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  1. I don't care, I use Rust which is LLVM https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#integer-type
  2. back in the day you could only get it from alerts, that was a great era for nitain addiction
  3. 1. No one is using any UUID other than UUIDv4. 2. What platforms? Even web actually has support for big integer, it's just that JSON doesn't. Why format an integer as a hexadecimal string if you can just format it as an integer?
  4. UUIDs are actually integers, they are just formatted as strings so that JavaScript developers can use them
  5. It's not my problem, I was just focusing on getting the most damage.
  6. Why would bosses and other be immune to the rift? Unrealistic.
  7. "works well into steel path" doesn't mean much, mobs there are too weak
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