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Posts posted by atom

  1. No, but I would like to say that I hope you win some plat on a livestream. I'd love to hear DERebecca try to pronounce your name.

    TY i'd love to win some plat over there :D i was thinking the same thing last livestream lol. btw i chose this "alien face with many wierd eyes" name because at the time i made it i had no idea it would be the same ingame alias (nowhere was it specified) or that it would cost 200 plat to change. by now i'm used to it and even tho i have the plat i think i'm gonna keep it.

  2. AFAIK RNG is used as part of the mechanic for lots of things in the game including drops but that doesn't mean its totally random. IMO the problem is not with the RNG layer but with the fact that the game just gives you more of what you already have. THAT is NOT random. as far as i can tell drops are given based on your inventory, enemy type, and weapon used to kill the mob (primary, sec, power, melee). i came to this conclusion after playing solo for a long time and getting the same mods over an over. as soon as i went online things changed because now i had teammates with different inventory and i was also picking up stuff generated using their stats. i think this also applies to rewards in some way. did you notice that sometimes in survival or def rewards repeat no matter how long you stay? can anyone confirm or deny my theory?

  3. FYI, at the start of the level, where everyone drops into the level after the planet flyby cut scene, the first person who appears is the host.  (Or the person who is in the front when coming in by vent grate.  When being dropped by ship it is a slightly different position that I don't recall off the top of my head.)

    dropping by ship only shows the host in the animation and zooms out from them after it ends. also positioned in front

  4. Because maps are made to be traversed in within a specific time frame. Undercutting that frame by 50 to 70 percent affects the game flow. No, flying doesn't give you anything. All it does for you is reduce grind because you spend less time traveling from start->objective->extraction. That's not a valid reason to keep such a broken mechanic that also creates some serious imbalances between frames that are supposed to be slow in the game. You want less grind? Tell DE. Relying on a bug for your playstyle and then complaining about it if they remove it is pretty ignorant, not to mention egocentric. Coptering also invalidates every other form of normal movement and the traveltime of players level creators design their maps around. If they designed it with coptering in mind we would have maps that take ten times longer to traverse.

    maybe you didnt understand me. i dont regularly use coptering (because actually my main melee is glaive prime) but i regularly rush through maps using any means at my disposal: slash dash, charge, teleport, wormhole rush coptering etc. so i still take v little time to go across the map when i want to rush it. and what do you mean taking 60 mins to do a ext or cap mission because u want to explore doesnt affect the game flow? it just depends on your POV. how is yours more valid then mine when its a personal thing? dont u see? the issue here is not coptering or going fast but the CAUSE of this behaviour. DE needs to fix that. make exploring worth my time and ill do it. same goes for stealth

  5. I've seen something promising in terms of copter nerfing in the last live stream. They gave the spin attack a third motion, which breaks the frame's momentum before it lunges forward for its last strike. If that's part of the same attack they might have managed to fix coptering, as anyone attempting to do so would also have their frame perform the stabbing strike, forcing their frame in a "downtime" as the animation plays out. Dual weapons might have some animation that's even elaborate and takes longer, who knows.

    Let's stay optimistic, they'll get rid of this scourge sooner or later.

    look dude. i let you move like a turtle along the map ok? let me fly if thats my thing i dont see how it affects you. play solo or with like minded friends if u want to take your time. if its a public game get with the program. why not nerf wormhole, slash dash, switch teleport etc while we're at it? ppl are using those also to get to the end of map quickly u know? point is unless DE addresses the CAUSE of ppl wanting to go fast nerfing coptering will only make it worse.

    the main problem here is that going slow and exploring is not worth the time. when/if DE makes it worthwhile then ppl will have a reason to do it. as it stands now i want to get to the end as fast as possible since i'm a rank13 player and i know the repetitive maps like the back of my hand and have tons of recources. exploring them gives me nothing anymore. flying does. why do you want to enforce your playstyle on me? what if i tell you that making me go slow takes the fun away i im not one for playing unfun games? how is that progress? u sound like the TSA ..

  6. not sure how rng had anything to do with that. rng does a lot of bad stuff in this game, but it doesnt decide the timing of you joining a mission or the healthpool of your teammates...


    also, since when does harvester spawn when supporting corpus?

    since DE realized that unless they make this change the whole solar system will be overrun by grineer

  7. it feels more like an exploit, since having light weight weapons like that renders things like Rush mod and Stamina pointless

    im not sure thats what makes mods like rush or stamina pointless. for instance i don't use mods like rush vitality redirection stamina because they are all pointless IMO, and i prefer to enhance dmg range and duration. my point is there are better mods for general use and there is actually rarely room for mods like that in top builds. also this has no relation whatsoever with the melee i choose. i actually use zoren v little but they are fun to fly with and coptering is the only reason i made and kept them. lets be realistic for a moment. i think anyone will choose weapons that can actually kill mobs and of course it you want variety u cant have all melee do the same dmg as heavys. so what can compel ppl to pick up weapons with lower dmg? little fun "exploits" like this is the only reason i think. removing it would be akin to removing the weapon.
  8. OP is right. i had the same problem and made multiple accounts to get around it. also i remember this turning me off the game at the beginning i didnt uninstall it but didnt run the game either for a few weeks. another closely related problem is ALIAS choosing. when u make an account it should be very very obvious that the alias u choose will also be the one ingame but at the time i made the account it surprised me and i got stuck with this one only to find out later that i can change it by paying 200 plat...

  9. don't start to insult me as i don't want to criticise Devs,i know they're new in the PS4 environment and i can undersand the delay of any update but this game is almost unplayable as now.I played the PC version since it was in beta and i saw this game grow and became a very good game but there is very very very much work to do.Leaving out the bugs,that can be in a game,is impossible not mention the many problems about connection and the stability of the connection,or the multiple and frequent framerates during the game.With all these problems there aren't a lot of players playing on PS4 and this is another agony as there are missions too difficult to do alone,sostantially with no players and connection problems is impossible to go on in the game,finish a planet is a venture.I love this game and your ideas Devs and i hope you'll have all the solutions for these problems :)

    they do. updates are going to come closer together between pc and ps4 and eventually we will have the same version on both platforms with the possibility of playing together. at least thats what i got from the latest livestream

  10. Because none of the weapons work without owning all 3 of them...

    aw come now please stop with this argument you will get detron eventually just like u got all of staker's arsenal. i think its pretty fine the way it is now and i'm sure they will improve it. invasions are here to stay so i really don't see a problem. we know how to get a mark and now we actually know when it's on. what more do u want? detron as a login reward? with a slot and potato? relax and play the game you will get it all eventually. exciting warframe goodies coming our way. most of the stuff i got in this game came to me when i was NOT grinding for it and just playing for fun. maybe try enjoying the game it works for me and i'm not the only one

  11. he is invulnerable until the last fiery stage so shooting him until then is pointless, save your ammo. just go invisible and shoot a few rounds in his backpack until a tube pops up, then make him swing his axe so that he hits the ground and freezes himself. do this a few times until he gets flames on, THEN u unleash full auto on hiss &#! with toxin/radiation dmg and i guarantee u he will go down quite fast

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