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Posts posted by JackosAJ

  1. This is still happening when doing a lot of bounties in a row, the problem is definitely that the time left from a previous and completed bounty is for some reason kept for the next one taken instead of being reset every time you get the corpse searching one so you may be able to do 1 or 2 without issue, then a third one cutting it very close and anything past that is a moot effort since the timer will start with very little time left or zero if you already failed it once. Only solution is returning to Fortuna but that kills the entire point of being able to do tons of bounties without going back to town.

  2. This also happened to me just now for the third time as well while doing the second bounty for M2 relics (the previous mission seems to be irrelevant, I got both the coil drive and the excavator one prior to it), the one time where I did not fail outright randomly the timer started at 5 seconds left upon finding the first corpse which when soloing doesn't give you enough time to even try since the searching animations for all 4 needed take more than that. Probably something is bugging the mission timer, please fix it.

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