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Everything posted by (PSN)Retro_TRR

  1. Yesss i guess we will see in time thanks to you too ^-^ Cheers!
  2. Hi i wanna use my ps4 account as primary gonna open new fresh pc account for playing in pc with my ps4 account but i have some question in my mind do you have any idea how trade works? Cause i really didn't understand how its works and did you had any issues while connecting the accounts? I really want to do it today when the doors opens but i have doubts about it
  3. I'm waiting for it too but there is some issues like trading i really don't know what to do at this point i really wanna play on pc but should i wait or not are you gonna do the link when the doors open?
  4. Hi merge is combineing lets say you have 2 account when you do merge it's gonna be 1 account. One of the accounts gonna be primary and the other one is gonna be transfering to primary. Like you have 50k Credit on primary account and 10k on the other one so after merge its gonna be 60k Credit on primary accountr but some of the things will not be transfered like they said you should check the website for better info. But link is the thing you wanna do like me Link is using your primary ps4 account between platforms so when you play both of the platforms the progress will be the same
  5. So like in the title i'm gonna use my ps4 as my primary account i just wanna play in pc so i'm gonna open new fresh pc account but like they said when i change platforms name will change too but i want to use the same nickname the "Retro_TRR" on pc too if i open my new account like that will it be a problem?
  6. Is my nickname gonna be same or gonna be diffrent? Like i'm gonna use my ps4 account as primary and my nickname is "Retro_TRR" but i'm gonna open new fresh pc account so can i use the same name or should i do diffrent thing or is this nickname gonna be pass it to the pc account too?
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