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Posts posted by atom

  1. Every dagger has the same attack without a stance, not just the dark dagger. If you don't believe me then check the wiki description for the other daggers. 

    oh crap you are totally right i had no idea. ty for pointing this out it completely changes the situation in my view.

    i just realized the grim fury stance (for sparring weapons) has the polarity that would fit dark dagger, and homing fang has the polarity that fits kogake.

    the mods are both in the same situation they don't fit on the weapons they were designed for. seems to me the problem lies here in this mixup and would very easily resolve multiple issues if homing fang and grim fury stance mods had polarities switched.

  2. What is ppl problem???

    There is a weapon that had enough atention to receive a syndicate mod but it have a stance polarity that DONT MATCH with ANY EXISTING stance mod polarity, and what they said???

    Don't use polarity;

    lol, use forma;

    This is why there is so much problems with these game, because of it there are things broken for more than a year on this game, ppl prefer a new shiny thing than old things get fixed, this is why there is so much trash mastery folder and D polariies on weapons.

    This weapon wrong polarity, Loki Prime 4 polarities and Ember Prime 2 polarities are biggest example about how this game is and will be ever: unfinished beta.

    And I am speaking on my 1.4k hours and Mr 18.

    i think you underappreciate the stance slot on this weapon. the fact that is has a different polarity offers hidden bonuses (i posted them from the wiki) which you lose with the existing stances. the best solution IMO is for DE to release a stance mod for this existing polarity. until then the best you can do is polarize a different slot and use it without a stance mod because it' very good this way.

  3. You already described strategies that require many actions from the players, like shooting mobs - the main part of it.

    With Mesa you just afk while the aimbot turret does everything. She removes the very core shooter gameplay.

    that is true only for lower level without nullifiers and can apply to more frames other than mesa

  4. i think you are all blowing this way out of proportion. i use recruit chat all the time and play t3d and sure most ppl want to do it as fast as possible but i only met this type of attitude once in my over 2k hrs of playtime and realize stupid ppl will be stupid no matter what for any reason. don't blame mesa for it. also slowing enemies down with nova 1st wave is not the way to go imho


    as a host you have the power to decide what team/tactics you want to use. make this clear before you start and allow your team to adjust and you won't have any problem. that's what recruit chat is for

  5. im not saying hitscan does more damage or that they are better overall. that would be absurd. why even bring weapons like atomos and amprex into this? grasping at straws ftw.


    i play with non hitscan weapons and enjoy them as i do the seer (it's the reason why i'm asking for some kind of buff for it or QOL adjustment)


    i was comparing the ease of use and overall results of lex vs seer. the seer is not much better than lex and it should be IMHO


    i'm saying the the hitscan mechanic objectively allows damage to be delivered to the target faster and in a more accurate way because it happens instantly vs with a delay you may need to compensate for. there is nothing subjective about that.

    also a faster reload is objectively better than a slower one.

    i hope i've made myself clear .. this time


    p.s. buff the seer please

  6. from the wiki: When equipped without a Stance mod, the Dark Dagger adds a 4th lunging stab on its normal attack combo that propels the warframe a good distance forward, which is useful for catching up to moving enemies. It also has a 100% chance of inflicting 18px-Slash_b.svg.pngSlash bleed proc, despite the fact that the Dark Dagger has no physical damage element. This effect is lost if one uses the Pointed Wind stance, which replaces the lunge with a sweeping slash.

    • If the lunge lands behind an unalerted enemy, a stealth attack will be performed instead.



    just use it without a stance it's like it has one included. if you need to polarize a slot other than the stance one

  7. no, that is not objective. that is subjective.

    it's dependant on Player Skill as to whether that makes a lick of difference or not. if we're comparing on a Player that has never used a Computer before, then perhaps Ray Trace is easier to use.

    whether one or the other is easier or not is very subjective.


    i beg to differ. a weapon that hits the instant you click the mouse is objectively better than one that has a delay. like i explained before the propose of a weapon is to kill things. one that can do it faster and more reliable with less required skill is better objectively. what is subjective is player preference for one or the other mechanic but we are not talking about that.


    i hope this is the end of this argument because i see i goes nowhere. if you can't see why click/dead is objectively better then click ..(time)... / miss / maybe dead for a weapon i don't know what else to say

  8. yes, i can't directly compare usage of the Weapons in Combat. for some Players, non Ray Trace is impossible and unusable (though IMO i just say git gud).

    i.e. some like Ray Trace, some like non Ray Trace, some like both, whatever.

    just as i also can't make an objective comparison as to whether 'hit anywhere' or 'hit Weakpoints for big Crits' is better. one is much easier to do, the other takes more Marksmanship. which one is better? neither, really.

    all i can present are facts, and the numbers are the only facts.

    blah blah, different usage things are hard to compare as objectively good or bad things. though i think everyone agrees that Zoom is incredibly overkill and only hurts the Weapon's usability. i mean, it could atleast have a reasonable Fine Aim, and use Alt Fire for a super high Zoom? i still wouldn't think that super high Zoom is useul though.

    even on Ray Trace Weapons, like Sniper Rifles, that high Zoom is not really appreciated by me. not in this game, atleast. i don't need that much Zoom generally. you can aim accurately with much less.

    not that it's 100% directly applicable to Warframe, but you can aim accurately to several hundred Meters with Iron Sights on a real Rifle. that's outside the effective range of the Cartridge most rifles are firing.

    come on man how is it difficult to compare objectively? here ill help you out. first off the most important universal thing about a weapon is it's ability to reliably kill things as fast as possible. objectively one that fires without projectile delay is easier to use and more accurate. objectively faster reload is better and so is a comfortable zoom level. objectively all those mechanics combined make lex easier to use than the seer and give more consistent results. those are facts i believe

    i think the seer needs some kind of a boost (+ a little bit of damage and the aoe thing seems the best idea to me, projectiles even look like they deal aoe but hey don't the animation is already there) to make it better and compensate for it being a non-hitscan, long reload, excessive zoom level boss weapon designed by vor himself using grineer/orokin tech.

    seriously, if it were any good, players would use it but nobody is because in it's class there are way better options and that's a sad fact for a weapon that should be special not just in the way it's bad.

  9. yeah and the lex does puncture which is average against infested and bad against corpus, what is your point? all they did it show the clear math on how the seer is better on paper, it's pointless to them talk about their characteristics because that is what sets the weapon apart. 

    my point is after elementals are added it matters little what IPS damage the weapons has. but what matters most if damage is similar when comparing weapons are things like reload time and projectile travel. the fact is that what sets seer apart makes it worse then lex for example. my point is that even if you say it's a newbie gun in fact for a new player it is much more difficult to use then the lex. my point is it needs a buff and comparing things "on paper" is not the way to go because u all know that's not the end of the story. why are you guys so adamant against buffing in some way this clearly underused and beautiful weapon?

  10. please teach me how your math works.





    Lex only competes when it gets it's average for Crits. which are random, and the Chance isn't particularly great in the first place.

    yes, when Lex gets a couple Projectiles to Crit on a Weakpoint, it'll do more Damage. but this is Random.

    Seer does the same Damage at all times, and is higher than the average number of Crits that Lex will get.

    if you're complaining that Lex can deal some more Damage with a low Chance if you use Marksmanship and shoot things in the head... what? that makes complete sense. reliable, high Damage, or moderate Damage with spikes to higher if you aim well. one is reliable, one is Skill Weighted.

    Seer will even have a decent rate of applying Status, to take advantage of things like Viral much more often.

    Seer is a 'midgame' Weapon that you get on a Newbie Planet from the first Boss you ever fight. a sleeper Weapon, if you will.

    as aforementioned, it has some clunkiness issues, but it performs very acceptably.

    if you want more, that Quest suggestion sounds like some awesome content to add to the game.

    in all your math you are forgetting the seer has travel time, excessive zoom and longer reload which makes seer worse than lex is even if they have similar damage (i didn't say it was weaker is said worse). in real gameplay seer is worse than lex. it should be miles better not on par.



    p.s. i dont see how a little buff to a very underused weapon with wonky mechanics is taking away content from new players. when is the last time you saw someone using it? that should tell you something. when i was a new player i tried it and hated it, lex performed way better (in real gameplay). i also want to add that getting it from that first boss you fight is not as easy as you make it sound. most of the time new players will skip grinding for it and go for better/easier to obtain weapons. im telling u it needs a buff to make it's performance fit the profile and looks. and i'm not asking for a straight up dmg buff but something that will make it better than it currently is and useful in a t3 for example (like the exploding projectile thing or zoom adjust). tbh i wish you could kill corrupted vor with it tho


    the quest suggestion sound good things like that are always welcome but i still want the existing seer buffed in some way

  11. I don't want another useless annoying afk system. What I would like is a change to the way affinity is distributed. It should get spread evenly among all the stuff equipped no matter if you kill something yourself or a teammate does it. This way it would no longer matter if you kill something yourself or a teammate and the affinity gain for an enemy killed within range would always be the same.


    People could still leech, and some will probably continue to do so no matter what, but those not leeching and actually killing stuff would no longer get punished for not leeching by getting less affinity.

    this i think is the most obvious and simple solution. the system we have now is more complicated and worse for no good reason

  12. i appreciate the input but we veered a little off course here. my issues is with the existing seer, very purdy weapon, deserves a buff. i put 5 forma on it and NO sry it's not usable in high level like t3 missions. it already has weird mechanics like travel time and too much zoom, a bit of dmg buff won't make it OP. IMHO being vor's pistol it should be at least as good as the regular marelok but it's way worse. heck it IS worse than lex (mod them the same and you will see, also lex is hitscan)

  13. title.

    i know the seer is a low rank weapon and you can get it early on in the game but please buff it so it can actually be useful in high tier. you still need r10 mods (new players generally don't have those yet) to make it powerful so it so you can't say it would make it OP for lower levels. it's such a beautiful model of a weapon not to mention the description (vor's prized orokin/grineer tech pistol) it should be really good yet it' not even after 5 forma.

    please buff it make it at least marelok grade. ty

  14. its this kind of threads that gets stuff nerfed into the ground instead of balanced. by pointing out a huge damage number without considering the context and calling it OP.

    in this particular case you need to be part of an already OP team that has powerful weapons and frames with multiple r10 mods (aka end-game gear) and use the ultimate once every 15mins. killing what? maximum 30 enemies? wow so op, better quickly post this so everyone can see how broken it is (my cry for attention)

  15. There's scaling into late game and two abilities synergising, then there's this. Anyone who tries to justify this doesn't understand what the word "balance" means. O_o


    I'm all for being able to deal with late game enemies, but this is just crazy.

    crazy really? the OP charged the ability for 10-15 mins and released all in 1 instant killing whatever number of enemies were caught in the radius. better call for a nerf since using an ultimate every 10-15 mins is clearly so unbalanced.


    • Fixed the Master Thief Mod not properly showing locker colors changing from Red to Green on Clients.
    • Fixed the Fusion Core icon improperly appearing on Mods.

    master thief now changes to green on some lockers but you are unable to open them because the prompt is not there


    fusion core icon still appears on some mods

  17. how about for the really powerful melee how do you think it would have affected those?


    edit: to clarify it's +100 dmg not %

    i dont think we need mods that add to power creep i can hardly wait for the dmg 3.0 when DE removes straight power strength mods like pressure point and serration and builds the effect into ranking up the item

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