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Posts posted by atom

  1. I've understood some of the algo behing this. To maximise your gain, equip only a frame and a weapon. Forget other weapon and sentinel, this way you get maximum input of standing. For the same mission, i gained 230 standing with all equipped and 500 with only a melee weapon equipped.


    I have the feeling this is not intentionnal. This doesn't make sense. But hey, at least i know how to double my gains.

    sounds like it's tied to conclave rating. i believe it is intended this way

  2. I think you're the one thats mistaken. I was not responding to the topic. I was responding to you. Weapons should have no bearing on how fast you move. I was simply pointing out that if you're using a slow warframe and you're in a game with people coptering around and you're a legitimate player that doesn't copter your chances of keeping up are slim to none. People that choose to actually play the game as it was intended don't see much of a problem in this department because the difference isn't as great. Sure, you're still slower but it doesn't take long to catch up if you're lagging behind. 


    I'm not trying to "force" my playstyle on others as much as I'm trying to actually make the point of it being completely broken and stupid in general. Why would the devs bother putting parkour in the game if it was just going to be completely and utterly shut down by one broken game mechanic that people abuse to death. What you seem to think is a matter of preference is an utter complete strawman argument when you analyze everything thats being mitigated in the process of using this method. If you absolutely can not see why its broken and garbage then you're either absolutely oblivious or you're just ignoring the problems and being part of them.

    "Weapons should have no bearing on how fast you move"

    why not? u know IRL they do right?


    "I was simply pointing out that if you're using a slow warframe and you're in a game with people coptering around and you're a legitimate player that doesn't copter your chances of keeping up are slim to none."

    first off coptering IS legitimate at this point so stop your Q.Q and deal with it.
    ​secondly like i said before using a slow frame and not all movement options at your disposal and expecting to be as fast as others that use fast frames and more movement mechanic elements then you is nonsense.


    "I'm not trying to "force" my playstyle on others as much as I'm trying to actually make the point of it being completely broken and stupid in general. Why would the devs bother putting parkour in the game if it was just going to be completely and utterly shut down by one broken game mechanic that people abuse to death."

    thats your opinion and you're entitled to it but if you don't like coptering noone is forcing you to do it instead you are trying to remove it thereby forcing your opinion on others.

    like i said coptering, abilities AND parkour go very well together and combine in awesome ways. neither part of movement mechanics invalidates the other.


    now if you still insist maybe procure some of those many reasons to remove it because really i see no good reason to remove coptering. all i see is personal preference and lack of adaptability


    *edited for clarity

  3. i'm surprised this is not already a thing. anyway invasions desperately need a rework its the most boring miniquest ever and its such a shame because it can be so cool.

    maybe 5 or 3 different mission types with better battle pay

    something like capture > sabotage > exterminate/ship jump > survival > defence probably doesn't need a lot of work to implement and would make more sense to me

    also i can't stress this enough regarding credit rewards: BETTER BATTLE PAY you overzealous grineer/corpus savings experts!

  4. Its not a mechanic its an exploit. Saying its a mechanic is implying that they meant for it to be there in the first place lol. No amount of anything allows somebody to keep up with a coptering person unless you're using the volt ability. If you're on a slower frame you might as well just leave the game and play solo because you're not going to be keeping up. 


    There are SO many reasons why coptering is bad besides the fact that it looks tacky. If you can't see why its bad then I will copy/paste them for you from an earlier post in this thread.

    maybe you misunderstand the meaning of the terms "mechanic" and "exploit" ... in any case using slow frames and weapons and then complaining they are not fast is nonsense, they are meant to be different.

    maybe i missed something reading the topic but really the SO many reasons why coptering is bad turn out to be just particular preference of said player that is trying to enforce he's playstyle on others.

    i agree the animation could use an update.

  5. i think the point is to force you to manage ammo and energy better. and imho helps balance pvp

    what really needs to happen here is have a rework of ammo pickup mechanics. for instance having pickups restore % of ammo

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