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Posts posted by (XBOX)uknowthisguy

  1. I've always had this idea in the back of my mind that it would be so cool if there was a room or place we could go into in our orbiter that would showcase all of the warframes and weapons you have collected and customized, like a Hall of Mastery. It would even keep the fashion frame you have on that warframe or weapon.

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  2. 5 hours ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    4) Pursuit. Absolutely crush that stupid freaking annoying archwing pursuit ship in seconds with your dominant Railjack weapons. Then revive it and kill it again. And again. Just to make it feel a tiny shred of the frustration and annoyance it makes me feel... Dhshsjxicisjsjxbxbd.

    LMAO! Made my day reading that. On topic, however, I'd love to see some railjack missions come into play with the raids, that would be dope

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