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Posts posted by atom

  1. i guess im guilty of being a door hero but screw most of you who complain. i have certain choke points that benefits everyone. in kappa i camp the first door with my decoy holding it open. i dont hold the second door open cuz its way too far. i know its not 50 meters away from the defense point either because my friends always tell me how much they level up.


    in void i set a decoy under the stairs and disarm enemies so that they just stand there on top of the stairs and its RIGHT in front of the defense point. its like shooting a fish in a barrel.


    for survivals i like staying close to a life support until its time to use one and for endless defense i'll stay back, watching the pod, and use radial disarm. that way when they reach the pod i can just shoot em. works great with anything that has punch through. i actually have been using the akmagnus a lot cuz the crits are sweet.


    people never complain when i do this either :T my only beef is when theres a damn oberon, rhino, or nova running out and spamming their ult. this is why i usually only play with friends or solo these.

    that is not actually the behaviour people are complaining about. i hate to break it to you but if you stay in the same room as your team you are not a real door/hallway hero :p

  2. This topic again. Heh.


    Hallway Heroes are a blight, because they break up affinity and spread the loot out. Period, end of story. How could it be improved?


    1.) Remove the range limitation of group affinity. It's not keeping people together, it is punishing people for not being able to measure a distance DE is not displaying. If there were distance indicators next to party member names, telling you if you are or are not in range, it would be easier, but it is not. So, since this isn't helping anyway, just remove it. It's anachronistic anyway.


    2.) Shared loot. We already have shared credits, why can't we have shared resources, shared mods (they are the same anyway), too? Many contemporary games already do that, because it makes group play more user-friendly. Just leave health and energy out of it, and we're good. There is no reason to (again) punish people because someone killed a mook 150m away in a corner and he dropped an Orkie Cell no one else is getting.



    I laughed really hard, thanks for brightening my day.



    Actually, a true warrior of almost any martial arts, weapon class and proficiency speaks with his words and reserves actions for when it is necessary, because mastering a weapon comes with learning when to use it.

    exactly! i have posted this also before. current sharing mechanics is more of a reason for this conflict then actually losing missions because of destroyed objective. obviously door/hallway hero and running around blowing stuff up is fun and ppl should not be punished for having fun in the game. just make xp range same as trin blessing and share loot at match end. problem solved everyone can have fun

  3. Well I cannot decide whether this thread was a success or not. I made it to try and show people that this tactic is very viable but oh well I guess some people are just ignorant.

    as someone pointed out earlier this tactic can only work with an experienced set of players that can communicate well and know how support each other etc. unfortunately in a public match it's just not going to work well and is a lot safer/beneficial and less time consuming to defend close to the objective. the risk of no xp sharing, lost loot and time, and even destruction of terminal/pod is too great on pugs. kind of the same reason why it's ok to afk with a group of friends that know what to do and can cover for you willingly while in a public match i think it's not.

  4. because if you go in with a team that properly plays the mission you get lots of xp, easy pickups, and great time. if you get spawn campers and door heros it just ends up as complete waste of time with very little xp sharing, searching all over the map for scattered loot and maybe even losing the mission because pod/terminal gets destroyed. obviously people prefer to have a good "productive" time in mdef not waste it.

  5. Speaking of Forma. What if a weapon that had catalyst went not back to 0/60 points upon using a Forma, but to 30/60? To me it looks like 90% of forma'd weapon leveling solved. Right now you have to start over with useless garbage. Of course you will want to leech.

    i was thinking along the same lines. that somehow each forma you add should make lvling up your weapon easier. but then i realized that putting lots of forma on weapons and making them OP should in fact be v hard to do and time consuming.

  6. friend you are not seeing the forest for the trees. there is always a reason behind any behavior. big rewards? wth are you talking about?! rewards that do what exactly for you atm? make it fun, ppl will enjoy it and want to play it! the biggest reward in a game should be GAMEPLAY! it's that simple


    later ed:

    i'm not saying that playing warframe is not fun else we would not be here. but certain aspects of game flow can and will certainly be improved. can invasions be something else then 5x exterminate/node? what if there was a mix of mission types? i think there would be less afk if we could capture an enemy for interrogation, steal sensitive data, sabotage a reactor, and finally exterminate all the enemies in a node. im sure there is a mix of missions that would make sense and be way more entertaining then the one and only forever repeating exterminate we currently have.

    most of the pieces to make this game great for years to come are already here. devs just need to make a little sense of it all and i'm sure that they are working hard towards that end. they gave us so much already and the promise of this game is so immense that our expectations are the same and sometimes we forget that its still WIP.

  7. soo has anyone noticed that this leecher thing became more of a problem after invasions began. i don't remember it being an issue before that point. and sure leechers and afkers are in any game but i mean please ask yourself why ppl leech mostly in invasions. maybe because its really really boring to run 5x the same mission? and if you think about it almost ALL invasions are actually the same mission so if you do more invasions after a while you really get tired of it. i think OP is right the problem is with the dev's mentality of handling problems like this. instead of fixing the CAUSE of the issue they try to fix the symptom. take a look at cancer treatment because you are going down the same path. IT DOESNT WORK (even if it ATM the biggest money maker around it's wrong and will soon hopefully come crumbling down because ppl need cures not lifelong scam treatments)

  8. IMHO the problem is obviously with the way EV and WOL work. they slow the game down and are mostly useless. they maybe serve as a cc of sorts with the added bonus of giving out small amounts of health/energy but seriously i only used them twice in 13 ranks just to realize how worthless and pace damaging they are. there are better/faster ways to gain energy/health that don't require NOT killing the enemy. also maybe players that haven't yet played trin don't know what they are or how they work.

    that being said they are of use in nightmare mode energy drain but i still prefer to rely on team restore items

  9. i have faced this problem countless times and lost my calm after explaining in vain how xp sharing works. then i started thinking that really it's not the "door hero's" fault. we are playing this game for fun and sometimes running around blasting everything is really fun to do. what if changes were made to the way we gain xp and loot. as in what if everything gets shared just like credits at the end? (excluding of course players with 0 activity during match). i would seriously not mind having ppl run around doing their thing as long as it did not waste my time. what do you guys think about this?

  10. It's as if they don't want to have an easier time killing enemies.................................



    I like how you assume that I think Nova is the best way of playing this game when I made a Loki "appreciation" thread.



    Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

    just like you assumed all novas help the team by making kills easier when that is not the case for all players. it is not evident from your post that you have lots of experience in this game or like loki .. quite the contrary. anyway my post was directed more at the noob nova player and it that's not you good for you and i apologize if i seem virulent i'm just a little tired of trolls. i'm NOT trying to attack you 

  11. It's as if they don't want to have an easier time killing enemies.................................

    what you fail to realize it that experienced players with powerful weapons kill enemies just fine without nova, and they can do it faster. if i use a 6 forma ogris/penta and detron/brakk with punch though i really don't need a nova to slow things down for me and waste my time searching for stuck mobs thank you. so yeah ... when i see a low rank player using nova i instantly want to leave because i know i'm just going to waste my time and nerves explaining how xp sharing works and how the most efficient way of playing def/mdef only to get scoffed at or dismissed while they carry on spamming 4 like little spoiled brat. btw i have all frames and i know how to play all of them. once you see the whole picture things get a bit clearer but until then you think you discovered the best way of playing this game. i assure you it's not. every frame/weapon (except maybe rhino/excal) is situational and designed to play in a team.


    having said all that i know how much fun it is to run around spamming 4 as nova but it is not in team spirit. i think DE is aware of those issues and AFAIK xp sharing mechanics is in the works and hopefully will allow more playing style freedom in the near future.

  12. omg i can't believe how many negative comments towards OP. i know exactly what he is talking about OP is totally right! slowing down the game benefits no one it's just wasted time. searching for stuck mobs every wave is tedious and no fun. in most def missions there is no need for mprime until w15 if you play with good players/weapons. i'm sorry to say i have noticed the quality of players lately going to hell. most noob nova players should play solo because they in no way help the team. i meet lots of selfish players in mdef/def that don't care about sharing xp or defending the pod. they just want to run around spamming 4 or choke spawn points. all this behaviour is not in a team spirit and definitely not the intention devs had when designing this COOP TEAM game. somehow many of you seem to forget that.

  13. geez DE please fix the annoucement page for this weapon. it still sais DOUBLE DAMAGE in text and video. i understand you want our plat but this is false advertising. source https://warframe.com/news/tenno-reinforcements-akmagnus


    im also not sure how you can call this a mistake when its clearly not or at least more than one. how can you typo in so many places the same values lol? game/market/site/video/forum ... i count more then 1 typo here... 


    that being said it sure makes no sense that akimbo deal 2x dmg. as ppl mentioned earlyer 2 guns fire more bullets faster but with the same dmg/bullet as a single one .. like the other akimbo versions available. 

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