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Everything posted by TeamFartress2

  1. Maxed Primary Arcanes, such as Primary Merciless and Primary Deadhead, have passive buffs that can be applied multiple times, even though the intention to only have it applied only once at all times. Through entering Archwing mode in Railjack missions and Archwing mode in "Submersible" missions or Razorwing for Titania, the passive buffs may be applied multiple times. This means that Primary Merciless may stack the +30% Reload Speed, and Primary Deadhead may stack the +30% Headshot Multiplier and the -50% Weapon Recoil. Archwing mode in Freeroam missions is unable to reproduce this. Steps to reproduce as Titania: Insert a maxed Primary Merciless or a maxed Primary Deadhead on a desired primary weapon. Before entering and exiting Razorwing, take notes of the intended passive buffs for the reload speed with Primary Merciless and headshot multiplier + weapon recoil for Primary Deadhead. Enter and exit Razorwing, and compare reload speed for Primary Merciless. Compare headshot damage and weapon recoil for Primary Deadhead. The stacks don't expire, but death will remove the extra stacks. Revival with Last Gasp does not remove the extra stacks. Steps to reproduce for other Warframes: Insert a maxed Primary Merciless or a maxed Primary Deadhead on a desired primary weapon. Before entering and exiting Archwing mode in a Railjack/submersible mission, take notes of the intended passive buffs for the reload speed with Primary Merciless and headshot multiplier + weapon recoil for Primary Deadhead. Enter and exit Archwing mode in a Railjack/submerisble mission compare reload speed for Primary Merciless. Compare headshot damage and weapon recoil for Primary Deadhead. The stacks are kept from mission to mission in Railjack. Death will remove the extra stacks. Demonstration video for Primary Deadhead as Titania: https://streamable.com/vmgdrc Demonstration video for Primary Merciless as Titania: https://streamable.com/abbpse
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