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Posts posted by Koakuh

  1. Watched the whole stream, and I was patiently waiting, and still am. I wouldn't have minded to wait up to 7 days like Rebb said. Buuuut, red text had to strike! After red text's message I checked Inbox, got Nekros, re-checked, still no Lotus Ephemera, out of the two I'd rather not have gotten Nekros :'D

    Still nothing today either, sad. No wonder it's called "Lotus Ephemera", just like space mom, it's nowhere to be seen :3

  2. Watched the whole stream, and I was patiently waiting. I wouldn't have minded to wait up to 7 days like Rebb said. Buuuut, red text had to strike!


    Twitch Drops have been completed ahead of schedule! If you were waiting for your Nekros Prime or Lotus Ephemera check your Inbox and it should be there!

    Checked Inbox, got Nekros, re-checked, still no Lotus Ephemera, out of the two I'd rather not have gotten Nekros :'D

    • Like 3
  3. That's probably the weirdest part :



    While it is stuck into the textures (Like that damn Fortuna's poop), I couldn't spot it using the scanner, but once up close the "Kuria" text appears, yet for me it shows as already scanned, which makes me believe I might have scanned it's counterpart prior to the update.

    I had only a few before the update (2-3 Grineer Settlement ; 2 Earth ; 2 Gas City) and did the remaining ones after the update, yet I'm still missing 1.2 | 2.1 — What's this sorcery >.<

    @Misangelic Guess I'll join you on that Corpus genocide.

  4. New Kuria locations in remastered Gas City, while all found (5/5), one is stuck (Like that Fortuna's poop) in the textures and can't be scanned (Supposedly 1-2), and another doesn't count towards the codex as obtained (Supposedly 2-1).

    EDIT : That "new" kuria that's stuck in the textures appears to be scanned already in my case, which makes me believe I might have scanned it's counterpart prior to the update.

    I had only a few before the update (2-3 Grineer Settlement ; 2 Earth ; 2 Gas City) and did the remaining ones after the update, yet I'm still missing 1.2 | 2.1

  5. While we are at it with bugged Kuria, prior to the update there was 5 Kuria hidden in Gas City, counting this bugged one, all were found, yet if this one is truly 1-2, 2-1 doesn't appear as obtained in the codex even after scanning the other 4 from Gas City.

    Still missing my 1-2 & 2-1, which doesn't appear as an isolated case from what I've seen.

  6. They told me I could be anythinggg ! So I became a K-Drive.

    I was doing some conservation, saw a batch of fugitives spawn, and as such I had the brillant idea to jump from a giant fungus and activating my K-Drive right after pressing X on that (annoying) Sawgaw and just before the conservation screen/dialogue. My Ivara stayed in the air and I turned into a K-Drive reeee. As a K-Drive, nobody care about you, you can't interact with anything, and they don't want you in Fortuna ! You can't even "trip", hit anythings or whatnot like the Tenno make you do (Dunno if that'd have been different with the "damage" mods).



    As such I had to abort the mission as it hit midnight, and turned back. Such a fairy tale!

    • Like 1
  7. While mining/fishing/looking for caves for the challenge, one of the pack of fugitives that spawned ended spawning behind the world border, kinda like the Vombalyst prior to the PoE upgrade, I waited, nothing, let them attack me and try to bait them in, nothing happened either, I've tried both for roughly ~30 mins before giving up, after "killing" them I was only able to capture one, the other 2 were behind the world border. It might've been possible to capture them using Loki's teleport (Saved me a couple time in the void when one of them ended in the blue-ish thing that push us up), sadly as it can be seen I was using Ivara.

    Yet, all the other "mobs" from Fortuna spawned or were dropped by the "ships" within the world border. It sucks is bad when it happens but kind of used to loosing the standing they give from time to time in case you die when capturing them.



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