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Posts posted by atom

  1. The BIG problem i see with Exilus slot is the points cost.

    You need 2 additionnal polarity (even 3 with the 10 rank utility mods) on your frame to put a ranked utility mod.

    Not counting you don't have Exilus polarity, so you can't even put the utility mod you want.

    The more polarity you have, the less flexibility you have on your builds/configurations.

    I think Exilus need a rework and need to come with exilus polarity installed.

    IMHO this is a much bigger problem than the cost of the thing and it's the main reason keeping me away .. heck i bought 2 slots before realizing and they just sit there ... empty and unusable because i dont want to lock my frame builds. nevermind how DE likes to change polarity requirements for stuff ... like how my 6 forma flux rifle suddenly needed more forma because the mods for it changed. no ty i'm not doing it. way to implement cool new stuff DE

  2. This guy clearly didn't earn Brakk the original way.

    as a matter of fact i did. and if i remember correctly you had to do 100 exterminate missions ... wow ... big deal ... i did more for the new prime stuff. and i am glad they released the brakk the way they did so everyone can enjoy it. timed exclusive is more then enough for events stuff to make you feel like a special snowflake. anything more than that is beyond selfish.

  3. Just the more reason of this being totally optional.Why do you wanna use it if it will lock your frame to a single build?Cause reasons?

    i DONT want to use it under those circumstances. That is my point. As it it now it's completely useless to me ... and i don't want useless things in this game especially when heralded as a way to have more flexibility and the outcome is the complete opposite. The fact that so many are saying the same thing and are dissatisfied with the implementation is clearly an indication that something is not right. Let me pay NOT to grind .... i'm sure as hell not going to pay to grind.

  4. Catalysts and reactors always for plat and alert chance,no one bats an eye

    Limited frame slot thats mostly useless for plat AND bp that you can actually build,everybody loses their minds.

    Warframe community

    Potatoes double your mod capacity and spending plat to get them relieves the grind.

    This does quite the opposite and makes you grind your frame into a locked build just to be able to use it even if you spend plat on it.

  5. I thought of a simple suggestion  to solve this problem , yes sucking in all loot like carrier would be very very irriating ! but maybe if kubrow has a special ability similar to mag to just attract loot to itself ?! I mean the ycan generate shields around you?! cant they just do pulses that attract your loot ? then simply walkover to your kubrow and you have your stuff :D ! other than that chesa is probably another mastery rank item atleast for me :)

    this is a really good idea. 360 pull ftw. make it happen DE

  6. totally agree with OP on all his points.


    nerfing gmag and gammacor simply made me NOT use them anymore since there are way better alternatives (not on par, BETTER). like other have pointed out gmag was a team player now she's not so back to collecting dust on shelf she goes ... i don't know how anyone can consider this progress.


    elitism - bad. clinging to that event weapon like "omg i WORKED for it" get real the grind is the same or worse for some prime stuff and they are even tradable.


    trading everything - yes please. and maybe even remove from the market useless overpriced crap that actually makes DE look bad for trying to trick players into bad deals

  7. One thing i'd like to point out to the ones saying utility slot is fine as it is, and min-maxing is supposed to make you sacrifice. The new slot was presented as a way to have more flexibility and use those mods that have no room, not to lock you into a build with huge cost.


    which brings me to my second point: Forma.

    Please dont forget the reason SOME players have so much forma is because it drops in the void instead of the desired prime part. So IMHO the solution is not "lets make a forma sink" (because not all of us are drowning in them) but to have better void drops (hint: guaranteed prime part @ rot.C)

  8. yeah i tried to recruit but it's difficult to find peers. i took to the forums hoping that players were simply not educated and didn't know what they were missing like i was when i started rep farming. i'll say again .. you can get ~15k extra rep / syndicate just from medallions

  9. i think everyone wants to do them as fast as possible (myself included) but the thing is in this case the return is greater if you take the time and get the extra stuff ... and if your goal is to get extra standing why compromise it? i dont get it ... just like i dont get players that kill scan targets ...

  10. seems to me lots of players are rushing those missions and missing out on lots of standing from medallions (~15k standing) ... so guys please im sick of playing solo... stop with the rushing already you can get more rep (u know the reason u play the mission in the first place) if you take the time and get the damn medallions. ty

  11. im so glad trader has those items. i accidentally sold my machete wraith after i got from the event and always regretted it. now i have it again yeey thank you!


    @ the above poster you get stuff from events way earlier that should be enough stop with this exclusivity nonsense.

    crying you "went through an entire event" to get it how is it different then farming for anything else in this game? you run the same mission 100 times for that ash part it's not like the grind is more for an event .. if anything it's less 

  12. what some fail to realize is that events in warframe never give you permanent exclusivity over anything. they are a nice way the devs chose to test new stuff and what you get is a preview of things that are going to be released sooner or later (tileset, mod, weapon etc). nothing except maybe cosmetic items should ever be exclusive pls grow up and share

  13. -snip- i like the idea of the battleworn stuff, not bloody or rusty because that would mess with the color customization, but with some nice asymmetrical scratches and dents or even missing details in some armor and torn parts in syandanas -snip-

    i like this idea better


    also really looking forward to pvp. i would still play DS conflicts if that whole scene wasn't so corrupted

  14. Corpus + dagger sounds like an odd combination.

    why? i imagine the corpus to be a bunch of scheming sons of bi#@!s so i think some sort of dagger goes perfect with this image. something one of the higher ranks would use not a grunt (u know ... stab in the back in the bathroom stall after a meeting kind of deal). easily concealable and with an energy blade. for the thrown melee i don't have any particular idea but im sure there are lots of viable options why not?


    i dont know about you but i sometimes like to use matching weapons in my loadout. and in those 2 categories we have no corpus themed weapons but we have from the other 2 enemy types + tenno. now that i think about it we don't have a sword either (prova doesn't count). much want

  15. My proposal for a change to the AFK-punishment would look like this:

    You receive no reward if you...

    a) ...haven't progessed through at least 5 tiles.

    b) ...you were dead for more than half the mission's duration.

    This makes sure that you have to move from spawn to be eligible for a reward and can't be dead most of the time.

    A vote would still be nice to have since some players may want to carry others and not have it fail because of this.

    this seems to be a way better anti-leecher system but i'm not sure its possible to make



    Except that most of those 99% leechers will just use a macro to circumvent these measures if they really want to afk leech. The people affected by these sloppy guilty by default measures will more likely consist of 99% legit players and 1% leechers instead.

    absolutely right. i can only see this thing pissing ppl off and ruining fun. 

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