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Posts posted by bobafetthotmail

  1. No, it IS a serial number, sadly. Refer to the recent "Tennobet uncoded thread"


    Ah, missed that detail. Sounded strange to me that Llyssa would blatantly troll like that. Nevermind then. My mistake.


    Yes. It would be even better if we were against borg and nazis, but I'd settle for that. It gives layers of depth and metaphorical concepts to it all.

    Well, Grineer are basically nazi so that's half-true. XD

    I fail to see anything metaphorical in gods kicking noobs. It's just sad.

    Different tastes I guess. You like superheroes, I don't.


    "That gives us a base number of at least 300k tenno, using just his generation and subtype... and a base number of  over 32 million tenno that are older than loki if we take generation and subtype in to account. I would believe 32+ million tenno would constitute "mass produced"."

    True, but considering that there was a war between large multi-system empires (or equivalent enemies), that's still within "magical strike team" numbers.


    Regular infantry would need orders of magnitude more troopers than that to be worth calling army. We nuke hundreds of mooks per mission.


    Still, not being a total pawn of a AI Witch woman Lotus would be very welcome. That's what &!$$es me off the most, not knowing that I'm just one of many, but knowing that I'm not calling the shots.



    Was it too hard to give a straight answer?

    Sorry, was in a-hole mode. Let me rephrase:


    When installing the game there should be a window popping up telling you that this is a beta and that you agree to various conditions (nothing particularly worthy of attention, really, standard-issue game license).


    When I did it at least (game was still in version 10 I think) it was hard to miss.



    My honest opinion, if I knew the game was in beta, I woudlnt have touched it. On steam it does not say anything, so I thought it was release. I prefer to touch a game when its complete.

    Heh, the "beta" thing is probably never going away. The game may go "release" officially (I doubt it), but this constant state of change as new content and stuff is added won't change EVAR. That's how most new games are right now. That's what keeps here most veterans, constantly added content, powercreep.

    All MMOs do it.


    Besides, I know a list of "released" AAA titles that were barely playable or were in a state of change with multi-gigabyte patches for years after release.


    On the flip side, devs here are relatively open to feedback. Might not be particularly fast, but quite a few of the stuff we report or ask for gets eventually done/fixed.


    I like more games in this "beta" state. They are "alive". Less boring than what their bare game mechanics would make them.


    Besides, you can open a ticket in the support or open a new thread to state that it is not honest to not say anything about Warframe still being a beta officially.


    Still, it seems common. Firefall (another game) is technically an Open Beta, yet there is no mention of this on Steam. lololololol.

  2. You should have titled this "there are some inconsistencies in the lore".


    "-The new infestation quest has the lotus telling us that it ended previously with the old war, and it was thought lost for "hundreds of years" since. Ergo, the Orokin haven't been dead very long at all."

    A couple hundred of years is A LOT of time by human standards, btw. A few hundreds of years ago we were still fighting with swords and 99% of the population was working in the fields to grow crops.


    Really, we are talking of "a few thousands of years" from stone age till now.


    If the civilization is so old it may very well be just a fairy tale after a few thousand years. Who knows real stuff about civilizations from like 2000 years ago?


    Dat Roman empire and dat Persian empire are all fairy tale by now. Very few people actually know more than the bs we see in movies about them.


    Go figure for Sumerians or stuff that existed before them.


    "-Darvo is portrayed as a teenager in context of Corpus society, but proclaims to be "105 years old". We can thus extrapolate that all of the much older corpus are also "hundreds of years" old. That puts them in the same timeframe as the Orokin."

    See above. If the timescales get too long the setting falls apart as there will be none around that even knows what Orokin were.


    Besides, Corpus have rather advanced tech (teleports, portals, forcefields, robots, energy weapons), that alone means they aren't exactly that far from Orokin. It's not stuff that can be reverse-engineered by low-tech savages.


    "-It's hinted that the bosses of the grineer are very elderly, well-established empire minions."

    very elderly is relative. If the race has short lifespan they can be very elderly even if they are 40 or so years old.


    "-The standard issue 68-to-an-extermination-mission corpus would constitute "most" of the corpus. Considering how disposably they're used(Alad was purposely infesting them!), the lack of anything beyond the origin system, and their various official appearances in DE shorts, they're mainly just following company orders in a job that's truly crappy(high chance to get tennoed), but is somewhat better than slavery(and I'm not entirely convinced they aren't slaves)."


    I'm reminded of temples that brainwash people in the description of a Corpus-controlled planet.



    "There are noted "colonies", but that's all they're noted as--the only actual government we see is the grineer. Radio transmissions are all grineer, there's no mention by the grineer of any other governments(just rebellions here or there), nor does any of their political propaganda acknowledge anyone besides the tenno."


    I hope it's temporary and they will add a way to switch the radio over to Corpus or even Colony frequencies. For now it just means Tenno are too dumb to change the frequency of their own radio.


    "-The serial number on Loki's leg(yes, that's a serial number)"


    Stop. Right there.


    It looks more like written stuff to me. Maybe it's a sign made by a famous guy, who knows.



    "-tenno are a mass-produced army that can't actually match the best troops of any faction."


    Tenno are strike teams of magic infantry, might be better than regular infantry but they still attack while enemy is weak and retreat when the tanks show up.

    If you wanted to go full-scale murder you need to wait till the Liset gets a serious upgrade, or start deploying armies of stuff at your command.


    Four guys at a time ain't gonna cut it.


    "We're not gods from a civilization that makes egypt look young, we're confederate cavalry wrecking walmart and the UN."


    Being very old warmachines does somehow make wreaking havok better or more satisfying? I mean if it was Anubis and Ra kicking the UN's backside and sacking walmart would it be better for you?



    Wait, why is this a beta bug section? I thought the game was not in beta.

    Did they pull the agreement saying we are still in open beta? I don't think so.

  3. that "optimization" seems to be mostly a file defrag.


    Defragmentation IS a memory hog, it always was. It is gobbling all my RAM, and keeps it filled till it finishes.


    Point is, I can defrag the whole disk two times over in the time it takes to "optimize" the game.


    What about just telling me to defrag stuff and let me do it with my tools (like say Puran Defrag or whatever other defrag program that can defrag a folder and its contents)?

  4. "Trinity is still my most played frame"

    this qualifies him already as a veteran, Trinity requires a bit of skill to use since they removed the God Mode ability.

    "Her heal used to give 100% damage immunity, AND heal everyone on the map for full HP and Shields. That was almost the only reason you brought her,"

    this "feeling the need to have God Mode on to do impossible things" does not make you look like a pro. Really the game isn't supposed to be tricked into doing something like that.

  5. additionally, if you use multiple video cards from different manufactures other than Nvidia, physX will not work.


    AKA using 3 GFXcards, 2Nvidia, 1Radeon, all Nvidia specific features will not work.


    this is why I cant use PhysX. I had a rep. from Nvidia tell me this. really sucks that I cant use physX on one HD monitor because i want 3 others.

    and what are you using 3 different cards for anyway?

  6. the fact I can go and change from Frost to whatever else, even boobed frames lends me to the conclusion that the warframe is more like a body and the Tenno like... a command system... whatever, an AI, a spirit, a being that can be transferred to another warframe.


    And that boobs and stuff and whatever, that's just a robot/machine/avatar with a feminine shape.


    And I like it this way.

  7. Because this game isn't a sandbox, and is designed to be played with other players, that are supposed to have fun as well.


    If a player can simply spam AoE weapons then what's the point of teamwork again?


    Also, because the whole point of rocket and grenade launchers was to be LOW AMMO and HIGH POWER, so the right question would have been "Why was this not done right the first time?"

  8. The entire point of rocket launchers and grenade launchers is to carpet-bomb everything in sight with Mirage be weapons that aren't used as a primary weapon that insta-nukes everything. Bulk of the time they should stay in reserve.

    That's the whole point and feel of HEAVY weapons, regardless of any whine about "realism does not belong here". If i wanted a cheat I would have taken a Soma.


    I've been among the ranks of those that asked something to be done about the fact that I can carry 540 rockets or grenades so IT IS COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to run out of ammo even without ammo drops for something like 30 waves of T3.


    My standard setup is Frost+Ogris+LexPrime+DualIchors, and frankly, my "primary weapon" is already the LexPrime, while I usually melee trash mobs, and Ogris is there when there is a swarm or very tough ones.

    The setup (mods and stuff) holds fine in T4D up to wave 30 or 35, then Lex becomes a paperweight, then for the 40th or so level even Ogris has a hard time taking down stuff.


    For Infested I usually replace Ogris with Penta because I can headshot-crit chargers with the grenade decide when to blow S#&$ up (or not if the grenade ends up too close, common for their melee charges) and I can melee my way a few meters farther before blowing the rest of the mooks to hell.



    Frnakly, I don't see the issue. if you are blowing more than 10 AoE nuke-all shots before finding a sniper ammo pack your aim sucks big way. Or you are fighting stuff at a vastly higher tier than what you should be fighting anyway.




    I want to like the Torid, but tl;dr- it's really really bad. :s
    Torid should be getting another buff along with Miter in the future (same post that said about these ammo changes)
    My BP is still waiting for that moment.
  9. What part of "everything is done client-side" you did not understand? Their servers are just authentication and account info database.


    The issue is the game client running on our PCs that fails horribly (last login issues were solved by a game update, not server update) and has crappy network code or has bugs (everything else).

    Btw, Drop tables are in the client, so it's the client that rolls the dice and choose rewards on its own, the servers aren't even dishing out rewards.

  10. Umm... warframe has no game servers. There are authentication servers that store your account data but that's it.


    Everything is done client-side.


    that said, yeah lots of stuff is broken.


    I understand not testing throughly stuff, but really, some bugs are so prevalent and obvious on each update that none seems to be testing AT ALL.


    Then again, I prefer games like this where we are the guinea pigs but the game develops at a decent spped instead of others that have less bugs but are still meh and remain immutable for years.

  11. Infested ospreys spawned by Shadows of the Dead carry an infested crawler that isn't owned by the player. And has a different energy color while still a "ghost" mob.


    These crawlers count towards the number of infested to kill in Exterminates, but are not killable (as if it was not an enemy) and don't despawn when the Shadows of the Dead ability expires. Seem to not despawn at all, or at least not on a reasonable timescale (3 minutes or so)


    If the Nekros player quits, this ghost crawler becomes a normal mob and can be killed.


    Can someone look into this?

  12. Host is server, and because of this, the host player's game never lags for him (but he might see the other players teleporting around because of lag.



    It's a shame DE doesn't keep track of our hardware, so that the host software can account for it.


    I have a solid connection, and beefy hardware, but even though I've lowered the ping bar, I still keep being thrown into games with Hosts that play on their toaster.

    Hardware isn't a major factor, it's internet speed that is key here. Can play WF (kinda) on a Pentium D and a HD4670 or on my main gaming rig with a 3770k and a Nvidia 580, but I keep lagging people like hell if I host.

    Moved the crappy rig to a friend's home that has fiber to make an experiment, lo and behold, I don't lag other players.


    But yes, a player-set option for "GOOD HOST" and an option for "BAD HOST" would greatly help the crappy host selection system we have currently.


    Because I would REALLY want to share some keys with friends without forcing them to play a slideshow.

  13. It is about damage not being applied instantly.


    In the recent past I was experiencing ridiculous 2+ seconds lag on damage even on solo runs. Now stuff got sliced in half instantly where applicable (nearly always, lol).


    This is very apparent when shooting at a bunch of mobs (without punchthrough). I minced them all with half a clip. Last time I pulled out Flux I wasted all magazine on the first row of mobs, that died 2 seconds later. On Venus (for the sake of making sure it's insta-kill) and on any other planet for that matter.


    I'm a long-time user of flux (since before this "nerf"), and it has never been ammo efficient, the change caused ammo issues only because stuff did not die for 2+ seconds so you wasted half magazine on a trash mob. Still need to do controlled bursts like with any full-auto weapon.


    Now I never ended my magazine in 10 runs of various different missions (no ammo mutation mods of course, although Carrier was my sentinel).


    Then again, it's not 100% fixed. Numbers still pop up at random intervals (but seem to pop up more frequently, at least twice as frequent as before) and procs are very rare, but hey, no more lag on damage. That's a fix imho.


    And this is hoping it's not a fluke of the game and tomorrow it's back to normal 2-second lag.


    So, please confirm if you can.

  14. Postscript:  I do admit to a certain amount of amusement at myself here - it's a bunch of virtual toy helmets, after all.  And biggles1y3 is perfectly correct in that this is still a beta.

    virtual toy helmets that can be sold in trading chat for 150-250 plat, and prices can only rise.


    Plat used in player-player trading is still money for DE.

  15. I'm more inclined to think the bps remain what they are and stuff from market and alerts stops giving Arcane/statted helms.


    In any case, stop asking for refunds as there will be none.


    You bought plat, ingame currency, and then used that currency to buy something. Applicable law about purchases only applies on the real life money given to receive some platium. What happens to platium and stuff obtained with it is not covered, as warframe's in-game platium is not a legal currency anywhere, so you are not "buying" anything.


    THat's why most games use in-game currency FYI.

  16. If the only reason to do this bull%&$ is to sell helmets, you should be very ashamed of yourself.


    Really, just drop prices of most weapons/frames to 1/2 or 1/3 and see how income increases by orders of magnitude. No need for this.


    And really, if you don't want stats on helmets, just remove them flat from everyone. It's not anywhere near fair to do it like this.

  17. Now DE removed the stat on helmet, so those who say you don;t want speed buff on helmet post out your ticket about remove your old stated vanguard helmet picture and make us know you are not nerf yeller plus coward

    Did you play the game lately? Helmets still have stats at the moment. They said they will eventually remove stats Soon, sometime like three patches (months) ago. Rhinos still zip by and ruin my fun.


    Also, I can't read that last sentence very well... please explain.

  18. The current system keeps you from running around with a rank 0 frame and rely on the bot to clear the way. Not viable at high level, but on mid-level planets I see this happening if not kept in check. Hell I can do this with a sentinel, go figure with a full-blown bot.


    Note how you have 4 slots for specters of different power levels. To me that means the game chooses one or the other depending on your frame's power level, and that if you don't load a higher level spectre the game will choose a lower level one (which won't lead to balance issues), not that you can somehow have all 4 at once.


    The conclave rating is the only thing the game has to a way to check the player's gear power level.


    And in conclaves it is used for the same thing. Matching players that have roughly the same power level.


    So using it makes plenty of sense.


    What does not make sense AT ALL is the logic behind the assignment of conclave points to specific mod/frame/weapon.

    At the moment it seems more like a dice roll than anything else. DE needs to add a system to let that value be automatically determined by statistics or whatever.

    Not like it's hard to check all our accounts (or run statistics on some missions at various levels) and see what is the most used weapon, most used mods, most used frames, that's at least a starting point for giving the items a conclave rating that makes some kind of sense without needing them to understand the game enough to eyeball it.

  19. Most of the "drawbacks" can be easily fixed with a bit of coding. (getting stuck can be solved by an auto-teleport-to-player when he is farther than that, most $&*&*#(%& behaviours can be player-controlled with a hotkey like P = "spectres ranged only" or a wheel like system for gear stuff, that would be the Companion Wheel from Fallout 3 and 4)


    Although activating life support should NOT be something the AI is allowed to do.

  20. Agree. Volt Shield+ thrown melee = weapon damage applied to me on return = suicide. I'm pretty sure Kestrel is affected too.


    Not limited to just Volt, I can suicide just fine with any frame throwing a glaive through a (teammate's) Volt Shield.

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