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  1. Okay so I was recommended a heavy spam build (for reaper prime) and I was looking up the mods for that build and one of them was corrupt charge and I saw this on the wiki which confused me because apparently a lot of people use this build. I did some calculations and with the initial combo being 30 points and the counter going up at 40 pts/s it would take .75 seconds to recharge up to full. So this means the heavy wind up time should be higher than .75 seconds and if amalgam organ shatter + killing blow makes a 2.2x heavy windup speed multiplier that would make the wind up time approximately .46 seconds. the attack speed could be taken into account but that really depends on where the enemy is i would assume (at least for the reaping spiral stance). So yes it would out run the initial combo timer but what really confuses me is the fact that the link says it completely nullifies it even if i wait for it to go up.
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