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  1. Edit: it's a PC setting I disabled. Fixed it. Disregard/delete post pls.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/CJmgwFU Here's a video I recorded of this random graphical glitch that I'm now seeing. I've restarted my game, verified the cache, optimized it.. Didn't help. Now, I gotta deal with this ontop of orientation bug? Are they purposely trying to make us not want to play the game anymore?
  3. Just tested it again. If you die and don't pick yourself up you maintain the proper orientation when going in and out of your operator, but if you do pick yourself using Last Gasp you will bug out without fail. Just tested it multiple times and was able to replicate it every single time. Crap like this makes not want to play this game anymore. This is getting ridiculous. New Wisp Prime update and it's already riddled with bugs..
  4. Yep.. same angle too. You're looking in one direction and then you're looking at the wall transferring out.. Definitely a bug and really rampant one right now. How this hasn't been hot fixed yet is beyond me.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/vhf1k6s Here's a video to the bug. I believe what triggers it is when you down and have Last Gasp enabled and pick yourself back up. That is what seems to trigger this bug. It's super disorientating and annoying. Please fix this.
  6. I keep getting this bug where when you switch from operator to warframe or vice versa it randomly changes your direction or orientation to a different one and is really annoying when try to go in certain directions.. it's like arbitrarily choosing a direction for you. I'm not the only one who has mentioned this and could not find an existing post regarding this. I will try to record a video of it soon and update this thread.
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