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Posts posted by -GaMeR-

  1. I can't seem to get the hang of it to farm traces properly. On the wiki I read that the mission gives 6 to 30 traces based on RNG. Is that all, no other option to increase them?

    Thing is I usually get very low amounts and refining relics is a huge burden. Is there any trick to it, something that I'm missing?

    This is with smeeta kavat(charm) equipped but still very low amount.


    What I need is a guide if there is any trick to farming the traces. I don't usually buy boosters but it seems i will have to...

  2. Can we have some on/off option to auto leave the squad/lobby after mission? I happen to have a bad habit of alt+tabbing too much, and sometimes i forget to leave the squad.. Then some fellow tenno will click, and I unknowingly join/start in that mission. A simple "auto-self-kick" option will do wonders for the players like myself.

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