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Posts posted by Mr_bunny

  1. So tell me, how is this game any "hard" really?

    Games don't have to be hard. They need to be entertaining. And your ideas just make it harder to get entertainment from the game. Having to grind more isn't entertaining. Plenty of people play the game just because they enjoy murdering a lot of enemies and watching them explode in coulds of blood and limbs with different weapons and they don't enjoy grinding for a specific item or spending hours in trade chat. 

  2. That's where I'm stuck, lol


    I don't have the creativity to think of one :(

    Could have an ability that creates a skeletal horse that charges and knocks down everything in it's way. And a field of hands raising from the ground to grapple and stun enemies inside. First ability could be a thing that stores heads of killed enemies and if activated it launches a head that explodes and knocks down enemies dealing little dmg. And the ultimate could fire all the heads at enemies and for each head stored an enemy will die.


    P.S. I came up with this in less than 3 minutes so it is probably S#&$ty but it sounds nice in my head.

  3. Interception, Defenses and Mobile Defenses would be enormously difficult.


    A limited number of spectres can't protect the pods efficiently, and they certainly can't prioritize the enemies in Interceptions that are hacking your consoles.


    I don't think you can, no.

    You could use crowd control abilites that aren't harmful to distrupt the hacking of interception. And you can use frost bubble to protect defence objectives.

  4. Btw is ignis good cos my ignis is lvl 13 and it kinda sucks against infested but I havent modded it well yet so I cant really tell if it would be good or not.

    Btw is ignis good cos my ignis is lvl 13 and it kinda sucks against infested but I havent modded it well yet so I cant really tell if it would be good or not.

    Ignis is pretty good if you dump 5 or 6 forma on it. But if you don't have the forma or time to invest then don't expect much.

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