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Posts posted by Mr_bunny

  1. If you have over 200p I'd just buy slots when needed. You can easily get 12p from selling junk that you get from a t4 interception. Sell 5 parts for 7p and that would be 3 or 4 runs and you've got 2 weapon slots. But if you are feeling lazy and don't want to spend your plat then sure, sell your weapons. 

  2. People would be rather upset if the most useful thing about carrier got changed. Considering the amount of forma they've spent on it. If the loot thingy is removed it must be replaced with something of equal value and a ten meter ragdoll isn't all that useful. 

  3. I was doing some void runs and then the game decided to tell me that the progress wasn't saved. A second after that it decided to log me out. I tried logging back in but I wasn't successful so I shut it off and attempted to restart it but now my client is stuck at "checking for updates" and isn't doing anything. *edit* Now the game told me that an update has failed. Do you guys have any issues like that at the moment? Should I be re-installing warframe? 

    Another EDIT: Never mind me, the game fixed itself by bugging out twice. Sorry to fill up the forums with non-important threads

  4. 3 minutes ago, Nirishdote said:

    Well I have probably bigger faith in Warframe community, you would kick someone from missions for not having the frame you want? If 3 positive votes required...

    in any case, what about allowing this vote kick to be initiated by player only like once per day/few days/week? That limit could surely make everyone think twice before vote kicking for lulz

    In that case it would be kind of pointless. Again, I feel like just having it in fully premade squads or at least 3 man premade squads is the best solution. 

  5. That'd be nice but if it wasn't allowed in pubs. Because then you'd get kicked for playing hydroid on a mission node that people want someone else to be played. It would be ok if it was in a situation in which all 4 members had gone in a mission and had prepared before. 'Cause otherwise people would be getting kicked for not playing the "meta" warframes.

  6. 8 hours ago, Weidro said:

    isnt it easyer to delete or hide the single comment rather than the entire thread ?

    and a message to the creator of a thread should be automated in cases like this

    am i missing something here?

    If your thread was related to the new Prime Access it might have just been merged to a megathread and then you wouldn't be notified. As far as I've seen before threads getting removed for swearing doesn't happen much. At most a moderator comes to clean up the comments that are toxic. 

  7. Just now, Prime said:

    that's some completely different error though...

    Well there could be 2 different type of errors for a similar yet different problem. But in the end what it means is that something has restricted access to it. Nothing strange about that.


  8. I doubt you'll ever get banned for playing Limbo. Some people might get pissed off but that's their problem. Don't worry.

    Also, I think you need to have been reported with a good reason at least a couple of times in order for there to be any actual consequence. 

  9. When I was playing from a laptop that hardly ran the game I used the Ignis. It is good because you just hold fire and don't need to aim. That was long before it got it's update so now it is even better.  

    Sorry I can't help with the arcane helmet but I seldom trade items for plat. Good luck with it though.

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