jank at best that it tends to knee-cap abilities that have the check applied to them without being built with them in mind from the start (I haven't seen anybody complain about Dark Verse's LoS compared to the new Tragedy LoS), and the things that they're applied to are inconsistent. People have mentioned a multitude of other "nuke-frames" that never got LoS checks for their premiere abilities despite their infamy. If DE ever works on another "wide-spread fix" after the multi-year effort of fixing Sticky Corners, then the multitude of LoS systems need to be worked on, because not being able to hit an enemy because only one of their feet is blocked from my camera by another enemy's gib is asinine. And from what I can tell, this pass didn't even fix the issue that Chroma + Hunter Adrenaline/Rage + Arcane Grace users were complaining about to begin with, being that Overguard blocks their activation due to them being based on taking health damage, so an enthusiastic rando Dante casting their Overguard could easily screw over builds that aren't even that niche. The problem isn't Dante himself, the problem is how Overguard interacts with health-damage-based things. Nerfing how much Overguard Dante gives to his teammates doesn't fix that, and they still applied the nerf to Dante's self-Overguard. It's Overguard that needs tweaking, not Dante's application of it. What use is a Support ability that can't properly support?
  2. Many thanks! I'll need to look for that the next time I find that tile.
  3. Does anybody know where the room with a possible Voca spawn can be opened/entered? Large view of particular room. Closest to where I could hear the Voca the clearest, on the raised hand. See the minimap for the large amount of items seemingly right above me. I tried using the computer found in the room, which didn't do anything. I also tried looking around in other areas of the map for a some kind of overlapping entrance, but I couldn't find anything. Many thanks in advance!
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