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  1. We understand that making it a toggle was a large buff the consistency is what we always wanted as shown by the overwhelming amount of comments on the post about the toggle tap post as made by DE after previous dev stream. Changing the damage formula to additive damage is a really extreme change it should be a nerf but stay multiplicative the last time this happened chroma went from what people would consider THE damage dealer frame to a niche money maker in profit taker (side note chroma rework soon tm) We understand its very powerful and we all understand it needs to be nerfed to compensate the consistency buff please change it back to multiplicative and nerf the numbers down to be similar to roar please and thank you!!!
  2. im all for a full rework of eclipse and for mirage 1st ability to become her new helminth ability but if that too much i vote for toggle
  3. Ok to start this off I don't want anything changed in the sense of stats or removing anything but what I would like is while redline is active the drum and bass song that was playing in the Gauss Prime trailer plays as his theme song. That song goes hard and would really enhance the gameplay experience and yes this is a dumbest idea but i wants it
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