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Posts posted by atom

  1. while true that atm there are boring aspects in this game especially related to grindig x nr of the same mission no one is forcing you to do it. i never ever leech if i don't feel like actually playing the mission i just don't go for it. it's really not fair to the other players to let them work for you so while i agree that the cause is boring gameplay it's up to each player how to deal with it. boring gameplay is no excuse for taking advantage of other players!

  2. one thing comes to mind does anyone remember devs saying in a devstream that weapons are placed in market or clan research by RNG? i think it was a couple of streams ago while talking about the valkyr update i will try to look for it


    later ed: here you go

    this thread went offtrack exactly how the OP asked not to so i will repost this. the OP wanted to know why are certain clan tech in the market and not all of it? there is an answer in this devstream. take it with a grain of salt tho 

  3. It's not even all that different from other weapons available on the market. I don't like that it's not mechanically unique, but it's clan tech. Shouldn't clan tech be powerful and unique? It's just another hitscan rifle. Could have just as well been in the market. I'm not paying money for it. My clan will research it, get it the free way, but I feel as if they're just putting out these bland weapons too frequently and I have a hard time caring for them. Hell, I haven't even had the time to finish leveling my other weapons, and more stuff comes out?


    I think there should be a minimum time between Tenno Reinforcements of two weeks.

    i beg to differ. there is not one weapon that even comes close to it for comparison. no other bolt action rifle afaik in warframe yet (or maybe if you count the vectis but that is a sniper and stats are totally different). you are calling a weapon bland without even trying it first. did you even watch the same video i did? please realize that not all weapons can be soma, some of them will be less desirable for the majority of players. also most players are excited by new things in the game and i for one welcome tenno reinforcements on a weekly basis thank you DE

  4. but the OP really has a point. why not make all of clan tech available in marked not just a few? that is the topic of discussion here. my guess is maybe they are in a testing phase and will eventually make it all available it makes no real sense to have just a few but in the end i'm sure it's not in the top priorities for DE atm and let's face it for any company paying customers matter most and it they want to pay for stuff i would let them.


    p.s. i haven't slept in over 24h so i apologise if i'm rambling

  5. every weapon/frame/sentinel (including prime stuff) etc should be available in the market for plat. you want to play/grind for free you can do it! you want to spend some cash and get it faster you can do it! the only problem is that they may make grinding for it so abysmal that it will drive players insane but i sincerely doubt it since so far it seems to me that DE actually encourage playing not paying and that would mean losing playerbase.



    You know, I'm getting really tired in general of being labeled for having an opinion. This is about the fourth thread I've read that has the overwhelming majority calling any dissenters "whiners," "snobs," or "self-entitled." You're chalking these words up to an entire population of people who feel a certain way about many negative trends WF has. This isn't a community; it's a freaking zoo.


    The bottom line is that there is no reward in gameplay, so I'd like to feel like I earned my items, but joe moneybags over here can drop 800 plat on the What Stalker pack because he doesn't know the value of a dollar, thus invalidating my efforts. If I work at gathering resources, patiently building a dojo with my friends, and finally building a blueprint in my foundry, I'd like to feel some sense of exclusivity. I worked for my item. You (the royal you, I mean) swiped a credit card.


    sry but that is just wrong. the means that other players choose to use for obtaining items in this game in no way affects your choice. it is YOUR choice and yours alone please don't force it on others just so you can fake a taste of "exclusivity" it's really not fair. also i'm not talking about event exclusive items here that is another subject and event items obviously should not be available in market. 

  6. pick a good spot so you can see the terminals. equip a long range weapon. if you see the ring flashing zoom on terminals and shoot the enemy there. you dont have to actually go to the terminal you can shoot from a distance. i can cover at least 2 towers on both maps just me and my rifle.

    if you have team members you can share the task and each take a tower to defend ..


    also would like to say, no disrespect to Lotus or DE intended, but for the love of god Lotus stop spamming communications! it's mostly useless information and causes a lot of performance issues on more modest machines.

  7. you arent actually defending the "area" you are defending the two terminals located by the indivudual towers


    basically instead of "locking down the area" or even "area in conflict" you basically have ~3 seconds to kill any enemy who attempts to activate one of the two terminals at each tower. failure means not only a loss in control of the tower but a shift into enemy hands. 


    honestly i wouldnt mind this mechanic so much, if we actually had better lines of sight to the terminals from various towers, since it takes ~10 seconds to recapture for the tenno but a single enemy can do it in ~2, and you have virtually no warning when you are actually losing control of a tower




    Posted Today, 07:00 AM

    my point was there is no progress bar on the enemies capture, it is virtually instant.


    all it takes is one stray enemy to hack the terminal, and the tower is theirs. to make matters worse the terminals arent even located inside of the towers radius so it wont even say "conflict" if they are about to hack the terminal

    i personally love the lines of sight on those maps. just go to higher ground to find them. and if you look closely you will see that the light from the towers is flashing when an enemy tries to take over so there is your warning. also the time in which you take over a tower scales by the number of players in the squad and thinking about it a little i find it very reasonable. the only big problem i see with those missions is that there are lots of dead moments before w3 in which ppl get bored.


    there is a progress bar on the enemy doing the hacking. look at the light ring around the tower if it's flashing it's being hacked

  8. i can only say that i will not pay 275p to beta test a buggy frame that i already have a catalyst and slot for but i would pay 150p to rush the research for it and i'm sure i'm not the only one thinking this way. so what i'm saying is DE can either have 0p from me with current rules or they can allow research rushing and have 150 ...

  9. if it's clan research players can pool resources and while not spending much /player they would still spend considerably more then what they spend now which is 0plat. so i think rather then getting larger amounts of plat from very few players, DE would benefit more from smaller amounts but from more players. if my clan is willing to rush building rooms i guarantee they will rush research but no one bought the frame from market ...

  10. devs are working on this game. imo they are good at what they do and they are improving it, i'm sure they are not trying to ruin their own game. i imagine there is a lot of work to do / dev. have a little patience. also to make an omelette you have to brake a few eggs? i love how the game is alive and ever changing even if along the way there are mistakes it just makes it more interesting and human in the end.

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