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Everything posted by NI7SUM

  1. A simple solution to the skin overwriting issue that occurs when the Incarnon mode is activated would be to apply the same visual effect to the skin as the Raptwing and Seraphayre ephemeras, and increase the intensity of all basic visual effects of the weapon so that it is unmistakably in a different state. If you don’t address this issue with at least a patch solution, you are actively discouraging skin purchases, which i assume it's not a good thing.
  2. [DE] Pablo, para no tirar a la basura la animación del charco, podría tener una segunda pasiva en donde al quedar incapacitado(stun) o caer de una gran altura(mismo trigger de a pasiva de Rinho) se convierta en charco durante un muy, muy breve periodo de tiempo, agregando un iframe y una pequeña curación y recuperación de energía. [DE] Pablo, to save the old puddle animation, can be added as a second passive, when hydroid becomes incapacitated(stunned) o falls from a great hight, becomes a puddle for a very very short time adding a iframe & also can recover a little health and energy from it.
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