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Posts posted by DealerOfAbsolutes

  1. 3 hours ago, Zaghyr said:

    Idk, I still think that specialized counters for HP, Armor, Shields should be left to the 3 combined elements. I also think weakpoint damage being on Impact is a mistake. In terms of gameplay, stagger and hitting weakpoints are incompatible with eachother, you would just keep staggering the target and making it harder to actually hit the weakpoint, which is part of the reason I think it should be on Puncture. If Puncture is not an anti-armor status (which I think is the correct direction), then weak-point damage is a good alternative, and I think makes more sense thematically. Mentally I can justify Puncture having the damage reduction if I think of it like puncturing pressure points for energy channels in the body. I don't think its bandaidy for Puncture to increase Damage to Overgaurd personally, it makes some gameplay and thematic sense to me, but I'm also considering if Gas damage should just bypass Overguard like Toxin does for Shields.

    +1 to the point on impact.

    My 2 cents about Impact:

    In addition to what impact already does, staggered enemies have their entire hitbox treated as "head". The issue of stagger animations making hitting weakspots harder is solved. This also gives Impact a mechanical advantage against Corpus as hits on the "head" ignore Shield Gating, while giving a decent bonus against all other factions and giving "headshot" bonus mods another use. 

    +1 for Puncture buffing damage against Overguard

    Throwaway idea for Puncture:

    In addition to what puncture already does, weakened enemies have duration of all other procs except puncture refreshed and take +100% damage to health AND Overguard; this bonus is additive with Viral procs. In this way, Viral procs would have their value diluted in the same way Base Damage mods are nowadays giving a small reason to use Corrosive. One of the main reasons Viral kills Corrosive is that Viral provides its own unique multiplier that you can't get anywhere else while you can get 100% armor strip from anywhere nowadays, while Corrosive can't even get you that.

    Also give some actually useful utility that many players consider mandatory on weaker damage types:

    Idea for Cold:

    In addition to what Cold already does, 50% chance to spawn small energy orb on proc with 3 second cooldown between spawns.

    Idea for Magnetic:

    In addition to what Magnetic already does, nearby enemies are pulled towards afflicted enemy. +5m radius on first proc, +0.5 on subsequent capping at 9.5m.


  2. 28 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    I misunderstood then, but wouldn't this have the opposite effect? Weapons with the best Elemental Efficiency (I think this better describes the effect) would get more raw damage and weapons without would get less, just like weapons with better base Crit stats benefit more from the same mods as weapons with worse Crit stats.

    Idea was that weapons with good Crit Stats or AOE would get much lower Elemental Efficiency than weapons with bad Crit stats.

    In this way Crit weapons would not only get less raw damage from Elemental mods, but have a much harder time proccing Elements over IPS with the exception of weapons with pure elemental damage.

    The root of the issue is that following the trend of power creep, DE created weapons with no drawbacks. Good Crit, good base damage, good AOE and good status that are all multiplicative with one another. Even if DE implements terrible EE stats on Crit weapons, they'll just release the same Crit weapons again.........but with higher EE stats.

    Though, to the players that were running unranked cold and toxin mods on their Slash Status weapons, it would be a buff.

    On the issue of IPS mods:

    It's a good thing that they don't scale off the entire base damage. Weapons retain some IPS identity, it keeps the numbers low, but the issue is that DE didn't follow through with the same logic when it came to all the other stats.

    If DE could have stopped themselves early on from slapping +90%, and over on all the different multipliers and stuck with something more reasonable like +30% like in other games, we wouldn't have so much number inflation.

    What could've been:

    1.3^4 = 2.85

    1.3^3/1.3^4= 77%

    Missing a multiplier and you only lose little over a fifth of your damage.

    What it is now:


    1.9^3/1.9^4 = 53%

    Missing a multiplier and you basically do little over half your damage.

    Status Efficiency is just another stat squish idea just like making all the multiplicative modifiers additive with each other because we know DE won't roll back the mod numbers.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, PublikDomain said:

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but isn't status magnitude the same as what you're suggesting here? It's a multiplier to the proc? Or do you mean every weapon just gets different amounts of power from elemental/IPS mods?

    Every weapon just gets different amount of power from Elemental mods.

    For example, a weapon with 0.5 Status Efficiency would mean that a +90% Element would only grant +45%.

    This is similar to how a 90% Slash mod would only grant +45% if a weapon only has 50% innate Slash.

    This would bring some parity between Elemental mods and the vastly inferior IPS mods while reducing player damage across the board. Though the clear issue with this idea is that raw damage weapons would fall further behind Viral/Slash builds.

  4. 17 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    Frankly speaking status has a 2 fundamental flaws on its desing so adding more parts to it would just make it even more unbalanced.

    On the player side there is the unavoidable fact that some status effects care about aplication rate while others only care about the damage behind the proc. So higher rof weapon are better on a fundamental level than low rof ones 

    On the enemy side there a problem that enemies have no way to resist status effects so status imunity is while spread on elite ranks because there no in-between from foderizng a enemy with status and it just not caring about status at all.

    Not to mention it would make the 10 cap on most statuses a nightmare. Visual feedback is already terrible. At the very least right now statuses are consistent in what they do.

    Adding status magnitude would add further unneeded obfuscation of what's happening on screen. 

    Is that 10 stack of Viral a standard 10 stack of +325% or is it a 10 stack of +650% from some +100% SM Viral applicator?

    It could potentially lead to toxicity where players building for Super Viral procs accuse their squad-mates for sabotaging them by spreading regular Viral procs built for pure status %.

    Easiest solution with minimal headache would just be to give slower rof weapons higher base status chance over higher rof weapons. Status chance isn't capped at 100% anymore. In this way, Sniper Rifles could apply stacks in a similar way to Shotguns in one big wallop.


    • Like 2
  5. 2 cent idea I just had, Elemental Efficiency.

    Currently, IPS mods scale off only with the IPS portion of a weapon's base damage making them strictly inferior to Elemental Mods that scale off of the entire base damage in 99% of cases. 

    Melee weapons have a follow through multiplier less than 1 that decreases damage done to subsequent targets in a swing. DE recently nerfed these multipliers to bring down melee. 

    Apply that logic to Elemental mods.

    Elemental mods scale off of Base Damage X Elemental Efficiency, with EE being <1. This would bring some parity between Elemental mods and IPS mods in terms of raw numbers. Combined Elements already enjoy +75% bonuses vs the +50% bonuses of IPS.

    EE of 0.5 means that a weapon only scales off of half of a weapon's base damage, not unlike how a Slash mod scales on a weapon with 50% Slash.

    Bog standard weapons can get EE of 0.5.

    Crit weapons can get lower EE.

    Non-crit weapons with low base damage can get higher EE.

    Introduce new mods that increase Elemental Efficiency not unlike Crit Damage mods. This would create a dichotomy of modding for Crit vs Elements instead of the current issue where there is no reason to not slap Elements onto everything except for niche Slash weapons.

    Of course, this would lead us to a new meta of low EE, high status Slash weapons because players already slot in unranked Elements for Viral on Slash weapons. At the very least, this would heavily nerf the Viral + HM builds that enjoyed the Viral buffs while being completely unscathed by the removal of 4xIPS priority.

    Maybe even extend this to Multi-shot. Some weapons like Grineer weapons could get base Multi-shot of <1, explained away in lore as faulty quality control / misfires.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2021-12-29 at 4:04 PM, Drasiel said:

    honestly if I could I would just give the zenurik energy circle ability to all base operators regardless of school. Give zenurik something else.

    DE should just make Energy Siphon default. Biggest issue with Warframe progression is that most new players stick exclusively to low energy tanks like Rhino and Inaros, thinking Mag is terrible until they get a reliable way to get energy.

    Archwings have innate energy generation but Warframes should too because energy orbs are unreliable. You can't manage a resource that has no consistency.


    • Like 4
  7. 5 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:


    do you think the community would be interested in testing how fixed armour would work?
    like, to check and see if it resolves the IPS issue?

    do you know if people have suggested it in the past, and if they have, the general response from DE and community?


  8. 1 hour ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    maybe im not understanding how this works.

    do you not have to go through armour to get to health and if you skip the armour, you would actually be doing more damage?

    in other words, the bleed from slash goes directly to health, and viral amplifies it by upto +325% making that bleed tick something like 148.75, not 35.
    where as, puncture will still be hitting the armour at 82, so where does the viral amplifier come in, since you are still wacking the armour, not the health directly?

    this is my understanding


    yes it does, but not enough at the moment.

    they would need 10x more health, maybe even more, for them to actually be any sort of challenge, both now and if they make armour a fixed value.

    as i said in another post, 
    i can kill level 160 demolysts pretty fast and they have base health of 2500, which is 3.5x more base health than heavy gunners at 700.

    Armor just provides damage reduction to health. It doesn't actually cover health like shields do. Puncture damage would simply be multiplied the same way Slash damage and the bleed tics are. In fixed armor case, Puncture would give you more upfront damage against armored targets. Fixed armor would simply carry over the damage balance from early game.


    Slash for infested.

    Puncture for Grineer.

    Impact for Corpus.

    The weakness triangle only breaks due to armor scaling up. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    The reason is because Slash and Viral status dont work on it 😛 , slash bleed is probably the very reason they made it not work.

    You're taking it out of context. I'm saying that Radiation is strongest when the Eidolon just has almost non-existing armor. Scaling more health doesn't make Viral and Slash stronger. In fact, it makes the combo weaker. Slash is only strong because it ignores armor scaling that all other damage types have to fight through. Slash tics only fight through health, so it will be weaker if health is scaled more.

    If armor didn't scale, Puncture+Viral would be better than Viral/Slash.

    Against a Level 8 Heavy Gunner with 500 ferrite armor, which is 62.5% Damage Reduction.

    100 Neutral will deal 37.5.

    100 Impact will deal 28. 

    100 Puncture will deal 82.

    100 Slash will deal 42. (Half the damage of Puncture)

    100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

    If armor didn't scale and was fixed, these numbers won't change regardless of level. Slash damage + Bleed tic is less DPS than Puncture at fixed armor values.

    Viral procs simply multiply these numbers and won't make a lick of difference.

    Puncture > Slash at all levels if armor didn't scale.

    That's how early game damage was designed. Slash for infested. Puncture for Grineer. Impact for Corpus. 

    Scaling armor simply breaks the game in favor of Slash.

    Slash ignores armor scaling and armor scaling devalues all other damage. Get rid of scaling armor and scale health more and suddenly, Slash isn't so good anymore.

  10. 48 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    if they remove armor scaling as you have suggested, if they dont do something like add 10x or more health scaling, it will still be useless.
    i can kill level 160 demolysts pretty fast and they have base HP of 2500, which is 3.5x more base HP than heavy gunners.

    keep in mind that, they will effectively be doing the same thing with HP as they are with armour, soon viral and slash would be your ONLY option, due to how high their HP would be, yet almost non existing armour.

    this is why they have been implementing gating, and sooner or later, people will be more annoyed by that than if they just change slash.

    That's not how the math works. There's a reason why you don't want to strip all of an Eidolon's armor with Shattering Impact Sarpa.

    Against a Level 8 Heavy Gunner with 500 ferrite armor, which is 62.5% Damage Reduction.

    100 Neutral will deal 37.5.

    100 Impact will deal 28. 

    100 Puncture will deal 82.

    100 Slash will deal 42. (Half the damage of Puncture)

    100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

    If armor didn't scale and was fixed, these numbers won't change regardless of level.

    Right now, because armor scales, 6000 ferrite (+5500 armor from base) means 100 Puncture will deal 13.5. 1/6 the damage it used to deal, but Bleed remains the same at 35.

    If armor didn't scale, and enemies had fixed armor, Puncture would actually be better than Slash against armor at all levels.

    Slash only seems OP since it ignores armor scaling, but if armor didn't scale, it would be on the same playing field as every other damage type. Fixed armor would actually be an indirect nerf to Slash as well as a buff to everything else. If armor didn't scale, and only health did, Slash would only be second to Magnetic as the worst damage against Alloy armor.

    Enemies will get tankier just by scaling health. Armor is a health multiplier and just creates a huge eHP disparity between armored and unarmored units.

    At low levels, all damage types are actually quite equal and do what DE intended. It's scaling armor that breaks it.

  11. 10 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    Yes i understand.

    which is why in my suggestion, there would be effects that bypasses armour and shields.
    you wont be sitting for so long hitting the same target.

    but due to how overpowered some statuses are, DE has started reducing how effective they are on certain enemies, the Lich system is a good example, the slash on shields, gas.

    i really tried to make it as simple as i could and short, so people wouldnt be falling asleep on the first paragraph, or see it as some book they rather not bother with.

    sooner or later, Slash will be nerffed again or become useless against enemies.
    people should be welcoming to ideas that make it sooner, if those ideas still give a decent result.

    everyone knows that DE may nerf it into the ground like Gas, so why not support something that will actually be good and fairly balanced?

    They tried indirectly nerfing Slash by getting rid of the 4x proc priority of IPS which also indirectly buffed Puncture and impact because the Warframe community will throw a massive fit if they did nerf Slash directly as they tried to propose years ago.

    With Corrosive nerfed, Slash will be our only defense against the devil that is armor that has plagued this game from its inception.

    The only sensible choice which would bring down Slash to the level of the other damage types would be to get rid of Armor scaling altogether and only scale health.

    If armor was fixed we won't have stupid scenarios where Radiation deals 18x more damage than Magnetic against 6000 Alloy armor. Alloy armor which the Corpus love to use on some of their robots.

  12. 25 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    ok i did... it seems just as effective.

    even Gas and Magnetic was ok, not as fast, but probably due to not having armour reduction that corrosive has.

    that aside.

    what is wrong with players taking a primary, secondary or melee to deal with different enemies?

    it seems to me that these issues only come into play around enemy level 500+, and anyone who wants those level enemies, should have the right weapons, rather than have 1 weapon that just deletes enemies of any level.

    maybe im missing something?

    The issue is that using the wrong damage type against armor increases your TTK by an order of magnitude. Against mobs, it isn't that big of a deal (3 Seconds vs 15 Seconds is still just Seconds) but when the Wolf of Saturn Six came down, the flaw of our Damage System was hard not to see.

    Using Radiation and not using Radiation against him resulted in TTK's differing by tens of minutes. 

    This damage disparity automatically makes certain damage types trash by comparison, especially damage types with negative modifiers against armor.

    Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier))

    Against 6000 Alloy armor with 95% Damage Reduction:

    100 Neutral will deal 5.

    100 Magnetic will deal 1.6.

    100 Slash will deal 2.

    100 Puncture will deal 8.3.

    100 Viral will deal 8.75.

    100 Radiation will deal 29.

    Against a Sortie level bombard in this example, Radiation deals 18x more damage than Magnetic. Magnetic doesn't have Slash's Bleed tics to compensate, so everyone pans it as the worst damage type that you should never touch outside of Shield Enhancement Sorties. (Doesn't help Magnetic's case when some Corpus units use Alloy armor that Bombards do.)

  13. 12 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    ok, and from your experience, when does a corrosive build become useless?

    i can still effectively kill level 160 heavy gunners with 0 slash build (bo prime) and no riven.

    That's because Corrosive has a +75% against Ferrite. (1.75x damage and 75% armor ignore right from the getgo) Try it on Bombards and you'll see how badly Corrosive was gutted. (It's weaker than pure Viral before you even pair it with Slash.)

    Scaling armor breaks the balance between damage types.

    At 6000 ferrite armor, 100 Corrosive deals 29 damage. (~6x Neutral)

    Over double that of 100 Puncture at 13.5 and this was just +50% --> +75% against Ferrite.

    The problem with scaling armor is that damage types that have ways to deal with it become exponentially better than the other damage types as levels scale.

  14. 17 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    what point does it become 0?, like what level?

    It will never reach 0, but when armor grants 99% damage reduction, it feels like 0. At low levels, IPS fine. Slash only shows its mettle when armor levels get high and that doesn't take very long. It's a design problem when Bleed tics deal more damage than Puncture damage.

    Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier))

    Against a Level 8 Heavy Gunner with 500 ferrite armor, which is 62.5% Damage Reduction.

    100 Neutral will deal 37.5.

    100 Impact will deal 28. 

    100 Puncture will deal 82.

    100 Slash will deal 42.

    100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

    Against a Level 100 Heavy Gunner with ~6000 ferrite armor, which is 95% Damage Reduction.

    100 Neutral will deal 5.

    100 Impact will deal 3.75.

    100 Puncture will deal 13.5.

    100 Slash will deal 5.

    100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

    Armor and health scale with level, but Bleed is only stopped by health scaling.

    Corrosive used to be able to peel that scaling armor right off, but it has been nerfed with a cap. At sortie level, reducing 6000 armor to 1200 is still 80% damage reduction.

    Slash only seems broken because armor mechanics in this game are. Toxin ignores Shields and doesn't get the same praise that Slash gets.

    Scaling armor gives ehp disparity even between units of the same faction. At low levels, Heavy Gunners are several times tankier than Butchers. At high levels, Heavy Gunners are basically gods by comparison.

  15. 1 minute ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Damage should deal damage. 

    The problem with scaling armor in a nutshell. 

    Armor --> Infinity, Damage (except for Bleed) -->0

    That's the issue. Armor scaling makes all damage except Bleed eventually worthless including anti-armor damage types like Puncture.

    If armor was fixed and only health scaled, then Puncture could actually be an alternative to Slash. 

  16. The issue with Bleed is that if it didn't ignore armor, it would be the worst Dot. Corrosive got nerfed with a cap and is now weaker than Viral against Bombards. Viral/Bleed remains as the best answer to armor besides Warframe abilities.

    If armor was a fixed value instead of being scaled, then Bleed wouldn't be so much of a problem. 

    Despite the nerf to scaling, a fundamental problem remains. As armor reaches infinity, damage approaches 0, with the exception of Bleed. Bleed ignores armor scaling and will always do the same damage while everything else gets weaker as armor ramps up.

  17. 1 hour ago, Tyreaus said:

    FWIW, one thing that could probably help those mods some is making their calculations like elemental mods. Right now, the +120% Impact on Collision Force is +120% of the weapon's Impact damage. This means that Collision Force is only better than a 90% elemental if a weapon has at least 75% of its IPS in Impact. If it were treated like an elemental mod*, that would be +120% on the weapon's total base damage.

    *(Side-note / proof: Elemental mods calculate off base damage even if the weapon already has the given element. If I have a Fulmin (100 Impact + 400 Electricity), Crash Course (+120% Impact) takes the damage to 220 Impact (2.2x / +120% on base Impact) + 400 Electricity. Stormbringer (+90% electricity), on the other hand, takes the damage to 100 Impact + 850 Electricity (2.125x / 112.5% of base Electricity, not 1.9x / 90%). This is even though Fulmin already has innate Electricity.)

    If that isn't enough, I tend to agree with @DealerOfAbsolutes above: the mods could probably use some secondary effects to be made better choices.

    (I also agree with the notion that the damage system needs a touch of simplification, but I think that's separate from the mods themselves)

    The problem with IPS mods working like elementals would be the fact everyone would just throw on Slash on everything with even a bit of status chance and not even bother with Puncture or Impact, but that is just the symptom of Bleed being that good. 

    The idea of IPS is that it has a higher bonus than a single element so it was the ideal 3rd element to build for if a weapon could support it (heat rework messed this up though).

    Single Element: +25%

    IPS: +50%

    Combined Element:+75%

    Everything falls apart against armor class modifiers (%boost and %armor ignore) and Bleed though (100% armor ignore).

    At Sortie level, the +50% against Ferrite Puncture has makes it 3x neutral and Corrosive's +75% against Ferrite a 6x neutral, but Bleed just doesn't care about that pesky 20x ehp multiplier armor gives.

    Some ideas for the Bronze IPS mods:

    Sawtooth Clip: +90% Slash, +90% Status Duration

    Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through

    Rupture: +90% Impact, +90% Base Damage


  18. The damage system we have now should be further simplified. We don't need complicated mods.

    The simplest solution would simply be to buff the IPS mods with secondary stats. (+Base Damage, +Fire Rate, +Punch-through) We already have things like Accelerated Blast and it needs to be buffed. 



    The Bronze IPS mods need to be reduced in drain so they'll actually be useful for new players.

  19. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

    Update, I changed the element to viral and I got interesting results on enemies (lvl5 Lich mission)

    Another thing to note is that ever since Corrosive got capped to 80% armor strip while being only neutral against Alloy, it's strictly worst than Viral against Alloy armored Grineer like Bombards and more importantly Elite Lancers that make up the bulk of the Grineer army. Corrosive is only really useful against Ferrite armored enemies like Heavy Gunners and the Lich itself because Armor class modifiers double dip as seen in the equation below: (Boosts your damage and mitigates armor value in damage calculation)

    Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier))

    From the equation above you have the Damage Reduction Formula:

    Damage Reduction = Net armor / (Net armor +300)

    Sortie level enemies can have 6000 armor which is 95% damage reduction. Strip 80% of it and you still have 1200 armor which is 80% damage reduction. Basically a 4x increase at full stack with Corrosive, which is inferior to Viral's 4.25x and Slash procs just deal 35% of your Base damage per tick with 0% damage reduction which get boosted by Viral.

    • Like 1
  20. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

    I actually thought it was the opposite, the damage from the proc tics being the minute number compared to the damage the weapon does.

    And I have a hard time getting it in my head if this isn't the case. Because all those numbers behind games usually make my head spin.

    Just watch the video I linked. Leyzar goes into detail in the Simulacrum and plainly demonstrates the destructive power of Slash procs and why Hunter Munitions is put on a pedestal by the community. Procs are the key to tackling level 100+ enemies.

    There is math involved under the hood, but the Simulacrum allows you to see it for yourself. The modding screen can't be trusted considering how it used to keep track of multishot and etc and doesn't take into account Banes.

    If you don't really want to watch, just start at 6:30. 


  21. 1 hour ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

    If the damage from the procs really is that low, why should I bother with them? I mean the corrosiva nad radiation effect do have some use, but the other? Idk

    Bleed (Slash procs) are absolutely busted because they ignore armor. At high levels, they deal more damage to armored targets than your actual hits. Getting a bleed is the difference between tickling and one shots. Bleed doesn't matter at low levels, but certainly does at sortie level.

    Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier))

    Against a Level 8 Heavy Gunner with 500 ferrite armor, which is 62.5% Damage Reduction.

    100 Neutral will deal 37.5.

    100 Impact will deal 28. 

    100 Puncture will deal 82.

    100 Slash will deal 42.

    100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

    Against a Base Level 100 Heavy Gunner with ~6000 ferrite armor, which is 95% Damage Reduction.

    100 Neutral will deal 5.

    100 Impact will deal 3.75.

    100 Puncture will deal 13.5.

    100 Slash will deal 5.

    100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

    Slash damage itself is indeed useless at high levels due to armor, but its proc (Bleed) is the best thing against armor. When damage reduction from armor exceeds 95%, the raw damage on your stat screen becomes rather meaningless.

  22. The fact that armor class modifiers double dip should be addressed. Radiation does 6x more damage than neutral against Sortie level Bombards and Magnetic does a fraction of neutral against Alloy. The chasm between modifiers should be addressed.

    • Like 2
  23. 16 hours ago, Artekkor said:

    I don't want it to be THE only mods, i want to be a viable alternative - which it isn't. Its an INFERIOR alternative. I wan't it to be equal so i had a choice. Because i prefer my bullets being coated in corrosive substance and not AIDs. Its almost a fashion choice for me, but that's besides the point.

    I did a test right now in simulacrum: +60% IMPACT Kuva Karak against level 170 grineer bombard.
    Standart modding: Damage, Multishot, Crits... And then two 60/60 mods. (and a fire rate, to speed up the test).

    Corrosion takes ~2,5 magazines (~175 bullets) to kill a single bombard.
    Viral takes ~1,5 (~105 bullets). In fact, it doesn't even need the half! In majority of cases the bombards just die to GODDAMN SLASH PROCS which drain the remaining 40% (!!) of their health bar after the first magazine.

    Alright, let me find a gun that doesn't have a slash to finish the job... How about Boltor Prime? Literally 0 slash.
    Viral took 6 magazines (~360 bolts).
    Corrosion took 8 (~480 bolts).

    Again, this is against level 170 Grineer Bombard. The most armored POS there is. THE definition of an armored unit.
    Conclusion: Corrosion status effect is INFERIOR to Viral status effect when dealing with heavily armored opponents.
    (Unrelated Conclusion: Slash status effect is still overpowered compared to other physicals)

    If you don't see the issue here, i'm afraid we can't even continue to debate this.

    Corrosive procs are inferior to Viral procs period.

    Consider at Sortie 3 level, a Heavy Gunner generally has roughly 6000 armor that translates to 95% Damage Reduction.

    Damage Reduction = Net Armor/(300+Net Armor)

    1 Corrosive proc reduces armor by 26% to 4440 armor which is 93.7% Damage Reduction. From 5% going through to 6.3%, is a 1.26x multiplier which is less than Viral's 2x.

    10 Corrosive procs reduces armor by 80% to 1200 armor which is 80% Damage Reduction. From 5% going through to 20%, is a 4x multiplier which is still less than Viral's 4.25x at 10 stacks.

    Against enemies with less armor, Corrosive procs are even worse.

    Double dipping armor modifiers against Ferrite are all that save Corrosive from being dumpstered completely, but only against Ferrite armored enemies. 

    Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier))

    Before factoring procs against an enemy with 6000 Ferrite armor and Cloned Flesh (aka Heavy Gunner):

    100 Neutral will deal 5 damage.

    100 Viral will deal 8.75 damage. At 10 Viral procs, it will deal 37.2.

    100 Corrosive will deal 29 damage. Almost 3x more than Viral. With 10 Corrosive procs, it will deal 87.5.

    However, against Bombard with Alloy, Corrosive is only neutral while Viral will deal the same damage it does to Heavy Gunners with Ferrite.

    In the case of Bombards, 100 Corrosive would only deal 5 damage and ramp up to 20 damage at 10 Corrosive procs.



    • Like 1
  24. 11 hours ago, Distortic said:

    atm xoris doesnt lose its combo stacks unless I use a heavy attack. dunno if this is intended but i can keep max stack blood rush while afking. 

    It's special passive is infinite combo duration as seen in the in-game description and the infinity symbol on the modding screen. 

    You don't need Naramon and you can abuse Zenuriks combo efficiency with it.

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  25. 3 hours ago, TheWhitterMatter said:

    I did't know if viral works that way with slash. I guess I'll have to look at that.

    It has always worked that way even before the rework. The first proc buffs all subsequent damage by 100 percent (enemies take double damage) which is functionally equivocal to halving enemy health like it used to. The rework made it stackable.

    For heavily armored enemies, Slash procs deal orders of magnitude more damage than your actual hits so adding heat which dilutes your proc pool isn't a good idea.

    This is most plainly demonstrated using a crit bow with Hunter Munitions against Heavy Gunners in the Simulacrum. If you proc Slash, they die in one hit. If not, they're merely tickled.

    The only reasons to add heat is for Condition Overload, or your weapon can't use Bleed, but weapons that can't use Bleed got hit hard by the Corrosive nerf.

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