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Posts posted by atom

  1. i think it's entirely possible that eventually china WF will have lots of different content exclusive to them since as far as i understand it it's a totally different version of the game published by a different company. i don't know the details of the deal but i they bought something like a dev kit from DE and are creating content for that different game i think we should all stop comparing the global version to the chinese one.

  2. It depends on how you lose your important player. If it's a disconnection then you can return to a squad after logging back in.


    this used to be the case, however after the latest patch this does not seem to work for me. extreme heat in my area and overclocking sometimes my system crash and before u17 i had the option to reconnect to squad after logging in again. got 2 computer resets yesterday and no option to reconnect.

  3. I am honestly hoping that mesa's ult gets reworked into something that requires more player interaction, like Excal's new ult. I have seen whole squads relying on Mesa doing all the work while they sit there. Having a Mesa on the squad makes it not fun for the others who are not playing Mesa. When I hop onto Warframe, I want to play and have fun, not watch Mesa kill everything on the map. And telling people to just solo is a terrible excuse. Why should I have to play alone because of someone ruining all the fun?

    the situation you are describing is only possible with low level enemies. once you face nullifiers and high level enemies where mesa's dmg starts to fall off things get hectic and support frames have to do their job or team fails.

    that said i do agree that reworking pacemaker into something more engaging than holding down LMB is a good idea but not for the reasons u posted.


    - "It reduces build flexibility". o_o Really? That implies previous builds are negatively affected. Which isn't true.


    uh  ... actually it does and this is my major issue with it. let me give you my personal example for my trin which already has 5 forma on. if i wanted to use the slot i need to add 2 more forma on top which totally reduces build flexibility as i have 3 slots left unpolarized that take 2x V and a D for EV build and 3x -- for my bless build. what am i supposed to do now? the same thing applies at least to excal and mirage in my case.

    i'm not saying the should give points like aura slots do but maybe making it so it doesn't take mods points or at least make so all the utility mods have the same polarity

  5. Not entirely true. If a Loki can oneshot a Juggernaut Behemoth (380.000 hp) too then Covert Lethality itself is a problem.

    any frame can do it already if the right enemy awareness conditions are met. like i explained above the mod only allows you to skip the finisher animation on stealth kills with single daggers. the reason for this mod's existence is to reward stealth gameplay on an underused/underpowered melee type. it SHOULD 1shot anything if the right conditions are met. it's working as intended. it doesn't work if enemy is aware even if loki/ash is invisible, like it usually happens when u play with a team. i'd also like to add that compared to excal's EB an invisible squishy loki still has to get close to the target which can be quite risky with high level enemies if u play in a team (the intended way to play the game). also u can't really take out swarms of enemies like you can with EB's waves. so IMHO there's no comparing the two situations.

    there are also some augment mods for a few frames that practically do the same thing (allow you to 1shot any level enemy) with any melee albeit with the finisher animation (ie: radial finish) do u want those nerfed too?


    p.s. i never met an unaware juggernaut in real gameplay. maybe u can spawn 1 in the simulacrum but that's not how it plays out in a normal game so if this whole thread is based of simulacrum experiments take it with a grain of salt

  6. Oh no! My build with 4 rank 10 mods and Quick Thinking would require one more forma so that I don´t have to take of one whole point of my rush mod!

    I mean 4 rank 10 mods - one of which is primed - what the hell are your priorities that you would rank those up but than whine about one last forma at the end? Yeah, I may have run 50 km but those 10 m before the goal are just unacceptable.

    you totally missed OP's point. the problem is not with adding forma as you can see he added 5 to that frame, but that by adding more you totally sacrifice build flexibility and are stuck with a locked build. and since the whole point of the exilus slot is more flexibility maybe you can see how in effect it's really the opposite and kind of a step backwards.

    since the slot has a pretty high cost it's far from being "a free slot" and IMO it should take mods without point cost. alternatively making all the mods for it have the same polarity would make it more viable.

    i'd also like to add that if a player put in the work to max multiple r10 and prime mods he should freakin be able to use them. that power came with huge cost

  7. Okay read this whole thread and i'm confused.  If all covert lethality does is increase lethal damage and lethal damage is only procced when you can stealth kill then why is it even a mod?  How does this help anything?

    what it practically does is it allows you to deal the finisher damage (if you situation allows it, ie: enemy awareness) without having to sit through the finisher animation, but only on single daggers. crynerf babies with little understanding (or willful disregard) of actual gameplay want to nerf it or get attention.

  8. i don't think that's what he's saying but the OP is being devious here he's certainly not ignorant. he charged that ability for 38 waves of t3d with the help of his team and finally released it with the sole purpose of taking a screenshot of a high dmg number and making a fuss on the forums. trying to nerf an ability for no good reason => idiot. please understand this is a very unrealistic scenario and really doesn't make maim OP.

  9. There is no damage to "add up". Covert Lethality instantly kills any enemy from Stealth. If that was a level 5,000 Eximus Gunner it would also have died in a single shot, but I'm not going to stay in T4 survival for that damn long just to prove a point. 


    Quit trying to explain things that I'm telling you that I've done, to me. I was there. You weren't. You're only guessing. You keep trying to assert that there's something I must have had to do to make my killing an incredibly difficult enemy in the game in a single strike valid, and there's not. You have been mindlessly disagreeing with your own argument this entire time you still have yet to even realize that. 

    "Oh, well stealth kills are really hard to pull off" No they aren't.

    "Oh, well you had to use Teleport to do it." No I didn't.  

    "Oh, well you must have had a lot of good mods to do that" I only needed one. 

    Balance is important to you too, you just need to accept that "nerfing" things is part of that. 

    Interesting that your argument seems to be that it's okay if something is killing enemies in a single shot regardless of level or intended difficulty simple because the Developers decided it should be so, but then it's not okay when the developers nerf things because.... 

    Oh, looks like you're a hypocrite. Oops. 

    let me point out something for you.

    1. you disregard your perma invis build

    2. you disregard the fact that if you play solo and stay invisible there is no one else that can trigger enemy alert level which in normal play with a team doesn't happen

    3. this mod is very situational


    yes it needs balancing (i don't think it should affect excal's EB for example) but not in the way of making daggers useless again. you sir are a nerf monger.

  10. time to nerf carrier like they nerfed shade.

    then you will stop complaining and skipping "content"




    i see very good suggestions to change/fix it here i can only add my +1 and hope they can the pickup skill at least as good as carrier's in some way

  11. pacemaker role is DPS. mesa can't do it without support from the team but like others have pointed out ppl dont want to play support and they cry nerf. end of story


    p.s. i dare you try high level defense with mesa on the team and still say you have nothing to do when you get swarmed by all those nullifiers and their buddies she can't shoot

  12. well tbh i have this issue with excal, mirage, trin and maybe nekros, mesa and nova all of which already have over 3 forma on them. the problem for me is until now i could keep the aura slot neutral and have lots of flexibility in builds. to get mod points for exilus i must at least polarize and lose the flexibility of the aura slot and i really like having it neutral. this kinda makes it feel like a step backwards in spite of all the grinding im supposed to put into it.

  13. my point is that being optional is not an excuse for bad implementation and compared to other options like catalysts or reactors this one is lacking.

    the whole game and everything in it is optional but because we want to use it and get satisfaction from it we *@##$ about it here in hopes the devs hear us and adjust the game more to our liking.

    also that by having to polarize the frame 2 more times to be able to use it, in most cases means sacrificing functionality by locking the frame in a certain build which is the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do.

  14. i wonder when the devs implemented this slot did they intend players to use it or not? if they did stop saying it's optional! the whole game is optional ffs!

    being optional doesn't make it less expensive or badly implemented in terms of mod points and is no excuse. i want good options not bad ones is that ok? so far this is not a good option IMHO. please fix it so it doesn't cost mod points and doesn't lock builds.

    then it can be what it was heralded to be in the devstream "u can finally use that handspring mod" because for now there is no room for it unless u compromise your build ... so no .. i can't finally use that handspring mod for the same reason i couldn't use it until now either.

  15. whenever i see players justifying the bad implementation of this slot saying it's "optional" i feel i need to point out "THE WHOLE FREAKING GAME IS OPTIONAL!!!" that doesn't mean it has to suck now does it? to put it simply the return on investing in this slot as it is now is not worth the effort (free or not). you have grind your frame into a locked build for something that is supposed to offer more flexibility yet in effect does the opposite (this bothers me the most). IMO if devs work on a feature that doesn't get used because it's "optional" and overpriced that's a fail. this slot needs a rework asap or i means wasted time and resources on the dev's part. /end rant

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