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Posts posted by Trouvo

  1. Mirage Bug: Had reactivated the kubrow quest while the systems?(second piece) was building just in case kubrow matured and that quest got derped, but instead hidden message was not updated upon completion of the systems and i reactivated hidden messages and it still didnt give me the clue or dialogue or anything but was able to complete the 3rd mission anyways (looked it up on google).


    SO....no way to just have more than one quest at a time?

  2. yeah i am trying to redesign our dojo as well and cant move the orokin lab because of the rail research/build in progress....basically in order to move it right now i have to come up with 14k plastids......and i already have the new lab built....still cant move this one

  3. So not really sure if this is a bug or something like a combo between my sentinel and myself now but....



    Location: 2nd mirage quest mission 

    Description: While fighting the infested every 10th or so mob would just explode and every elemental icon there is to proc would all show up at once in a  3 4 3 formation, it happens to quickly to get a screenshot, but when that happens there is a loud firecracker sound and the mob just explodes into nothingness and smoke.  Is this intentional? Cuz that was awesome


    2nd the change in the dialogue to no longer say life support is being cut off in an infested survival is a very nice and appreciated little detail, now they are releasing toxic spores for those that havent noticed.

  4. The planets were arranged appropriately in the previous nav map.

    priately in the previous nav m

    no they were not, some of them were moons but had their own rotation around the sun, like phobos is a moon of mars but it had its own track in the star chart? how was that realistic? lmao


    edit: tenno'd



    Was farming for argon crystals and wasnt sure if i had found one yet so checked mission progress, after i left the menu the timer stopped and no more enemies spawned, O2 still went down and failed the mission since it was only at 4:13 when it froze...

  6. I should preface i suppose, i went through trying to do every mercury mission to find the quest since i didnt see the marker, and finally saw that the marker was on earth did the quest and it continued, there is even a quest to get the mercury comms on earth, and my friend went on and i told him to go straight to earth after prologue mission and it worked just fine.


    We both did however require logging out and back in for the quest marker to properly update in order to be seen on earth.  Either way earth is where you need to go, killing vor on mercury didnt do anything different than before u14 at that point in time(before i went to earth to quest)


    edit: and i still have not killed the jackal yet btw fyi

    edit2: ^ since U14 lol

  7. 3. has always been a thing....still have 1000 scanners....all the ok clicks....


    2. that would be nice to show the over amount of resources


    the rest of it I like, its different it fits thematically and its easy to use, not lazy easy like before but still easy and fun even, tho i am an RPer so that may be the fun aspect of it XP

  8. Yes it's even only one mission you do with whats provided to you in that mission. After that you can play the prologue with you usual gear.

    only the first mission is the prologue in which you have what you are given in the mission, after its done before the first quest you have all your stuffs, and that stuff in the foundry? yeah still going nothing changed, you just cant access your foundry to see that till you get the segment required to build your foundry

  9. They were working till 5am EDT tonight to get U14 out, then passed out im sure, it was working fine for awhile then the rest of the world woke up and tried to get on and choked the servers, vor happens, just wait as soon as someone regains consciousness at DE they will fix it, they are always good about that, give them a break they worked their rhinos off to get this update out for us and it is the most ambitious one they have done yet, calm down relax and be patient.

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