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Posts posted by atom

  1. concerning the "warframe players don't like RNG" topic i just want to add my opinion as a long time player.
    i don't think it's so much RNG players have a problem with as much as not feeling rewarded for their investment.
    that may be a subjective concept but i can give clear examples of what i mean:
    - exilus adapter BP from sortie (so i get a 20p reward but i have to spend 50p to use it?!)
    - riven mod with +puncture dmg for an elemental weapon
    - "useless" rewards that cannot be transformed in something useful (arcanes, orvius parts, antiserum injector fragments, etc)

    in essence players don't like feeling like they wasted their time. i understand there needs to be a low in order to have a high but maybe low tier rewards can be made better by making sure they actually have a use. maybe allow more of those things to be converted to resorces/endo/ducats/credits.

  2. after playing with ash for the past few days i can say that i like the general direction of the rework but i would like to see it taken further.

    smoke screen is now very good and encourages duration builds.

    teleport buff very welcome thank you. i can understand if there's a technical limitation because of the finisher mechanic that prevents it but maybe some interaction with his shuriken can be added to teleport?

    i very much like the new bladestorm marking mechanic even if it's technically a nerf from the p42w slideshow from before.
    i would like to suggest further tweaking it by removing the (very disorienting and flow breaking) cinematic part, having the clones attack, and letting ash be user controlled with access to weapons and powers. (or making this an augment)
    this would be offset by removing ash's invulnerability during bladestorm (maybe give him a bit of a buff to armor?) and the new marking mechanic considering it hits less targets now.

    thank you! 

  3. there is nothing to nerf here. yes it has multishot but also a bit of spread making it good only for close and medium range. add the 1s draw time and 1s charge rate and it's really on par with the other good bows. i still prefer the rakta generally.

    imho they did really well with cernos prime just like the tigris, it feels as strong as the others while being different.

  4. 1st off thank you for TWW and your continued dedication!

    - Any update on unbinding arcanes from cosmetics or removing the lock? Steve said in a devstream we will be able to switch freely a while ago only to have someone else (offcamera) contradict that soon after during some other stream. tbh i was kind of expecting that to come with TWW.

    - Is it possible to have unwanted arcanes converted into ducats or something useful?

    - When is the Dryad skin going to work on the rakta cernos? right now i looks like a total mess.

    - Any news on being able to colour cosmetics separately?

    - Can we get a replay button for TWW?

    can we have a visual indicator for operator power? I never know how much power I have left and how much it recharged. during the quest the action was very fragmented because of this to the point of ruining the immersion

  5. 3 hours ago, ChasePanic said:

    I can't see much reason why they would have nerfed vacuum when making it universal. They caved on that one eventually, possibly because they couldn't come up with a good excuse either for why they planned on halving the range.

    for that i suppose there was no reason other than Scott's bruised ego catalysed by Reb's power trip. but that is just my speculation based on what i saw in the streams

  6. 8 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I don't think it had anything to do with making the other obsolete. IIRC, It was because some players complained about the akversion requiring 2 of the same weapon. They didn't like putting in the effort to farm the 2 prime sets.

    yeah i dont remember what reason they gave just that they said they won't release akimbo's that already have a single. but to be fair this was quite a while ago before update 10 IIRC and it's quite possible they change that position

  7. wow ... so the logic is .. if I come up behind an enemy and am visible they don't know I'm there, but if invisible they are alerted?

    how about if enemies were sensitive to sound in their close proximity forcing loki to walk avoiding footsteps?


    later ed: I have a better idea. keep the bubble but make loki's invis a toggle. that should balance him a lil' bit.

  8. coolant leak was so OP it clearly needed a nerf. instead of almost  never using it now ill just have to never use it. oh well .. at least it didn't get an increased range or effect to compensate this much needed nerf

  9. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

    But again that doesn't affect any legal agreements between DE and founders. Unless the original agreement was specifically claused to say where they were and weren't  exclusive, DE still has that obligation to uphold their contract with the founders.

    This is actually the most interesting thing to happen in Warframe in ages for me, I'm curious to where it's heading and what in means for founders items in the future.

    what legal agreements? afaik founders packs were just like prime packs with the added promise of never coming back. the TOS for the game still applies and DE can change anything without any legal implications. it may look bad if they do it but there is no legal claim here imho

  10. On 10/7/2016 at 10:08 PM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


    i think the outer shell dragon theme looks amazing. not too crazy about the melanoma ridden zoidberg shrimp suit meant for the pelt-less look. perhaps if it looked less naked and more like armor. i dig the contrast but it's to much he doesn't have to go commando does he?

  11. 2. Universal Vacuum is coming! What do you think?


    i think universal vacuum is much much needed in the fast paced looter parkour shooter that is warframe.

    however the proposed solution is not only a step back from what we have now but it doesn't include kubrows/kavats so it's far from universal.

    my suggestion is to make vacuum innate to warframes for loot (resources, mods, endo, bp's) so i can actually choose any companion or none and have a pleasant gaming experience. give carrier vacuum/conversion for ammo, health, energy and he will have a clear support oriented role. chesa can remain unchanged since it targets priority stuff (right?) for you in bigger range and it's cute in a way.

    being one of the regular carrier users i hunted for syndicate medallions this week with my smeeta in solo mode (so 1/4 of enemies and drops that occur in a full squad?) and i must say the game without vacuum is terribly tedious and tiring my eyes to such a degree that i had to shorten my gaming sessions. if DE thinks this makes users play more i hope they think again because maybe it's having the opposite effect.

    i'd like to point out if anyone at DE is concerned that giving innate warframe vacuum might lessen the grind needed for balance, 90% of players are already using it so presumably the impact would be 10%. BUT 90% of your playerbase will enjoy the game MORE and while we understand accept the need for grind in this f2p model, this change will make it FEEL a lot better without actually making it much less. making players miss out on drops from killed enemies is not a nice way to balance imho. please if 10% is that much of a concern find a better more subtle way of balancing resources like say directly from drop tables.

    artificially extending gameplay via frustration (missing out on drops) works to a degree but i don't think it should be directly tied to the reward part at all. imho adding frustration to the reward part makes players feel like they wasted time why would you want that? that trigger fits well with a challenge related task. in other words if this is a technique used to make me play more it's applied to the wrong part of the game if the game is made of challenge+reward. apply it to the challenge part of the game and you're golden.

    maybe connect the dots is tolerable for 10 void traces but making that much of the game (thousands of drops?) about this is mind numbingly tedious and really takes away valuable screen time from other much better interactions this game has to offer.

    believe it or not after 3 years of playing i'm still amazed at the beauty of this game and grateful (thank you DE) i can play it but really connect the dots? why is that fun tied to loot? 90% of your playerbase is telling you it's not ...


  12. is it just me or do operator colours switch around when u go into a mission? it seems to me suit slots 1 and 3 get switched when u go in mission. in any case my operator looks yellow in the mission (assuming from a golden bit) instead of whatever color i choose on the liset. can we get a fix for this?

  13. 8 hours ago, F8ted said:

    A bit of practice? I have been playing since before carrier was released. It is still my most used companion because more utility oriented companions were not released until much later. Staying 12m away from drops at any time you don't want to receive them is beyond reasonable tedium. Each energy orb is 125 energy, and 50% power strength. Any expenditure of energy will grab all orbs within 12m. This is an unacceptable loss of efficiency and power. Same goes for Health Conversion, once you have grabbed 3 orbs, you waste tons of mitigation grabbing another, which carrier will do assuming there are any orbs within 12m of you.

    Carrier long falls off in the damage equation before the kavat due to armor, which the kavat completely removes. This one mod is worth 4 aura slots, and was hardcore meta for some time. Smeeta kavats actually spawn additional additional drops. So as long as you are diligent, and have animal instincts, you will out farm the carrier. Oh and so will your team, for each Smeeta around. 

    The battles of attrition that were the endless missions of old saw instances that "wasting" drops was so much a thing, pizzas replaced them. Hell, I got a pizza for everything really. It comes down to there are powerful reasons why carrier is "fine" right now and they just nerfed Smeeta. People might not always be on the same page here on the forums, but this was a thing that carrier worshipers missed out on. Fourtunately, least for me, numbers still favor the cat. 

    i put it to you that as long as you can kill mobs you will never run out of health and energy orbs. i know because i use arcane energize/pulse health/energy conversion, use carrier all the time and they are triggered all the time. again i say this "waste" thing is a non-issue. not to mention those kind of drops get overwritten by the game after a short while so your argument has no basis in the reality of this game.

    p.s. i generally don't use a weapon with carrier because my weapons and frames will always be better suited for cc and killing than any companion. still a cc build sweeper is better at keeping me alive than the random mob kavat/kubrows choose to kill on occasion.

    having the convenience of vacuum is better for me than a bunch of rare resources smeeta can sometimes spawn. i build raid keys and consumables i need nano spores and plastids.

  14. 4 hours ago, TheVigilant said:

    Yup it's is. I don't take it really serious but, it's not a small matter also.

    Getting pickups by yourself makes you look more at the environment making you more aware of your surroundings and expands your field of view, it acts at an psychological level you don't really notice it.

    With time your reaction times will increase and you will not die by a random over leveled enemy that you did't saw by going only forward. I've seen this a lot, by new players and veterans.

    Well, I would like to discuss how the brain works and how gaming reflects it all night but, I have a lot work to do.

    Have a good discussion.

    my exp in this game is totally opposite. the amount of drops is terribly distracting and takes away from the environment forcing me to focus on the ground connecting dots. and i died more times trying to pick something up not noticing an enemy than anything else.

    not having vacuum takes away from my enjoyment of the game so until we get innate vacuum i feel forced to use carrier. i'd really like to use the other ones more.

  15. 6 hours ago, F8ted said:

    There are many reasons for this. Resource pickup rate at 100% is nice, but you cannot control the rate at which restoration pickups are received. I honestly think there are 2 types of people here in warframe. I like to control how fast my guns pickup and mutate ammo, otherwise I waste many ammo drops. I like to control energy conversion to have a much higher uptime, impossible if you get an energy orb every time it's dropped. Once you have Arcane Energize, the rate at which energy is restored to the whole squad is so greatly increased, that there is tons of wasted energy if every energy orb is picked up as it drops. This is why I basically never use the carrier since other, more versatile options were presented. Now Kavats are 4cp in a can, and drop resources that were not there in the first place. Do you prefer wasting pickups or wasting time? Carrier vs others in a nutshell.

    you would think so but with a bit of practice the reverse can be possible.

    just as you know and control your warframe pickup range you can learn and control carrier's. with the added bonus of being able to transport mods or orbs (and trigger energize/pulse/energy conversion) to team mates.

    "wasting" drops is not really a thing because as long as enemies spawn and you can kill them with carrier u are getting the most out of drops and the perceived "waste" is really a non-issue as you will never run out of pickups.

  16. i prefer to use pulse on nekros because it also heals nearby teammates and it's cheaper. grace is not bad either and i think it triggers from despoil too but then i lose the team heal aspect which i really like. even victory works well with a SOTD build as it triggers constantly from shadows.

    i put pulse on helm and energize on syandana to effectively replace trin on defence or other campy missions with nekros while also getting bonus loot.

  17. so let me get this straight.

    carrier users are lazy because they don't like to slow down their parkour and mobs interaction to play connect the dots on the floor, but helios and other sentinel users are not lazy because they don't like scanning or killing/cc mobs. double standards much?

    imho in a fast-paced game like warframe with the amount of loot we have and need (yes some of us actually use resources to constantly build stuff even at mr22) vacuum should be innate to warframes.

    believe it or not i not only use carrier 99% but also buy resource and chance boosters and kill myself if he dies on me in a mission. not because i'm lazy but because i don't enjoy or have time for walking over every goddam drop cluttering my screen. i enjoy using my parkour and aiming skills to deal with mobs vs crawling on the ground for loot.

    simply put the vacuum utility supersedes anything other companions can offer in this parkour game about loot go figure. it's mandatory for bullet-hose weapons and frames that rely on pickups to survive (nekros for example).

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