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Posts posted by Mr_bunny

  1. 8 minutes ago, rytisrytis said:

    2 seconds of invisibility seems a lot for a roll but that would definitely be nice. What do you think about making it staus proc instead, for example rolling in front of target applies impact proc, while rolling from behind do blast. That's what i imagine. 

    Those are the type of ideas I think are interesting. Now I'm also imagining a rhino curled up in a ball knocking every enemy in his path.

  2. 4 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

    Sounds good to me I like that idea :) Are you thinking of the Physical damage types? Slash, Impact, Puncture or the Elemental damage types or why not both? :P

    I was thinking actually more of the +150% dmg to melee on the roll and also roll mods that do different things such as +% to movement or jump velocity after a roll and invulnerability frames when rolling. Or a 2 second invisibility after rolling. Something more along these lines.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

    You probably missed the first word of my sentence.

    I never said anything about daggers being logical. I honestly think it's a dumb idea to even use a dagger as a melee weapon unless you don't have any other options. And considering that there is no point (dagger pun) in trying to exploit armor weaknesses in a videogame a dagger is absolutely useless in my opinion. If I could put covert lethality on another weapon rather than a dagger I would not even have one in my inventory. They are pointless (this is getting repeated)

  4. Just now, Kialandi said:

    It's not about vitamin OP deficiency (I will use this from now on if you don't mind :-D ). Just try to use Silva and Aegis in Sortie. It's timer would run out before you could kill one enemy.


    Logic: Sword deals impact damage. Dagger has lower attack speed than greatsword, war axe and scythe - it is the slowest melee weapon in game.

    Where is the logic?

    My logic is that you can't cut with a flamethrower. And that flaming sword is nothing but that. A pitiful flamethrower. Also, considering that I've no clue what war is made of I'm not going to question why it deals impact dmg. For all I know it could be a force field attached to a pole. And a war axe is not a fast weapon so don't be surprised if it is the slowest weapon in the game. And the scythes that we have here aren't actual scythes. If you examine an actual scythe you'd notice that they aren't build for attacking but for cutting grass. Have you ever tried swinging a scythe at someone? I have and it is the most awkward thing to do. It is almost impossible to harm someone with a scythe. So don't even bring these things up. They are even more stupid than a sword made of fire.

  5. Just now, Kialandi said:

    Isn't this fantasy game? Who cares about conventional weapons? We are space ninjas with superpowers! Why can't we have sword and shield made out of fire with good stats?

    Ask the people who made the sword and shield out of fire why it doesn't have good stats. I've just accepted it doesn't and that it won't change. And I've explained it to myself with logic.

  6. Well excuse me for using a practical weapon. No wonder a sword is more useful than chainsaws for fists. I mean seriously. I can't imagine the claws having better stats then a greatsword. Can you really blame DE for making an obviously conventional weapon have better stats than something as ridiculous as a sword and shield made out of actual fire. Unless these unconventional weapons get good stats only a small % of the playerbase will use them. And I don't think we are going to get a unique weapon with good stats any time soon. So my advice to you is to stop paying attention to what other people use if you are bothered by it.

  7. It's far too late to even mention coptering. It was a bug and DE removed it. I don't think they are going to go out of their way to bring back this bug. And what is fun and what is not is highly subjective. So "it's fun" isn't a good argument for bringing coptering back.

  8. I dunno. The drawing is pretty neat. Though I haven't seen you draw anything in a while your skills haven't degraded the least. Also, hi, Kseni. Been a while.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Dycoth said:

    If the Grineer are coded to obey the queens, how could you explain that Steel Meridian and Clem are free to join our fight ?

    I literally explain it in the quote you are referring to.

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