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Everything posted by (XBOX)CaligulaTwily

  1. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Soma_Prime Click "more" and more stats will be shown
  2. Is the wiki accurate? Where's it get it's information? Says Torid Incarnon Form becomes a hitscan weapon with firerate 8 with no AoE but 3m punch through. Sounds like it turns into an assault rifle or laser? Type? Soma, looks like it becomes some sorta automatic shotgun, with 8 firerate and 7 multishot
  3. Sevagoths *dash around over enemy heads and into pits* passive is a hindrance it ruins Sevagoth
  4. I want Grakata. Incarnon form geez I dunno would need lotsa dakka, bonus points if it's something ridiculous like X5 multishot at 100 firerate unmodded First selectable Upgrade options should be like (+4 damage, +24 if secondary weapon is also Grakata) and (+4 damage, is now a secondary weapon, +24 if primary is also Grakata) Bonus points if there's a 3rd upgrade option to equip Grakata in the melee slot. Likely a thrown glaive type weapon or, gunblade I guess but Thrown Glaive type would be better, with stats that scale offa how many other Grakatas the Tenno has equipped. Likely also has a passive that boosts Grakata reload speed or something.
  5. I disagree actually. Sevagoths passive is a hindrance I'd subsume Heavy Impact onto Sevagoth or remove Sevagoths passive entirely if I could
  6. It's actually really bad, the dash into enemies to revive. It's so much faster/easier to use the operator to self revive. The Dash misses or falls into pits or gets stuck in corners, I'd play Sevagoth more if I could disable his passive. I'd rather just *die quickly* and immediately use up a life to respawn so I'm not stuck dashing around for 10 or 20 seconds over enemies heads and whatnot, while the defense target is getting destroyed.
  7. When the Drifter is using Sampotes hammer it sounds so cool, the heavy whooshing swings and loud Bonging when slamming on the ground. When I was using it with the Warframe, *the first swing* sounds cool but the rest of the combo is strangely silent, and alotta moves or whole combos are completely silent, in both Shattering Storm and Crushing Ruin stances. It also doesn't make the cool Bonging noise when ground slammed.
  8. Ima be putting mine on whatever has the best firerate or swing speed or reload times most likely. Like if prisma/prime/wraith something has almost same damage stats I'll pick the one with cool firerate or clipsize or something.
  9. So like, six separate stacked shields, each with their own separate recharge delays and whatnot, as an example? Would each "piece" have its own separate shield gating? Would all "pieces" recharge simultaneously or would they need to recharge in succession? 1>2>3>4>5>6?
  10. Default Tenno blue energy color I'd say. Most Warframes uses a blue as energy color. Default Operator energy color, I think that's a blue too I think the first Eidolon is blue too
  11. If Parghasa needs to eat the sun for energy to open the Void portal for Ballas, how did the Orokin open the first Void portal to send the Sentients to Tau?
  12. I'm just trying to give the Stalker some therapy, using him to conquer each Orowyrm (in steel path) to maybe help Stalker with his emotions. I think returning Spacemom to the Operator is the dept repayment?
  13. Get a bunch of Decrees, then go at it in the Undercroft or Circuit or whatever Stack a bunch of Decrees and Drifter will be far swifter and more powerful than any Warframe. About the only thing Drifter lacks is huge AoE nukes, but ground mobility and melee attacks the Drifter outperforms nearly every Warframe. Even the Sirocco can get big AoE witha Decree by turning headshots into toxin procs
  14. Actually, have the horse size scale with Power Effeciency. 100% is normal size horse. Increasing Effeciency decreases the horses size, smoller horses are more compact and require less hay. Going below 100 Effeciency makes the horse larger.
  15. Absolutely, yes. 4 would probably be summoning the horse, but then like, he'd be *on foot* for most of his leveling and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Maybe make the horse uhhh 2 like Waverider. If 2 is Horse, make 4 something involving head or headless, maybe throwing void head at enemy to overcome their will and control them like Transference. Also there's a "fan concepts" subforum you can post uhhhh complete idea I guess, once you got it figured out Bonus points if it's a miniature horse. Maneuvering a full sized horse in Corpus or Infested tilesets sounds plenty fun already, but a *miniature horse* would be hilarious, and potentially cute. Maybe not like Radahn on Leonard, but still something hilarious
  16. I'd like a Stalker Frame in my Arsenal, so I could mod him myself and earn any focus points he earns with uhhh lens Does anyone actually know if he earns MR or Focus when he's used? My other gear used gets the XP.
  17. In Duviri around uhhh, Fort Wyrmsoul or something, there's a "haunted house" that you gotta slide into, with candles a spooky statue and a Duviri person inside. The Duviri person talks about The Man in the Wall and they say "rap tap tap" and stuff. They talk about Albrecht Entrati looking into The Void, and the Void created a being/universe from Albrecht's fear, like how Duviri and all those people were made from The Drifters different emotions. I'm like, so The Man in the Wall isn't some evil terrible interdimensional Eldritch Horror, but another Dominus Thrax like being born from emotions in the void? Just some scientists spooky fear born Void Tulpa? If that's the case, kinda anticlimactic imo? Nightmare Dimension/Being born from *one dude* being anticlimactic. A Nightmare Dimension/Being born from the collective consciousness of Everything That Ever Lived would be far more climactic and spooky imo.
  18. Plot twist, the squishy "mage" drifter is all about swordplay and the fast agile Warframe is the special ability caster. I'm not complaining but, I think it's funny, haha funny
  19. No If you dont own something, you'll get a loaner with pre-installed mods. Atleast with your own equipment, you can mod the things and you get to keep any focus they earn, with the option of using the prebuilt mod load out if you want
  20. Like, why are we doing the missions? Like, *I think* we're reenacting bedtime stories to help put Dominus Thrax to sleep? And it's the different emotions bothering him keeping him up, he can't sleep because he's angry or scared or sad? So like, Sythel is a subordinate of Dominus Thrax right? We help her reactivate the air thingies and kill the shadow guys to help Dominus Thrax, but then she turns into a Orowyrm and we gotta kill her? I'm just like, how do we go from helping to killing, and why? Also, I still think Dominus Thrax is Rell. The toy belonged to Dominus Thrax, was his toy. The toy didn't belong to the PC. Teshin even says something about "his memories" not "your memories"
  21. It's more comparable to God of War than any soulslike. Nothing like EldenRing. There's a horse. That's it.
  22. I think Power Range is the most disruptive of the bunch, not because it's "OP" but because High Range can lead to a team of 3 Tenno just watching one guy use powers, the powers are faster than the 3 tenno. And like 2 minute defense missions, and DE doesn't like that
  23. Huh, I guess that Tencent animation is the new canon, gotta retcon Teshin for Tencent
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