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Posts posted by Trouvo

  1. Love damage 2.0, and its really easy to switch mod load outs for different enemies.... Arsenal, upgrade, click B(or a, or c, or d), click accept, done

    there is no math its just remembering what element for who, magnetic for corpus, corrosion for grineer, and viral for infested


    Some bosses actually present a challenge now....IM looking at you PHOBOS!


    I love the new operation system....all the money, fieldron and mutagen mass! and even OROKIN CATALYST without waiting for next stream!!!!


    Stop focusing on the negative, appreciate the positives and always remember this is in beta, and chances are just cuz they didnt ask every one of us what we thought doesnt mean they didnt ask the...(forgot what they are called) the comittee of players that had donated the most during the months before november....

  2. I disagree with the OP, few reasons


    1. All of mars was infested today, every node, yesterday it was earth, there are only so many planets so it is going in rotation anyways

    2. Orokin derelict is fine where its at its not like its difficult to go there...i have over 500 nav coords just sitting around

    3. I am glad the farming of xini is gone, and is basically being moved around....i have enough nano spores already...300k+

    4. The way it is now its not the same thing every single day, its different, its variable, its dynamic, its not xini xini xini xini

    5. I wouldnt like players attacking a mobile derelict decreasing invasion chances, i want invasions, i want a mobile "xini", i dont want to be hindered by players blocking me

    6. I actually have a reason to do other maps now

    7. not directly your post but still funny, people complain of grindiness, then complain when they cant do xini all day....

    8. In relation to 7, the one truth of any forums, Complaints always outshine praise, because if they are enjoying the game they have no need to come and post on the forums unless looking for a trade or update news.

  3. I really really think the bottom line should be...   its not rewarding enough to kill him.

    This....i have enough slash dash from him already lol, but his despair are def worth killing him.  Some of my clan mates and i have no problem killing him, even when we were on our fresh frames leveling in apollodorus, we still killed him, we have killed him 3 times since u11, 2 times this week alone, only died once, but that is because with all the grineer couldnt see that he was using absorb....

  4. With the introduction of the elemental combos and how they work against enemies would it be possible to create such elemental synergies with the elemental warframes?  For example if Ember where to use her abilities from within frost's snow globe could that create a blast effect as well? or Volt within the snow globe a magnetic elemental aoe?  I think not only would this be exciting and fun but would also bolster team compositions, and increase the effectiveness and viability of the elemental frames.

  5. This has also similarly occured in dojo's as well, when using plat to rush it just stays stuck in construction mode until its natural time would have expired ie.   15mins left on build use 3 plat to rush, still not complete, make everyone leave dojo to refresh, return, still not complete, still 13mins, plat not gone, but cant rush or activate room or decor again until the 13mins are up

  6. There might not be enough space because of the exterior walls of the clan hall, my friend glitched behind the clan hall wall one time, and there is running space back there, which obviously doesnt show on the map, so probably a design error.

  7. You know you can revive him right?  I had one one time just stand there and let a runner infested attack him, usually helps if i just walk to the extraction with iron skin on and kill everything on the way, or if you have someone with you, one of you can run to extraction and the other stand their and protect him in a good safe spot and finish it that way?

  8. I would love more scenery, being relatively new, bout 260+hrs played thus far, I loved it when I got to Phobos finally, it was so different and unique I couldnt wait to get to the high level planets.......so disappointed....hopefully they add in new tilesets for every planet.  From what they have shown of the Gaseus planet on the livestreams and seeing the way gas is done on the Derelict (in those techno filled hallways, the blue smoke/gas) I am very excited to see this in game, and hope they continue to do new tilesets so everything at least per planet will feel different and exciting and not the same thing over and over and over and slightly different.

  9. I would love a buff to normal damage on melee, personally I love using my Dual Ethers because of their serrated blade damage and I just love swords in general, but it feels so lacking at times when i have to hit an ancient for 60 seconds to kill it, sure it doesnt touch me cuz of my stun and freeze mods but if I use my other weapons like despair or soma then its dead in bout 2-3 seconds.  Of course I mean 60+ ancients...


    I agree it should be buffed and I think should be equally in line with Serration, and a Double/triple mod like lethal torrent or split chamber, could even call it like "Laser Edged" or just "Sharpened"

  10. Well the bright side, for those that only have a certain time to play (not me but some friends) they still get an opportunity to get the bp's they missed, although I would agree that I would prefer better bps than what have been in the alerts lately.


    In the past 2 weeks however i have almost collected every single "Vanity" helm for each warframe

  11. I have to say I like the skill, and you have to keep in mind like in any other forum or any other issue, most of the people that like it dont bother to say something bout it because they dont have a problem with it.  The only voices ever heard on forums or in any customer service oriented industry the loudest voices are only those of complaints even if they are few than those that would praise.

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