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Posts posted by jackalthehyde

  1. Ember was "Nerfed". Her damage is higher now, but it's a nerf. =x.. Mag is beautiful. Pull is fun. Don't know anything about Saryn but I hear people still like her nonetheless and I've still seen people choose her for T3s so can't be all that bad. 


    Mag Prime <3.. I'm sorry this displeases you. And scarfs actually look pretty good.

  2. I have read this complaint before, and it has kept me from purchasing a founders package, even though I have nearly completed the purchase of the grand master package 3 times already. I've had it in the cart, ready to submit payment, and I always back out. Why? Because the gear you get just doesn't seem worth it to me.


    Even if the gear isn't worth it necessarily, understand that the founder packages are the ONLY way to get this gear. Another thing is the platinum exchange rate for the founder's packages. That's a lot of platinum.

  3. Thank you all for the insight so far, I really appreciate it. Another thing, what level do you all recommend waiting until to actually go into the higher voids? Max I've done is T2 and I noticed a huge difference even then, but since then I've upped the ante a bit on my gear. Are T3s much more difficult?

  4. I see where you're coming from with this. Damage does seem like a "Boring" choice due to the fact that they seem to be an ideal choice in the idea that they give your damage a base increase, but, without damage mods there would be a much higher difficulty rate for clearing out higher leveled missions wouldn't there?


    There should be some conformity in mods. There probably will always be some conformity. The reason you have as many slots as you do are to include that variation you seem to enjoy with the conformity. Generally Damage, Firing rate, max ammo, are probably going to be seen among any weapons. Automatic or not. Maybe I'm missing the point? End game damage mods still help a lot in later levels.

  5. So, Two questions:


    1) What exactly is the advantage of prime? Are base stats different? 

    2) How do we obtain prime blue prints? Are they all void only? Is there a guide on what warframe parts drop where?


    Well, that turned out to be five questions, but still. I haven't really done void enough to know a lot about it and was hoping someone could help with these. <3 thanks.

  6. Paris Prime is you are patient enough to use charge attacks constantly, calculating travel time and elevation control (arrow arc)


    Braton Prime if you want DPS and Pray'n Spray. 


    I would personally recommend paris prime and find firing rate mod for rifle. This decreases the time you have to charge. I've noticed a difference without even having it maxed.


    Braton is always fun for clearing out crowds.

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