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  1. .... What? So... agreed that the damage parts of the augment for iron skin / roar are useless. Completely. As for iron skin being worse than halo? Completely depends. Iron Skin is the easiest to lvl cap with. I do this on Rhino. I use 0 augments for iron skin, because they are a complete waste of space as a mod slot.... The main issue with Nezha's Warding Halo is it let's some damage slip through, which will kill you. Halo is more entertaining at low levels, but at that point anything's usable. I'd love for someone to explain how iron skin is bad... I mean, buff it if you want, it'll make Rhino even easier to lvl cap on solo... The augments are QoL at best. Now it would be nice if they were buffed in some way to actually matter, but that's a separate topic from this post.
  2. Ok. In that case I understand where you're coming from. I agree that would be a good qol change, especially for roar. With the recent overguard changes though, I don't think that's realistic for iron skin for the main reason that iron skin protection amount is based off of a 3 sec invulnerability phase. On top of that overguard already stops bleed through of damage after it with a very short i-frame. I guess my bottom line is I agree with you for roar, that would be a nice qol change. For iron skin I think it's much less realistic.
  3. You may say that Rhino is an outdated frame, and from his passive he is. But he remains one of the strongest frames, and easy to level cap with. While some qol for recasting roar and iron skin would be nice, I'd say they're hardly necessary as you have plenty of time to recast iron skin when it pops off. Having stomp re-up your overguard is nice for low level content, but that honestly feels more of something that really should be its own mod.
  4. So on an ability by ability basis, you're right. There's certain augments that should definitely be reworked and put into their specific abilities as baseline. BUT, there are many more that should remain mods (looking at you Hydroid, love you). But for Rhino... you're already one of the top weapon platforms in the game, with easy lvl cap putting 0 mods towards your iron skin, and have some of the most insane buffs for your weapons. No, non of his mods should come standard. The iron skin augment is purely there for Index and as a noob trap. Quick edit to provide examples of what should be baseline: Energy Transfer for Equinox
  5. So... two things. In terms of use, players will always gravitate to the easiest option. It's why Inaros was used for a while and was very popular, he just lived. Now that there are easier options you don't see him as much. It's also why frames that require stat sticks (Gara, Atlas, etc) are seen far less often. Also some frames just don't do as well in group context (they're more fun solo when not everyone is one shotting rooms). Now, onto your list: 1. Nyx: Completely agree. 2. Chroma: Profit taker frame... it's not like he doesn't have damage, it's just there's so many better options. 3. Inaros: Lazy frame... not sure how much the rework will really change over using him as a health tank. 4. Gara: Requires a stat stick for high lvl play, and you're competing for room clears. Maybe rework things so stat sticks aren't necessary? 5. Banshee: Actually a good frame, but requires work to use and is squishy. Doesn't play well with others. 6. Ivara: More of a solo frame. In a team match up won't be used much, which is why you don't see her too often. 7. Styanax: ....What? You give your squad energy, shields, and overguard. He's great overall. But once again, if you're one shotting rooms, why would you take him? 8. Voruna: .... Easy lvl cap frame... she's not used by a few people because they seem obsessed with making her 4 work. Ignore it and she's great at any lvl. Might be a misunderstanding and trying to get her 4 to be used heavily. If you replace it all of a sudden you can clear rooms at lower lvls and top damage vs nuke weapons. 9. Kullervo: I mean... strength wise he's amazing. His main issue is he requires the right weapon, which is fine as that's not a stat stick, but he also requires for 2 abilities to be used to completely wipe a room (3 + 1). In that time someone will most likely already blow up the room on quick missions. Otherwise his oerguard is plenty to live and his damage is insane... 10. Caliban: Yeah, this is like Nyx.
  6. Oh, I really like that suggestion for rewards for clearing regular planets for new players. All the triggers are already in as well so shouldn't be too difficult to implement. Just small rewards would be very nice, and encourage players to move forward. To add to it though it'd be nice if the player knew clearing the planet would give them access to Nightmare missions. At the same time though, mini-sp wouldn't work for newer players, as they don't have formad weapons, so that might be too challenging. As for standardizing foundry prices, that makes sense.
  7. Hey, thanks for your reply! Some of it would be a lot of work. Some of it should be fairly low hanging fruit. I tried to structure it around player retention in the beginning, as well as getting more knowledge into the hands of players. I don't think resource costs are going to force to spend plat, but warfame and items slots definitely will. Resource costs would just benefit the player with trying more weapons and other choices while at a low MR.
  8. I agree. There's a lot of systems that are forgotten and not really explained to players. It's all word of mouth. It's what I was getting at with the display of newly available weapons once you hit a new mastery rank, so the person knows what is now available to then and where to get it. That could also be extended to sure things like helminth, what it does, and where to go to get it. In a way yes. You don't want too much hand holding, at the same time you want to show some explanation, and leave things a bit open ended for the player once they know their options. The key is showing them their options. This was one thing I was hoping to address by making smaller alerts to have to complete for the junction; here are different places in the planet to visit. Go and kill stuff.
  9. So due to reasons, I decided to take a look at what the new player experience is like (I'm Legendary 4 on my main account). Below are my thoughts, and updates I think would improve player retention and the new player experience. While some of these things may make you think "people should know this" or "it should be self explanatory" I'm erring on the side of: guide the new user with the systems. 1. General fix: - Update unstuck. There are a lot of bugs in this game, and I understand that with a 10 year old code base it's not realistic to quickly fix all of them. Update the unstuck function to the following: lower cooldown to 5-10 minutes. Returns you to mission start location with everything set (buffs, etc) to starting mission values. 2. Gear There exist many important tools to obtain and the game poorly explains how to acquire them, and how they can be used. I am talking about energy restores, restores, specters, drills, fishing spears, and their respective activities (minigames). New players shouldn't need to find such essential information outside of the game. Most of the new systems are not introduced properly, therefore players end up learning the hard way, through failure and struggles, getting scolded by their experienced teammates. That is not fun. This can be through small optional quests in the open world spaces such as Plains of Eidolon. 3. Mission Flow Break apart the goals for the different junctions between the planets. This way instead of a big todo list, a new player can have goals as he travels across the planet. Small bite size goals are less daunting and easier to chew through with shorter missions, allowing for a higher player retention. Ex: Venus -> Mercury Junction: - 1 Alert / Quest on Linea for saving the hostage - Quest to kill the Jackal - Quest to survive Defense / Survival 4. Resource Costs Some resource costs should be decreased, especially entry-level weapons. In the beginning, one should be given more options in terms of weapons to build — currently, there aren't many to choose from. I would also cut by half the credit costs of weapons under MR5 to allow new players to experiment more before getting better equipment. Maybe they should also have an additional method to farm credits. (Though I'd just lower credit costs by 30%-50%). Sometimes, certain gear should also become easier to get, the best example is the Archwing Launcher Segment. It is time-consuming, and of course it expects the player to know where to find Iradite, Grokdrul and Fish Oil. Possibly, the archwing launcher segment could be awarded with its quest. Note that, after that, one still needs to craft the archwing itself. Otherwise a decrease in cost of oxium is definitely required. I would also add minor quests, or small alerts for new players throughout planets to earn their rarer resources so that they can craft gear easier. Definitely keep the farming in. That's the bread and butter. But having small boosts for beginner players would really assist them and make it more enjoyable than pushing the grind onto them from day 1. 5. Weapons Guide At the moment, new players have a rough time with blueprints, unless someone kindly helps them. If that doesn't happen, they don't know what they could equip at their current mastery rank, how are they going to find out by themselves? Imagine if the foundry showed the complete list of the available weapons — owned or not — with a brief description of their acquisition. In addition, the Market should have the option to display all and only the blueprints, purchasable with credits. Another option would be that when you hit a new mastery rank you see a list of the newly available weapons for you (probably skip prime weapons). Mousing over them will tell you where to get the blueprint. The purpose is to push players to try more weapons, instead of keeping one single loadout until unlocking prime gear and lich weapons. The present system doesn't spur them to do so, because Orokin Catalysts and Formas are expensive and enemies are weak anyway. I'd recommend adding a few more innate polarities to lower MR items to ease the entry for new players, as well as possibly adding a couple one time quests for orokin catalysts / reactors. 6. Open World Areas While they are already much harder than other low level missions, the fact they require special gear like the archwing makes them nearly impossible unless a new player is carried by someone experienced. Not only that, I believe it is wrong not to introduce requirements for higher tier bounties. I'd suggest quick tutorials and requirements to unlock the harder bounties (such as doing the previous bounty unless you're past MR X). Besides, some objectives were evidently not designed for solo players, such that a new player has no chance to win. 7. New Player / Recruit a Friend / Slots Most new players are heavily helped by veterans who do everything while they sit and watch, not understanding what is going on. This surely ruins their gameplay and doesn't train them to become space ninjas. As a way to prevent this, make it so beginners are pushed towards grouping with other beginners unless they opt out of it. They will combine their minds and guns to complete missions, away from nukers and pros players. I'd also expand the starting warframe slots by one or two, because I imagine a person wouldn't enjoy spending money right away on a new game before making sure they are into it. Many abandon Warframe with the wrong idea that it is impossible to make progress without paying an excessive amount of money. So, besides the 50 starting platinum, grant another 50 or so halfway through the star system. This way, players are more incentivized to purchase the premium currency if they want to. They should be free to start the game, fall in love with it, craft a couple of warframes and weapons, and only then should the need to get more platinum arise: if it happens too early, that certainly has a negative impact on them. 8. Nightwave I feel like too many challenges are locked behind quests and other advanced content. For inclusivity sake, I would say we should have more Nightwave challenges that everyone has access to (if you cannot do it, you should not get it. A new player shouldn't get nightwave to complete 3 sorties). New players need auras mods desperately and NW is the main place to get them from for your first few. Silver Grove is another possibility, but fairly less friendly. 9. Syndicates Let's have a clearer message to inform us there are syndicates interested in talking to us. Moreover, I wish the first two rank ups had lower credit costs, so that we can get started sooner. An explanation of their special weapon abilities is needed (Truth, Blight, Justice etc). 10. Duviri The quest barely makes sense but I'm not here to harp on the story. All the other quests tie in, while The Duviri Paradox appears to be unconnected. The main thing I'd love to add is something that has been mentioned before: earn one Pathos Clamp for each Circuit round completed, maybe 2 for steel path. The key here is to respect a new players time. TLDR with no explanation whatsoever: Add minor missions for resources similar to Nightmare missions More step-by-step guides and missions, especially before planetary junctions. Lower credit cost to craft <MR8 gear, reduce resource costs of certain items, especially the archwing segment. Present a dynamic list of weapons available based on the user's current. Improve the Market with further filters. Make sure all nightwave missions are doable by the account that receives them. +1 Pathos Clamp per Circuit round.
  10. So when I asked them the exact quote was that there was excessive idling during missions, which is a sign of afk farming and possibly botting. Now while that logic doesn't track at all (if you're botting... or afk farming... you literally cannot be idle, as inputs are being sent) but that's what they sent. Generally when I play I start the mission, play for an hour or two, then pause and go do something else. Come back in a couple hours and keep going. Rinse and repeat until level cap. I do sometimes click around in the background, but that's more to switch music. I have a separate computer for work related things. To me it's quite amazing you can get banned for using their own systems, but it's a known issue in warframe. I generally don't advise going over 3 hours or pausing the game now. Do note that when I talked to support, I offered to send video proof, and they literally did not care, and sent me copy and paste responses. Don't expect them to help, especially on a temp ban.
  11. As I said, you can use 4, or you can use a melee and clear entire rooms that way. Both work. I've done the melee version to lvl cap and it was nice and easy , and didn't require any use of operator outside of stripping a few acolytes to speed things up. I am curious, how does that make half her kit useless? Her 3 will always be up, 100% of the time, giving you infinite energy with equilibrium. Very useful. Her 2 will move you around the room and clear everything in a ~18m radius. Great if you combine with Melee Influence these days. Once again, very useful. Her 1 is great and can be used for along her 2 for shield gating, guarantees slash procs off of your melee meaning you can mod for straight crit and crit damage to maximize kill speed and slash damage.... very useful. Replacing 4 allows you to utilize one of the following: Nourish: Easiest, but scaling falls off around lvl 5k. But great damage increase and will let you drop everything lower lvl (below 1k, which is where most people play at). Silence: More advanced but allows you to not need to worry about any enemy abilities. Great for lvl cap for her as a lot less things to worry about. Wrathful Advance: I like this one for the lolz. Once again, I'm not saying your way is wrong... it does exactly the same thing as what I'm suggesting, and her 4 is fun to play around with. But it adds extra steps to a process that don't need to be there. This is merely an alternative. It requires a decent melee weapon, but the kill speed is more than worth it. You can say mediocre, but she easily rips apart everything low lvl with nearly any melee weapon due to her 1 and 2, and can also easily go to lvl cap (though not with any melee weapon). I'm not sure exactly what your kpm is past lvl 5k / at level cap, but as long as it's over 100 if we're talking about survival, it doesn't really matter. At the point it's more of a question of what's easier to use, which is why I'm providing an alternative that requires no setup ability wise (hit 3 and start jumping on people and melleeing them, use 1 every so often), and less work in terms of paying attention to what's going on, and will net the same result, especially sub 2k lvl enemies, as they all die in 1-2 hits anyway.
  12. Hmmm. The above also works. Feel free to try my way as well, it's a solid 120 kpm (not high, but fairly decent) all the way to lvl cap. Main difference will be I never need to hop into operator. While the personal attack was cute, keep in mind that there are multiple ways to play and get to lvl cap. While I'm sure your way works, I'll still back mine for the ease of use and not needing to pop to operator unless you want to (ie: can armor strip acolytes if you really want). Generally that doesn't start till lvl 4-5k, which I doubt he's asking about.
  13. You can get temp banned for it for running long missions, even without cheating. I got a 2 week ban for what I wrote above. Idling can cause a flag and they treat that as afk farming... don't know how that logic tracks, but it is what it is. As for what you said, yes, multiple smeeta procs can help trigger it as well. The longer the run the higher chance of that happening. This is why less and less people do long runs, and why it is advised against doing them. I didn't know pausing during a run with Esc could also lead to at least a temp ban, but that's just another thing on the list of things that aren't against ToS that can lead to the bans.
  14. Hey, let me help you out. First off, your easiest subsume is going to be nourish. Replace your 4. It's there for memes, even after buffs. Keep it on one of the builds of your want to mess around with it one day. Mod wise: equilibrium, then max range. Keep duration around 100, and then the rest into strength. Your efficiency is irrelevant. Feel free to add a health mod if you want. 280% range is ideal Weapons: melee, something with attack speed and crit, you don't need to worry about status due to your 1 ability. Have condition overload. Playstyle: press 3. It should stay up by itself after for the rest of your mission. If you have nourish hit 4. Hit 2 to jump on people, then melee them a bit. They'll die, and max your energy. Hit 1 to go stealth and gain status change and guaranteed slash procs. Hit 2 to jump on someone else. Melee. Repeat. Once you're comfortable replace nourish with silence or wrathful advance.
  15. Yeah, so I'll add my two cents to this. I did an 11 hour solo run where I played for 4-5 hours. Like mentioned above I got a two week ban. This was due to idling in the solo mission too long as I used esc to pause the game to take care of irl stuff, and I'm too busy to be able to do 5 hours straight. Apparently pausing the game like this for periods of time and idling, even in solo mode, can trigger the system to mark your as afk farming. Now how you afk farming while being idle for extended periods of time (on a rhino no less) is beyond me to comprehend. But I'll add the following: 1. They will not accept video proof, I had it and tried, they didn't want it 2. They will most likely not receive the ban, especially temporary My advice is go 2-3 hours. And even though the endless mission, and the game, had a tool for you to use in solo mode to pause the game to do other things... Don't use it for too long.
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