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Posts posted by The-Matrix

  1. Oh i am totally for the return of Super Jump with the new update, so much more relevant in plains  even in its former state than the boring dmg Radial Javelin. But i dont think it will ever return, ppl want dmg or cc power. Super Jump is just mobility, most of players dont like that sadly and back in the days, we have to admit it was a niche since we couldnt use it on most maps.

    But now, i only dream of it since it can provide so much fun w/o talking of the impresson of power (height) provided by the jump it could have in this new huge open map.

    Tryied the Zephyr's counter part power but it will never feel the same.

    I'll miss it till the end :(

  2. Well you can but i never really enjoyed operator mod. Operator's gameplay feels very clumsy to me and squishy af. But i guess it's all about taste :)  Maybe later when they will  add more gameplay again to it i'll like it. And i am sure SJ could top operator air dash w/o any problem with Power Strenght.

    I don't like at all Archwing gameplay, i never play AW  and i hate Titania's ult :D sorry (taste again here)

    With Zephyr in the other way, yes it is probably redundant, i might indeed try her a bit more and give her another a chance. I hope i'll find what i seek (i cant describe it with my crap english :/)


    edit : @Imaru oh didnt know that, nice update,  ty for the information

  3. I could sure but you can't reach the same height with bullet jump, it only achieves a lot less than Jump w/o the feeling of the speed and magnitude. That's why i really miss Jump.

    Jump was linked to power strentgh it was amazing and not very energy consuming with the proper mod. Bullet jump is quite linear in terms of height achievement. I was used (for fun ofc)  to put Heavy impact for exemple, slide/kd for a smoother gameplay, jump again kill with the ogris  and on and on.

    I cant do that with Bullet jump it's a way more slower and again the feeling of the magnitude of Jump isn't there.

  4. Well with Eidolon's uptade, i really feel dropping Excal's jump power instead of Radial Javelin was a mistake. Jump was so much more fun with Ogris for exemple in open maps than Radial Javelin which isn't good right now and now, it's even more irrelevant with this huge map. We could jump/dash enjoying the full potential of a real mobile gameplay but we are stuck with the tasteless damage power.

    Some might enjoy it and would say it isn't that bad when synergized with other warframe's power but i really wish Excalibur had his jump :(

    Don't know, maybe we are not that much feeling the same but i really cant stand RJ compared to the potential of Jump

    This is just my opinon of course but feel free to give yours especially if you don't agree.


    ps : sorry for the poor english


    edit : typo

  5. In my opinion the sonic quake and sonar are ok, it both have their utilities, the first to kd and the second to dmg.

    My personal issue are Silence and the ult... Silence is bad not particulary because of the design of the power (it could have been good) but mainly because Warframe fails at the stealth gameplay, so the only thing over which most of player are focusing is Silence's cc ability but duration doesnt help for cc and then Silence become quite useless. I would remove Silence totally and/or think of a new power.

    Ult's case if even more obvious and the issue is well known :  crap damage (i personally dont care about this) and locked on place. No fun to ult during one minute without being able to move (no Mesa isnt the same :satisfied:).

  6. Rather than waiting for a shoot it should be an aura which autodestruct container, nobody got the time to stop at each container waiting for a shoot even if it takes 1 sc. Instant or nothing. Aura around the same range as shocking speed for exemple.


    edit : typo


  7. Dear God_is_a_Cat_Girl,


    first thank you for your investment, you seem to be well versed into the game (no sarcasm at all) but imo i cant even see how 7 summons can compete vs 14 (average number) summons. Before i could have so many ancients healers, etc who could allow me to tank a lot more than these poors 7 mobs even if these are even more targetted than they were before simply because i had a wall which protected me vs melee or ranged damage. 

    As you said ranged damage are a pain in the &#! since 3 faction between 4 got a lot of this kind of ennemies. Prior this update several  T4 corrupted heavy rocket launcher (for exemple) could hardly wound Nekros badly (w/o being invincible too) now he cant tank that much (he remains decent though) as he used to be. I never considered Nekros as a top tier warframe ( he was very close imo) but he could still do very well for high end mission. Not saying today he is trash because it would be wrong but i still think he is less effective than he was before (less loot and less tanky).


    Therefore i considerthis "rework" as a nerf and not a straight upgrade


    Anyway, thank you again for your investment, ppl like you make this game a lot better


    ps : sorry for the bad typo

  8. Totally agree, Nekros got nerfed so badly...  Desecrate is so  useless right now and SotD is weaker than the former one...


    Desecrate :

    _ a lot less loot chance, dont even know why it has been nerfed (90% to less than 54% in including the orb)===> reverse back the  % loot chance


    SotD :

    _ 13 less summons  than before (maxed) so less agro, less protection around you, less diversity in undead abilities===> increase the number of summons available (not 20 but at least 5 more)


    _undead need to be constantly babysitting compared to before where you could easily achieve w/o too much pain and negative stats  40 sc duration. You cant really focus on an another task or your asmatic pets won't survive  their fast decaying state + the dmg they take======> increase the health's pool of the undead


    _augment shield of shadow require more power strentgh to achieve the 90% reduction compared to before with only 7 summons where as you had around 14 summons (average)===> increase the number of pets



    Seriously DE before reworking any warframe if you cant see what will happen at least ask a choosen group of experienced players to help you because it's not the first time a "rework" has been done quite lightly.


    Sadly there is so many warframes who still need to be tweaked or (re)reworked and this is going to be worst and worst since the content keep increasing where as the fix cant follow the progression. I wish you you could take your time reworking all the warframes with less new contents; it would refresh the gameplay w/o penalizing the interest too much thanks to the rediscover of "new" abilities.

  9. Not a huge fan of the "rework-fix" StoD too,


    You hardly got four nekros based on the 4 in the same time (dont remember one time in such case and i m playing since the start) ; not that it never happened but i guess it's quite rare.

    Plus, indeed the timer on the shadows is quite short... before you could have your army of undead for a decent time focusing on another task and now you got 7 asmatic bronchitis mob who constantly need attention... The amount of undead you had before could provide a huge shield around Nekros a lot more effective than this 7 dying summons.


    I second the idea of bringing back the former glory of the necromancian, if the issue is really the performance (i kinda doubt this since is not that greedy), well DE just have to optimise the FX or remove some sparks ; it's not like the power relied on its incredible beauty.

  10. Fake difficulty with one only tiny weak spot (the face) while he is moving so much, hard to aim (no i dont want to play Nova). None the less, i took my dear Banshee on sortie and of course it was w/o the fact that sonar doesnt work on him.

    It's probably not intended of course which brings me to this : you DE, should really spend more time to focus on the old bugs and put less new content if you dont have enough people to fix bugs as fast as you are bringing new stuff (dont mean to be rude here). Some issues are 2 years old even 3 now... A lot of warframes/boss/weapons need to be reworked or tweaked and the more the time passes, the less you are able to catch-up ; so please, let 2016 be the year of the fix.

    End of Vay Hek's mod :)

  11. Well not tht agree with OP since i am use to go on draco with level 0 weapon, i usually bring Banshee and let my  teamates do all the kills. I dont see why it shouldnt be allowed, this game is grindy enough so why spend more time grinding.

    It doesnt bother me at all when somebody in the squad does the same while i am full equipped, it is more difficult when a lot of squadmates are underlevelled or underequipped but it provides at least a bit of a challenge in Warframe where there isnt tht much.  

    In general manner, we all have to deal with the salt of the fail, sh*t happens, i dont really like the taxi's concept  but i can understand rookies dont want to spend so much hours to grind the tasteless planet system even though seeing a MR 3 on Draco is 'meh'.


  12. After several death inside the theorical protection globe, i have found a lot of drawback (intended or not ? only DE know) :

      _all the projectiles of none hitscan weapons can damage you if you are in the bullet's path while it is redirected to the target  inside the bubble (including missile and laser's fusion moa). If you cast it on a Bombard his missiles will turn around him and explode at the first contact (ennemies around, you or solid object) which leads you to take full damage with the aoe.

      _grenade just acts as if there was no redirection at all, lands where it should have landed and rickroll-damage you ; same for Napalm's projectile which seems to be unafected by bullet attraction without mentionning the huge aoe which kills you 3 miles away.

     _Bursa's shockwaves spam litterally destroy your arss


    This is probably not a complete list of Bullet attraction's inherent issues but i guess it will eventually get fixed with the Mag's rework.



    ps : sorry for the bad typo and/or english

  13. Saryn is quite good in her state but she one of the fiew and maybe the only one who needs armor (because of melee ability), energy (combo), power (dmg to kill fast ofc), range (you dont want to be surrounded by 100 ennemies), duration+ efficiency (3 second ability+ huge energy consomption ? No thanks), health (to tank) and her molt augment mod to heal.


    Well not enough mod slot DE ^.^

    As is said, you can still do ok but at high end content she is really too squishy and once again she got a melee ability. More over, Saryn was known as the first female tank which is not the case at all in her current state.

  14. One of the main problem of Saryn is her survability at close range, it was already quite case before but since her ult was able to deal huge dmg it wasnt tht much emphasized...

    But now since DE tends to make her a hybrid caster/melee frame, she is quite terrible. Not enough damage, too many energy consomption and already very squishy vs level 40 void ennemies.

    Her armor need to be boosted significally and/or power energy cost decreased. Molt's regen need to heal quicker and not being affected by duration, it's a drawback.

    Plus now in her state Saryn need power, efficiency and duration + armor mod+health mod+ rage + molt augment mod to be able to survive decently (and w/o being op) but of course you dont have enough room for that.


    In short term, Saryn need a lot of attention right now to be effective.

  15. Oh right sorry ! i meant on the frame it belongs exclusively of course ; my bad it was so clear to me, thank you to specify it.



    edit : spelling

  16. What about allowing player to transfer the passive of discontinued arcane helmet on the other helmet or syadana exclusively to the frame it belongs like it is already  (in a way) the case for the new arcane stuff ?

    Sometimes i wish i could combine the good passive ability of the old arcane with the skin of my choice (including the prime helmet ofc) ; that would be really great.



    edit : clarification

  17. Well now she has almost nothing, most of the warframe a better than her in most case. Pull still remains "decent" compared to her other powers and she got Shield Polarize which is very good vs shielded faction and scales efficiently.

    Bullet attractor is a joke, target die sure but nothing around (terrible scale) and her ult is not even a joke at this point (crap magnetic dmg, stuck during the quite long animation).

    The problem is Mag was already not that popular considering she is bad vs grineer and infested, she didntt need another nerf. She need a slightly rework but DE went the easiest way : nerf and no rework T_T


    ps : leaderboard doesnt mean a warframe is Top tier. You dont use Mag for nightmare mod or raid and even in T4 usually you dont see her that much where as it is a shielded faction :/

  18.  Dear DE,



    at last ! you nerfed one of the most powerful warframe of the game, thank you. 



    Joke aside, i think DE have no clue of what they are doing sometime... Mag is already very situational (good vs 2 faction), pull was  a teamplay ability which was bringing back Mag in the front stage. It has been removed for being a selfish ability, Mag vanished again... And as if it wasnt enough, now once again, DE nerf her ?

     Please, just remove Mag if you want to make her useless.







  19. Rest is the only one night's good ability but seriously it doesnt seem that overextended increases the area of the spell which sucks considering the area is very small... It works only on the cast range obviously, then you need to spam it again and over again to cc few ennemies. There so many warframe a way  better at cc.

    Come on DE you can do better than that !

  20. ... so you mean you are fine with orokin cell  and neural sensor there but not fine with the forma? ......


    Well at least orokin and neural are not in the rotation table and dont decrease my chance to get prime part.


    Another little bonus for DE ^.^ :




  21. Thank you for this awesome drop table DE, i had to wait some T4 to finally get some formas ; next time i wish  you will implement 5k nano spore in the rotation. It's not like T4 was the top of the void and formas were available in T1 already!


    Guess what :






    Dont take it seriously of course ! but still it had to be said again and over again untill this kind of sh*t is removed !

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