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Everything posted by Am_Sha3gar

  1. These 4 are the only ones avaliable AFAIK, the wiki supports this: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Settings/Interface
  2. I already used it for another warframe giveaway, and at that time i arrived there directly from the app. Also, i just now noticed that the desktop omen hub actually links to it, you have to click on fanatical in the left tab, and then the request bundle button for the pack on the rotating banner in the page (i just didn't see it before). Last time i'm sure there was a section dedicated to giveaways on the app
  3. Googled it and found the page by chance, it's not linked anywhere that i saw.
  4. You have to go on this page: https://giveaways.joinsurf.com/giveaway/aB_TeD1 And complete some of the tasks below for the giveaway. The code will arrive in a mail.
  5. It's 3 out of 5 weeks, not necessarily the first 3. So you'll get the Anniversary emblem if you complete either week 4 or 5 even if you skip one of the first 3, what you'll miss is the gunblade skin that you get for completing all alerts.
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