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Everything posted by RichardKam

  1. The problem is exaggerated by his kits. People expected more from Caliban given that he was locked behind TNW and the god awful bounties. His 1 is basically useless. Not a big problem because many frames have a helminth slot anyway. Sentient Wraith is problematic. It is a CC, but it also sends enemies into ragdoll. Yareli bubble is very similar but works much better. Lethal Progeny is......kind of ok-ish. Quick shield recharge is nice. But just like other summon abilities, his progeny is anything but lethal. His 4 is good in concept, grouping with armor strip, but also just like Yareli 4 before rework, you are locked in place in the entire casting window. Other armor strip abilities are much less demanding (terrify, tharros strike) or provide much better benefit (pillage). DE should give something extra to his 4.
  2. It was easy if 1. you got carried by one guy with fully built necramech, 2. you were playing the easiest tier and 3. you extracted after 3 orphix instead of 36. Operation Orphix Venom was launched when necramech was only available in isolation vault with abysmal drop rate. The rent-a-mech and mausolon were both un-modded and got one-shot pretty fast. The entire event was basically kicking people to buy one from the market.
  3. You don't finish it. We just leave it there. DE messed up the control meter. It was almost impossible (mathematically) to do it solo unless you are very, very lucky and devoted. Even if you do, it won't be an enjoyable task. If for whatever reason you must clear that node, find a team to do it.
  4. But you have decree in the Circuit, which does not translate back to starchart.
  5. Because even in regular starchart enemy level can be up to 100, not 25. It was a joke, I know. A reasonable benchmark at most is SP level below 500 or 1k, or regular starchart archon hunt or EDA. It covers almost 99% of the game contents and is the highest power level most players will find themselves in. For endless modes, most of the rewards follow AABC rotation except disruption, and there is no particular advantage of going beyond 4 (or 8, so to speak) rotations because you receive nothing extra. There is nothing new shiny for you beyond that, other than stretching your muscles. The only exception might be SP circuit if you want to reach tier 10 in one go. That's why using level cap as benchmark is stupid. There is nothing extra at level cap. You need to build for that purely for the sake of it. That's why when discussing whether a frame is good or not, context is important. "I can use XXX frame at level cap. Here is how I do it. So XXX frame is fine in terms of power". Congratulations. Very nice. Good for you. "XXX frame is a piece of trash because it just got one shot and is utterly non-functional beyond level 5000". Who cares about level 5000? What's the point? See the difference?
  6. The only thing got implemented was the tau fusion system. Other than that, players still have no agency in tau acquisition, which was the biggest request from the community. Was it really because DE listened, or because DE already have a road map of archon system expansion since day one? If the community really can push DE into doing something, at least we may have the tau fusion system earlier with a higher fusion ratio. Instead the whole stuff just pop up out of nowhere together with netracell against all established lore, aka the entire New War quest and Sentient conflict (the "lore" associated with how archon shard turns up in netracell is really just made up eternalism story by a 5 years old, don't take it seriously). You can continue to feel good about all these, but just like the AoE nerf, I seriously cannot see the community having any say in this. Go back and read the forum. Tons of people explicitly said "restricted loadout is not challenge", "we do not want to be told how to play in this power fantasy game" for the past 2 years. And here we are. It really does not require any gymnastic because DE basically replied "this is the only way to give any sort of difficulty late game so here is another randomizer for you, take it or leave it". How exactly that got implemented is not the main problem because the foundation of DA is "restricted loadout", which was the exact opposite of what the community asked for - unless you think the community was really looking for another restricted loadout game mode. What I was trying to say is not that feedback and request should not be made. My message is that people should stop giving feedback and request under the assumption that they are the main driving force of the game (aka what OP did). I hope you can tell the difference.
  7. Speak for yourself only. Don't try to represent other veterans because none of us share your view. Trash talk all your want. Stand up, be a man and admit it. Don't do it under the refuge of "high ranking players".
  8. You can believe all you want, that does not change the simple fact that none of the community suggestion on acquisition of archon shards were implemented. Remember the shard fragment idea, of which archon will drop one fragment and with 5 fragments you can fuse them to make a tau forge? Or dissolve the archon shard back to fragments so you can make a new one? Or put archon shards to SP shop so people can buy them once per week instead of Kahl mission? None of them. Zero. Nil. For one and a half years. The 5 fragments idea was essentially the same as what we have today (guaranteed 1 tau shard in 5 weeks) but with one big difference - unlike the shard fragment idea of which players can hoard fragments for later use, DE current system gives you zero agency on tau shard acquisition, a philosophy that remained unchanged since Sep 2022 when archon shard was introduced. That only changed when DE announced coalescent fusion. If anything was laughable, it would be the tau fusion because e.g. in order to make 1 tau green shard you need 6 regular shards. The power ratio between regular and tau was merely 1.5x while the fusion ratio was 3:1 (originally 4:1), hardly a fair trade compared to the ideal ratio of 3:2. DE could have just put tau green/topaz/violet in DA or EDA or netracell directly but anyway. In conclusion, the development and progression of the archon shard system was entirely different to what the players was suggesting / expecting. And you still believe player feedback had a role in this? On the contrary, you should also check how many buffs players demanded but was ignored. Also, you should know that randomizer works differently in the circuit and DA not because of player feedback, but because difficulty in the circuit +/- SP was offset by decrees, while difficulty in DA was tweaked by negative buff - two entirely different approach. How about you tell me where is the player input in the current DA. As far as I know, a lot of players explicitly told DE they hated restricted loadouts since the introduction of Duviri, and DE double down on it and gives you yet another game mode with restricted loadouts lol. The bottom line is, people should stop assuming Warframe is a game built by community, or guided by community, or "our feedback essentially shaped this game to what it is today". People should stop using mob tactics like "a petition to DE to do xxx", "here is the community demand to do xxx", "how dare DE do this and this and don't do as we say", because it will never work. Community feedback is important, but it was DE holding the steering wheel, not the community.
  9. One trigger of motion sickness is the disconnection between your reception. That's why some people (me) get sick when playing first person shooter. You are not moving, but your eyes and ears keep telling your brain you are moving and spinning. Third person shooter is fine because you are not moving, your warframe is. The same thing happened when I equipped hobble dragon key or in Kahl mission. When I moved forward, my brain expected me to go forward at a certain speed but my visual told me I was going really slow. Even that subtle disconnection is enough to make me a bit sick. In your case I suspect it is because of the night time ambient. There is no visual cue (ie background) to visualize your orientation except the pulsing pillars, which are very poor markers because they are pulsing (not stable) and cannot tell you the distance and depth of view (further disorientation). Coupled with all the action and spinning and random sparks and bullets here and there, and occasionally one or two enemies blocking the pillar pulse, it could get really messy. If you really want to check, trying simulacrum and put the pillars on the ground, and then jump high above them and look down. You should be fine when having the bird eye view of everything.
  10. It was a joke. Relax. 99% of the game yes, but some contents still require a little bit more than your regular arsenal. Void cascade for one, in which you still need your operator and a bit of juggling. Duviri SP Circuit, if people want to go there. The newly introduced DA and EDA, unless they also got Rev and incarnon and settle with lower tier rewards. Ytube and overframe will get people to level cap, yes of course - that's what we called learning, and that is beyond pay2win isn't it? Plat and money won't get you there if people don't at the very least learn from ytube and overframe. Also, people are still complaining pub netracell in which a random Tenno was on a killing frenzy outside the red circle. The game is not hard, but never overestimate the player base. Edit: I forgot the most important thing. When we talk about P2W, what does it mean by "winning" in this sandbox arsenal 3rd person shooter exactly? I don't have a very clear definition of "winning" in Warframe actually (I don't think there is a consensus as well), so calling Warframe is P2W is a bit fuzzy to me.
  11. And then getting stuck beyond regular starchart because they don't know how to mod lol. P2W is silly in this game. Without a proper knowledge your prime access gauss with 2k plat worth of arcane energize will get you nowhere near Zariman. It was never about money, it was about knowledge, something like how to abuse Saryn toxic lash and roar and sobek and DE weird damage formula.
  12. OP specifically said Dagath. It was in the title. "Ember has been power crept entirely by Dagath". Not "other better frames". I cannot discuss with someone who cannot read.
  13. Hm. Are you sure you want to use usage stat as an argument, knowing that it is a really weak argument? Because Dagath usage is only 0.45% which is even lower than Ember prime and the usage went down by MR rank. By the same token of logic it means she was ditched by those with all upgrade available and was only popular among low MR rank players in regular starchart. It actually proves my point in this thread, but I am not going to use this as an argument, because it proves nothing. Gyre usage is only 0.78% as well so she must also be "tweak" or "rework" as well isn't it? In total we have 98 warframe and prime variants, which gives each entry on average 1.01% usage if evenly distributed. Given that not all warframes are equal, prime are stronger than vanilla version, and some warframes are preferred due to the efficiency nature of this game, is 0.82% usage considered low? Usage stat is a really poor parameter to judge whether a frame is good or viable. You should stop using it as well.
  14. Go watch the movie Moneyball. One of the scout made a comment about Brad Pitt. "He only answer to ownership, and God". Good luck with your endeavors OP. You need it.
  15. Listen, I don't know what you are up to. I merely set the context of baseline SP for the sake of discussion. Whenever people talk about "challenge" or "builds" they always end up talking about wildly different things because sometimes they talked about level cap SP and then Archon hunt and then the build was useless in the god damn spy mission. People say health tanking is sxxt and useless and shield gating is the way to go and bashing others without realizing people was not talking about level cap SP disruption. Without a proper context and scenario, there is no meaningful discussion. Your "high endgame" and other people "high endgame" could be different. The reason context is important because this game was never designed around SP, especially not around SP beyond level 1k or 2k+. Certain frames struggle or become not viable beyond that level is expected, and I have absolutely no problem admitting Ember is not viable there. Using that as a benchmark is meaningless. At that time I was replying to someone who mentioned Blind Rage. It is on page 1. Read through the whole thread before quoting me out of context. There are only 3 pages, not 30.
  16. Slow down, chill, and read again. I explicitly told people not to use blind rage.
  17. If you have no intention to provide any meaningful input to the discussion you can just type "Ember sucks" and leave. That's the standard of this forum anyway and I shouldn't expect too much.
  18. Well, not exactly. Warframe is actually generating profit for Tencent. But regarding who pays the bill, it is not vets who have played 5000 hours and have every single item in their arsenal; it is casual players that regularly bought plat to skip the grind and stay mostly in regular starchart.
  19. 1. If your high endgame is SP stuff beyond level 2000 then it is expected because not every frame can excel there. That is a no man's land where balance and logic do not exist and health essentially becomes binary. 2. If you need all these stuff to consider Ember viable you are playing her wrong. Seriously, not being sarcastic. In your "high endgame", maybe, but for anything else, you only need Nourish because it has an unholy 1.6x universal energy multiplier that scale with strength (read: Ember passive). Again, people keep complaining about immolation energy drain without noticing the simple fact that it only drains energy when you stay at 90% for a long time. Just manipulate the heat gauge at around 80 - 85%, or manipulate the rate of heat gain such that your downtime between fire blast is minimal. It is easy. At least that's how I do SP Lua survival without arcane energize and any amber shards and stuff you mentioned. 3. You have arsenal in this game. Use them to kill stuff. There is no need to restrict yourself to inferno. In one of my build I subsume Voruna 3 over inferno, and with fireball augment and melee exposure and her passive I can turn Ember into a CO melee machine with endless supply of health orb => equilibrium => energy to sustain my immolation. Maybe some LoS update (which DE is working on, anyway). Maybe some tweaking on energy drain. Other than that, Ember is fine in most of the contents (most, not all, not level cap), and is fun to play. No need to be sorry, although you need to be specific about the scope of the discussion. Again, if your high level is SP stuff beyond level 2000 then it is expected because not every frame can excel there, and it is irrelevant to like 99% of the rest of the game, not even DA or EDA. I can casually do SP Lua survival with Ember with a much less demanding setup than you guys mentioned, so I am not sure what is missing here. My overall impression is this. If we want to tweak every frame to be sustainable and viable up to beyond SP level 2000 (or beyond like 2 hour+ SP survival, something like that) in which players and enemies can one-shot each other regardless of armor and health unless shield gating, it is no longer the problem of Ember and most of the frames will have problems with that benchmark - not even Gyre without armor strip. And this benchmark is not realistic. I prefer discussion grounded in more realistic scenarios where most players will find themselves in - archon hunt, netracell, baseline SP, things like that. Also, surely fire blast healing is not absolutely needed, I simply hate using operator as a crutch or a panic button (oh no I am surrounded and down on health let's press a button to go invincible and get out of here).
  20. I still remember the state of the forum when archon shards were launched. People said it was too slow. Tau was completely RNG. It was unfair. It took 20 years to put shards on all frames. They demanded more. Fast forward to Whisper in the Wall. DE announced they included archon shard in netracell, and let people fuse shards to tau shards. People were rejoiced. They said DE finally relented! We won! DE listened! In reality, the only reason archon shard was put in netracell against all lore and logic was coalescent fusion, orange green and violet shards, that no one has asked for in 2022. The game decided to give you more ways to spend your archon shards, so they also give you more ways to acquire them. Simple as that. If people are not convinced, take a look at AoE nerf. Review bomb? Death threat? Forum filled with comments? Nothing. Because the nerf was not decided by the community. It was decided in a conference room at DE office. I don't know why but Warframe community is unique, in a sense that they falsely believed Warframe is a game built by community and, in return, DE has the obligation to listen to them. No. This game was made by DE, from the vision of Steve and Co. If DE has any obligation, it would be the obligation to answer to revenue and business stakeholders. If people like this game, buy plat. If people encountered bugs, report them. If people don't like this game, stop playing. If people wanted to fix this game according to their preference, send a job application to DE and become a part of them. Warframe is essentially a product, a service. Customer can give feedback and opinion, but customers never own the company making the product.
  21. Installing forma and potato should have 50% of failure and causing you to loss the item, unless you buy "installation insurance" from the market with 10 plat each. All gear items have an expiry date. Bring back companion DNA stability. 4 revives per day, which can be brought by plat. Return of stamina bar, with a 10x capacity upgrade from the market for 10 plat, which also expires.
  22. The game is in beta, please understand.
  23. ??? I just showed you the maths and you still arrive at that conclusion. Do you know how damage works in this game?
  24. Tenno......adaptation does not give you flat 90% DR. It gives 90% resistance to the highest weighting damage type only. If an enemy keep shooting you with slash/impact/puncture with equal weighting, adaptation only gives you < 30% DR. If you think adaptation gives you flat 90% DR, you will be in trouble. Also, where does Dagath 100% DR comes from? Getting killed and then reviving followed by 25 seconds cool down is not "damage reduction". Do you consider Protea temporal anchor a sort of DR as well? Don't mix up the two different concepts. There is no damage reduction in Dagath's kit. If you want to make comparison about DR, perhaps Nekros shield of shadow, or nova null star would be more relevant.
  25. Again. Personal preference. The reward is having high DR and armor strip, with fire blast also boosting her ability strength. It is effective, it is just not as effective as other. That is the point. Otherwise why we are having 50+ frames in this game when you can subsume terrify on Rev and call it a day? Btw I also like driving manual over auto, and mechanical watch over smart watch.
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